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Maserati 3200 GT advert

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Yes, he really put this in the advert, the back reference especially is "odd" to say the least - dont ask why I am looking at 3200 GT ads :ph34r:

This car is for a REAL MAN who has a real thick hairy back and chest and PROUD of it , or for the woman , who is totally twisted and all messed up with a kickass attitude , it will suit your persona. Don't bother inquiring if your a librarian , yoga instructor or somebody who does not like carbs bread. oil garlic or pasta ..it wont suit your fragile state of mind ...buy a tricycle.



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Yes, he really put this in the advert, the back reference especially is "odd" to say the least - dont ask why I am looking at 3200 GT ads :ph34r:

This car is for a REAL MAN who has a real thick hairy back and chest and PROUD of it , or for the woman , who is totally twisted and all messed up with a kickass attitude , it will suit your persona. Don't bother inquiring if your a librarian , yoga instructor or somebody who does not like carbs bread. oil garlic or pasta ..it wont suit your fragile state of mind ...buy a tricycle.



trying to butch it up a bit?

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I'm about to advertise my Beloved Bluebird FOR SALE.:Speechless:  

(I know I know....I said I never would but "Reality" says it has to go):(      ("Reality" is my wife's name) 

I might plagiarise his description of prospective buyers, as they are certainly the sort of person whom should be buying my Beloved Bluebird.:Chuckle2:

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Not sure if this has been discussed before but there is a purple (?) Boxster with a similar tone for sale:


Congratulations. Buy luck, or chance, you have stumbled upon a life changing opportunity to literally own 'happiness'. This beautiful machine was born in 1998, and ever since than had dedicated it's every waking hour to delivering thrills and happiness to those fortunate enough to cross her path. Her sleek lines, athletic stance and smart but sporty persona will have you wondering if you have just the automotive equivalent of a supermodel with a PhD. And you have. Repainted in 'Ultra Voilet' Purple, a personal inspection is absolutely essential to fully grasp how great she really looks. A word of warning though......just like the aforementioned Dr Supermodel, once you realise how far above your weight you are punching you may have a nervous breakdown. Suck it up, princess. Have an extra weet Bix, strap on your man pants and go for it. This will be the most beautiful thing you will ever get inside of. As you ease into the race buckets, your heart will speed up and your adrenaline will spike - Dont panic...... Everyone goes through it the first time.

Calm yourself, start the 2.5L flat six and experience the work of the finest engineers of them all...zee Germans. The short shift kit is smooth and precise, like a Barret 50 cal Sniper rifle, the same kind used to fight ISIS. Thats right, this car kills ISIS. Once you are out on the road, the amount of attention you get would startle a Kardashian - Looks, smiles, paparazzi. And that's just in the local Coles carpark. The Porsche 18 inch alloys and Tomei Coil Over race suspension will mean you can make a speedy getaway from all the attention. This car handles so well I accidentally broke the lap record at Queensland Raceway while ducking down to the shops to buy Congac. Thats right, Buying this car will make you crave Congac, sophisticated conversations and leather bound books. You will evolve into a rare hybrid of style and sophistication coupled with sport and fun - Like a Cheetah going to a dinner party in a $5000 Aramani Tux while wearing Usain Bolt's gold Nike's. Mere mortals wont even understand what they are looking at. This thoroughbred machine knows how to party, and it also knows how to stop. Mostly due to the dimpled and slotted discs recently installed. Partly due to the 225k's of experience it has navigating the perils of Acne riddled P Platers and erratic Taxi drivers.

This car knows what it's doing. Just like Victoria Beckham, this car is in great condition for it's age, and has also had a lot of the old parts swapped out for new ones. A whole host of new parts have been fitted to keep things running smoothly and trouble free. Clutch & belts are new, plugs, temp sensor, starter motor, Crank angle sensor and A.O.S - All new. It runs perfectly. There is much more to the car that can be explained here, but needless to say if you don't come and inspect this car, you will feel more regret than Ronald Wayne. Who is Ronald Wayne, you ask? In 1976, he sold his 10% stake in Apple for $800. Today it would be worth $77 Billion. Don't be Ronald Wayne. Don't miss out. Buy this car.

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I'm about to advertise my Beloved Bluebird FOR SALE.:Speechless:  

(I know I know....I said I never would but "Reality" says it has to go):(      ("Reality" is my wife's name) 

I might plagiarise his description of prospective buyers, as they are certainly the sort of person whom should be buying my Beloved Bluebird.:Chuckle2:

@niko - no offence intended, but wouldn't yoga instructors and librarians be the sweet spot for Bluebird buyers?

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@niko - no offence intended, but wouldn't yoga instructors and librarians be the sweet spot for Bluebird buyers?

ha ha offence taken..:PissedOff:.     

Model? I still would like to own a 2 door 510 Bluebird coupe one day...

Sorry mate, nothing quite that exotic/erotic.    

She is a very bland 4 door 1985 3 speed sludgematic Bluebird, with a CA20 motor, hasn't even got the L20 motor in it.

Wouldn't pull the skin of a custard.

Only good things going for it is, drives like almost new, and is in pretty good condition with 160k on the clock from memory, and has some serious character.

I will put a photo up on the for sale thread when I can.



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