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ATTENTION: Sydney, Newcastle & Canberra Drivers

Join me for a bit of a drive west of the Blue Mountains on the 29-30th June, 2019.  Lots of new roads and some old favourites.

We will be staying at a classic mountains guesthouse and enjoying a magnificent in house dinner to help me celebrate a landmark birthday.

Rooms are from $125.00 with shared facilities, and $130.00 with en-suites.  All rooms include Breakfast.  Dinner will be around $40.00

Main drive route will be on Saturday, 29th June and is approximately 350kms.  Sunday is devoted to recovery and return home.

Please indicate your FIRM intention to attend below.

I hope you can make it!

Cheers David.

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Ha ha well timed David!

All the recent talk about northern NSW drives and pies have made me pine to "get the band back together" so count me in.

Not 100% sure I'll be in a 911 but I'll find another brand anyway to keep Steve F company.

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If another brand is acceptable I am in Caveman!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday! Peter & I can sit at the back so as not to embarrass the cool kids 😄

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David, enjoy another Birthday and time with friends.

It was good to spend time with you on that VIC run we had, hope to catch up some time.

Cheers, Mark.

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12 hours ago, SteveF said:

If another brand is acceptable I am in Caveman!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday! Peter & I can sit at the back so as not to embarrass the cool kids 😄

Other Marques are acceptable...

11 hours ago, TINGY996 said:

Will i bring my caving suit?

Nothing underground this time...

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Are we Northerners keen to drive out Friday, maybe go via the Bylong Valley Way. Leaving the Bells and Putty for the return trip on Sunday.

Once we know the meeting point for Saturday morning we can settle on some accommodation for the Friday night.

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Meeting point will be the usual Lithgow location.  I'll PM you shortly with accommodation details and you can make your own bookings for Saturday night.



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3 hours ago, Port 911 said:

Are we Northerners keen to drive out Friday, maybe go via the Bylong Valley Way. Leaving the Bells and Putty for the return trip on Sunday.

Once we know the meeting point for Saturday morning we can settle on some accommodation for the Friday night.

Maybe we should see how many northeners there are before we commit to a 3 day although i am off and up for it. Maybe we could persuade @targa george

to tag along on the Friday if he can wing it.

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Yep I'm keen for the zigzag on Friday night.

We just need to decide on the route: Bylong Valley Way or Putty Road.

If we took Bylong Valley Way I could meet you all at Sandy Hollow at say 10.30 -11am or later.  It's only 214km to Lithgow from there so an easy run.  However I think last time we met George at 10.30 at Lochinvar?

Rickie, what would suit you best as you're the furthest?

Do we want to do a cultural experience on the way or is straight to the pub cultural enough?

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1 hour ago, Peter M said:

Yep I'm keen for the zigzag on Friday night.

We just need to decide on the route: Bylong Valley Way or Putty Road.

If we took Bylong Valley Way I could meet you all at Sandy Hollow at say 10.30 -11am or later.  It's only 214km to Lithgow from there so an easy run.  However I think last time we met George at 10.30 at Lochinvar?

Rickie, what would suit you best as you're the furthest?

Do we want to do a cultural experience on the way or is straight to the pub cultural enough?

Isn't Armidale further than Port Mac?

Bylong if i can do it.

We had a massive fail on our last cultural experience because we left too late, talked too much and drank too much coffee, not that there was anything wrong with that😁😁

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I recon Bylong Valley, Rylstone for lunch. Not far after you come out of Bylong Valley road is Lilford Sofala road that would take us to Bathurst via Sofala for a drive around the track and s few photos. We have been so close before but never got there. Then on to Lithgow Zig Zag for the night. So what do we say. 😎

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