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Lakeside Classic Cancelled indefinitely


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The famous Lakeside International's race track, opened in 1961, has been cancelled this year and seemingly indefinitely by the Moreton Bay Regional Council.  This resulted from a few noise complaints by local residents, many of whom moved to the area many years after the track was established.  This wonderful venue hosted the extremely popular Lakeside Classic each year now is taken away from the many who go there each year to watch these classic cars race and tour the track.

Vale Lakeside.



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Can I suggest all Lakeside users consider writing to the local members and state members. I fired off 8 letters, just copied and pasted once I drafted it. Only took an hour, to my surprise I got a response back from all of them.

As much as I don’t like the QR monopoly, it’s a great venue and needs our support to stay open.

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11 minutes ago, LeeM said:

 Absolutely ridiculous as usual that minority rules. In my top 2 favourite tracks I've ridden on and its future all comes down to a couple of whingers 😡

This country has seriously lost the plot ...........bureaucratic socialism

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6 minutes ago, Raven said:

This country has seriously lost the plot ...........bureaucratic socialism

 A well respected mushroom farm here had been at its location for decades, and the owners if the surrounding land sold up and a big housing mob built loads of houses. Out of 150 or so residents, 9...NINE...complained about the smell if the wind blew there way on certain days, and the factory had to move. Seems the smallest voices have the biggest say in everything now

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Phillip Island has been under fire from some Smiths Beach residents for years  but how long it can hold out is any body's guess. Its like residents living near Moorabbin and Essendon  airports.  It was there before they moved in, they got the properties cheap and now they object to the noise and traffic!

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Same as the petro-chem plants in Altona. There used to be a larger buffer zone around them until the property developers got in the pockets of local council.  New residents then complained about the occasional loud noise from the plant.  Just about shut the place down along with the jobs it provided the local community. 

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6 minutes ago, LeeM said:

  People are just sooks and need to harden the f..k up or move to the bush 

Nah, they’d just complain about the birds singing before 7:30am

2 hours ago, garypgt3 said:

Phillip Island has been under fire from some Smiths Beach residents for years  but how long it can hold out is any body's guess. Its like residents living near Moorabbin and Essendon  airports.  It was there before they moved in, they got the properties cheap and now they object to the noise and traffic!

PI Circuit is 2km from the nearest houses.

How about we  build a sound wall around them.  Gofundme to pay for it anyone?  


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5 hours ago, Harvs11 said:


PI Circuit is 2km from the nearest houses.

How about we  build a sound wall around them.  Gofundme to pay for it anyone?  


 Maybe Israel Folau could chuck in a few bucks

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5 hours ago, LeeM said:

 Maybe Israel Folau could chuck in a few bucks

Issy will have plenty of spare funds after the Streisand effect kicks in … GoFundMe's censoring did him a favour ….. The writing's on the wall for suburban tracks unfortunately and how Sandown still has car racing is amazing. Overall I guess the only way they'll survive re noise complaints, is future regulation to slap on more muffled exhausts to suit each vulnerable suburban track's future reduced decibel limit.

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11 hours ago, LeeM said:

  People are just sooks and need to harden the f..k up or move to the bush 

We don’t want ‘em.

12 minutes ago, Troubleshooter said:

Issy will have plenty of spare funds after the Streisand effect kicks in … GoFundMe's censoring did him a favour ….. The writing's on the wall for suburban tracks unfortunately and how Sandown still has car racing is amazing. Overall I guess the only way they'll survive re noise complaints, is future regulation to slap on more muffled exhausts to suit each vulnerable suburban track's future reduced decibel limit.

Electric cars 😂

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15 hours ago, LeeM said:

  People are just sooks and need to harden the f..k up or move to the bush 

They only bring their mamby pamby, oh we don't have this, oh this smells or dusty or our road needs sealing, gotta drive the kids to school with slick attitude, or I'm old so you should....close that quarry that's still producing because there's big twucks that i can't dominate.


They're the wingers.

Oh shyt, I've caught the disease. 😷

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Seems that once reasonable leisure pursuits are under threat with so many restrictions under legal and government (especially local government) threat due to spreading outer urbanisation and elaborate noise legislation. Airports and race circuits are the most common targets. Good points about going to State or Commonwealth government reps but in our recent efforts in this regard (airport) we found that they (Federal reps) were quietly supporting developers who wanted the land re-zoned for housing.  You can't win.

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1 hour ago, OZ930 said:


Nero has decreed that the masses shall enjoy the gladiators not the chariot races while he burns society

 Nero needs a swift boot in the goolies! 

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