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Southern Qld Drive 25th Feb 2023


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Hey Wayne 

doing a transaxle drive & meetup on SATURDAY 25 February. I’ve been tardy on posting here on the PFA as I have noted it on Transaxles Downunder and a couple other places. It looks like there will be a few non transaxle cars as well. Give me a call to catch up. Here is the itinerary:

Meet up before 8am at the Pitstop Cafe, on Mount Mee Road, coffee up, depart no later than 9am 

Head to Mount Glorious for a second coffee. Some attendees have mentioned that will start at the Mount Glorious cafe.  
Head to Exchange Hotel Kilcoy at the outside garden for lunch. 

here is a google map link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/P1d3PuVsZLDSSUGXA?g_st



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On 21/02/2024 at 12:42, Daz987 said:

Damn, can’t make this. Hopefully there’s another drive soon! Cheers. 

I was thinking its not even the 25th..  Then I noted 2023.!

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On 16/04/2024 at 17:31, Fuel Luke said:

Hi, I'm new to QLD. I'd like to be in 'the loop' please for future drives. 

Hi Luke, There's a Sunshine Coast group that does very regular drives.  May want to look on farcebook for them.  or reach out to @brian in buddina for deets

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