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Gauge Face Replacements

Pork Chops

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Hi Porsche Dudes, my tachno and speedo have come back from the refurb shop and I'm still not happy with them.  The faces are faded, the glass is lightly scratched, and the bezels are not 100%. You would have thought that would be wrapped up in a refurb but there you go.  I'd rather source the parts myself so I know it happens right and then just get the shop to fit them off.

I'm a fussy fella so I need to know what I'm buying is perfect, so where does one buy these items from with a high level of confidence?

Many thanks.


Anyone used these guys?


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Yes and found them to be very good when I did the dash/gauges on my HT Monaro, they converted my Tacho to electronic ignition and converted the speedo to KM.

They even supplied the correct senders to match the dash.

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Yes and found them to be very good when I did the dash/gauges on my HT Monaro, they converted my Tacho to electronic ignition and converted the speedo to KM.

They even supplied the correct senders to match the dash.

Thanks.  Put in a message to them so see how we go.

Any leads on the glass for the gauges?  I've found some on Sierra Madre but that's it.

Lastly, the bezels.  Eveyone sells the yukky aluminium ones but I just want the standard black...  Any leads?

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  • 8 months later...

Back form the dead.  Cairns guy is no good now the old dude in the gauge shop died.  Howard will not answer their phone and give me no confidence.  I have gauges placed with another workshop's gauge guy and don't seem to be able to get them back.  Promotive in Qld can't get decent work out of their supplier since the old guy in the workshop isn't there any more...

Do I really have to send them to North Hollywood and wait 6 months?  Or Reap in the UK?

Hit me!


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Nick, I've never used these guys myself, but I know people who have had old gauges restored, and they were happy with the results.  http://www.gaugeworks.com.au/.

I had Auto Instrument Services restore a couple of Smiths speedo's for some old pommy motorcycles years ago. They did a fantastic job, but I don't think they're going anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump re question above? Tried doing a search but didn't have any luck..

I assume the main reason is you would have to recalibrate the whole unit, as opposed to just changing the face. I would say it would just be easier to replace the whole thing.

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Ah ok thanks Jeff. 

Yeah called up a few of the companies in this thread and most said it can be fixed. hopefully that's the case.


Yeah the weird thing is that the odometer was converted and is working so just the trip meter that isn't...


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