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I was just wondering if any of the NSW PFA (or others) are interested in organising a track day either at Wakefield Park or The Farm ( if I can organise it, been there a couple of times but may need to go through Rich at Retro Motorsport). Any interest?????? Probably more a fun day than who's got the biggest dick day, but open to suggestions (not about the dick bit).

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I'm going to investigate The Farm & Symsy is having a look at Wakefield, will probably take a few days to get options. Probably we'll need12 minimum to make it viable. Last time I went to the Farm it was about $600????  for the day which included food & tuition but not sure of current rates.

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The Farm is HEAPS better, but $600 as opposed to ~$250 (plus $50 for a Licence if you don't have one) for Wakefield. 

Usually max 12 cars and only 3 or 4 cars on course at once (it's not a "track"), so you get heaps of driving time and no traffic to worry about. 

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Regarding the Farm, besides bringing my car, what else would I need. Do you have to wear a helmet? Anything else?

Not ashamed to admit that i'm a track day virgin. I paid for a few laps in a 458 italia a few years ago in the states but that does not count.

I really hope this happens. Any tips from anyone who's been there would be much appreciated.


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I was keen until you said not about the dicks. ? 


Im definitely keen, if I'm dropping some coin on a track day and beating up the car my preference is to have timed sessions. But not deal breaker if not.  

I need a modern car

...rs4 wagon driven with zero care could take most of you boys on 

Don't write checques you can't cash pal. ? 

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Regarding the Farm, besides bringing my car, what else would I need. Do you have to wear a helmet? Anything else?

Not ashamed to admit that i'm a track day virgin. I paid for a few laps in a 458 italia a few years ago in the states but that does not count.

I really hope this happens. Any tips from anyone who's been there would be much appreciated.

Nope, no helmets. Remember it's not a racetrack :)

It's more like an alpine road. An undulating ~5km with 25 odd corners - a good mix of fast and slow, on and off camber, open sweepers and blind corners. No run-off areas or kitty litter...just big embankments and trees, so if you go off, you stay off!

There is usually an instructor available, so the best thing you can do is a couple of sessions with him.



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Im definitely keen, if I'm dropping some coin on a track day and beating up the car my preference is to have timed sessions. But not deal breaker if not. 

edgy, Check out the iPhone application called Harry's Laptimer. It works well enough when the timing equipment is not in use at the track.

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Nope, no helmets. Remember it's not a racetrack :)

It's more like an alpine road. An undulating ~5km with 25 odd corners - a good mix of fast and slow, on and off camber, open sweepers and blind corners. No run-off areas or kitty litter...just big embankments and trees, so if you go off, you stay off!

There is usually an instructor available, so the best thing you can do is a couple of sessions with him.



Good to know. Sounds perfect. Thanks mate.

Just clicked on the farm map - I've gotta ask fellas, what the hell is the most fantastic looking private track doing all the way out there in the middle of nowhere?


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Just clicked on the farm map - I've gotta ask fellas, what the hell is the most fantastic looking private track doing all the way out there in the middle of nowhere?

Built by the former CEO of Coke, who needed somewhere to drive his McLaren.


My preference is to have timed sessions. But not deal breaker if not.  

Farm has a no photos and no lap time policy. First rule of fight club - don't talk about fight club (or post photos on social media in this case) 

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Novice/killjoy question: Anyone know what the insurance situation is where not a racetrack? ie does your standard insurance generally cover (appreciate this will be insurer specific but general indication may be useful) or can you get track day insurance?

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Novice/killjoy question: Anyone know what the insurance situation is where not a racetrack? ie does your standard insurance generally cover (appreciate this will be insurer specific but general indication may be useful) or can you get track day insurance?

Regardless of your personal insurance circumstance, I always assume I have no insurance at all, definately focuses the mind & keeps me within the limits of my incompetance. Never really wanted to test my insurance company by starting my claim with "well I was at the track at turn 2 when............" 

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There are a limited number of companies that offer track day cover...CAMS and Famous spring to mind.

With your normal CTP and comprehensive it is safe to assume you are NOT covered. The CX5 is due for renewal so I happen to have a brochure handy, which says:

We don’t provide cover if at the time of the accident:
• The vehicle was unregistered, or...being used in a race, trial, test, rally or contest


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We don’t provide cover if at the time of the accident:
• The vehicle was unregistered, or...being used in a race, trial, test, rally or contest

here is what my comprehensive insurer excludes

Motor sports or similar activities

your car being used:

in, or being tested in preparation for, a race, contest, trial, test, hill climb or any motor sport; or

on a competition race track, competition circuit, competition course or competition arena unless;

your car is being driven as part of a driver education course that does not involve speeds in excess of 100km/h or the timing of cars; or

you have told us about this use of your car and we have agreed to cover you.


Reckless acts

any intentional or reckless act by you, the driver of the car or by a person acting with your express or implied consent (such as street racing, burnouts or donuts). 

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