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The dream is realised


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What? You trusted Adam.😀

Well there's a first.😀

















I'm Kidding. Adam is Mr 928. He knows more about the inside of a 928 (especially the engine ) than any of of us😀

I really am just joking. He helped me with my 928 (amongst other things) as well. 

Hey WitchFinder whereabouts in Adelaide are you?

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1 hour ago, 3legs said:

What? You trusted Adam.😀

Well there's a first.😀

















I'm Kidding. Adam is Mr 928. He knows more about the inside of a 928 (especially the engine ) than any of of us😀

I really am just joking. He helped me with my 928 (amongst other things) as well. 

Hey WitchFinder whereabouts in Adelaide are you?

Funny man Mr Legs! 😋

Nicely redeemed mate 😆🤗

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Thanks guys. I've been dreaming of a landshark since I was a little fella, to actually get one.......😁

Although the dream was tarnished a little on the drive home.....Master warning light but no other indications. 2 minutes later the dash lit up like it was Christmas.😦😦 Pulled over, turned it off, rested my head on the steering wheel for a bit, contemplating the horror of what might be........thought to myself "bugger it, could just be an electrical gremlin, crank it over and see if it still happens........clear dash! WOO HOO!

Drove it home with minor heart palpitations, but without incident. Couldn't help but give a little jandal in true Scotty McLaughlin style, amazing how even at 110km/h/3000RPM it just pulls, and that rumbly goodness coming out of the exhaust.......steering a little heavier than I'm used to, but still easy to point in the right direction, and stiffness over bumps aside, the car just sits so flat..... 

Got it home, bit of a check over after the dash incident and the reality of a 37 year old car becomes apparent......somewhere on the drive home I've lost the brake lights! Must have been somewhere on the expressway, thank god I wasn't in heavy stop/start traffic, and no coppers about to defect my lovely beast. The other usual 928 niggles.....odometer doesn't work, and the speedo is inaccurate as well....thank god for the GPS speed tracking app on my smartwatch.

I'm not silly enough to start looking into it too hard, I'll dig into it when I get back from holidays and start tracking the bugs. Thank god I've done a lot of work on low voltage control systems, should be a doddle to work through it.

@3legs I'm down North, way past the Wastelands in Gawler. Good thing I've got the grunt to get past the marauders....😀

@Jason A yep its an S wing, but mine isn't an S.....not sure if I'll leave it on or take it off. Will probably mull it over while I sort the more immediate issues...

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9 minutes ago, WitchFinder said:

Thanks guys. I've been dreaming of a landshark since I was a little fella, to actually get one.......😁

Although the dream was tarnished a little on the drive home.....Master warning light but no other indications. 2 minutes later the dash lit up like it was Christmas.😦😦 Pulled over, turned it off, rested my head on the steering wheel for a bit, contemplating the horror of what might be........thought to myself "bugger it, could just be an electrical gremlin, crank it over and see if it still happens........clear dash! WOO HOO!

Drove it home with minor heart palpitations, but without incident. Couldn't help but give a little jandal in true Scotty McLaughlin style, amazing how even at 110km/h/3000RPM it just pulls, and that rumbly goodness coming out of the exhaust.......steering a little heavier than I'm used to, but still easy to point in the right direction, and stiffness over bumps aside, the car just sits so flat..... 

Got it home, bit of a check over after the dash incident and the reality of a 37 year old car becomes apparent......somewhere on the drive home I've lost the brake lights! Must have been somewhere on the expressway, thank god I wasn't in heavy stop/start traffic, and no coppers about to defect my lovely beast. The other usual 928 niggles.....odometer doesn't work, and the speedo is inaccurate as well....thank god for the GPS speed tracking app on my smartwatch.

I'm not silly enough to start looking into it too hard, I'll dig into it when I get back from holidays and start tracking the bugs. Thank god I've done a lot of work on low voltage control systems, should be a doddle to work through it.

@3legs I'm down North, way past the Wastelands in Gawler. Good thing I've got the grunt to get past the marauders....😀

@Jason A yep its an S wing, but mine isn't an S.....not sure if I'll leave it on or take it off. Will probably mull it over while I sort the more immediate issues...

Wow, that would have scared the shite out of you!! Ran like a dream when I drove it!!

Oddo issue is a common one, the gear disintegrates over time, new ones are easy to get and not that hard to fit. Just make sure you get the right one.... many variables.... ahh 928 speedos read about 10km/h low, just go up 10 and you will be fine :)

Brake lights, check your earths or maybe just globes? You have found one of the 928s true talents, the handling is superb!


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 Nice one mate, congrats...Not on the electrical gremlins though! 

 Another SA local here. Working at Gawler today and tomorrow actually

 Enjoy the new ride 👍

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OH, ANF, you have no idea how far my gut dropped.......already had some anxiety over the purchase, then for that to happen.......AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Thank god I'm a little obsessive, all the reading I've been doing on 928's stuck in my brain and once I thought it over a bit and considered the bumps and shakes it must have endured on the trip over, loose connections seemed like the obvious issue. Especially given that the engine sounded so sweet.

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Which warning light was it? Was it just the centre one (red one with the exclamation mark) and then was there a message to say what was the issue? That one can come on for any number of minor reasons, there is also a reset button below the heater controls. If you press this and it clears, nothing major if it does not come back. Mine intermittently comes on for a brake light issue, only thing is there is no issue... one day I will pull the tail lights and check.... :)


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Um, all of them? The master light came on, as well as every possible fault message....kinda what clued me in that it was probably a gremlin, since there is no way on earth everything can fail all at once.....at least I hope so!

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