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New Financial Member

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Hello all, had a great first time experience with PFA at Flemington Racecourse participating in the RACV European Car show, in fact so good that I came home and joined as a financial member, and even my wife Sandra enjoyed the friendliness and welcoming of other members, especially Niko, Amanda, Pauly,Jim, Bafe and George. It was terrific to be part of a great collection of Porsches and with people who truly enjoy the marque. When I improve my navigation skills around the site I would like to organise a Sunday breakfast and show of cars at Garrazzi in Seddon. Davida

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Welcome David &Sandra,

Glad you enjoyed the day today, would have loved to have been there but unfortunately not to be. Look forward to meeting you at one of the events in the future.



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Congratulation on signing up David and Sandra, I'm sure you will have a great time with us all.   


Thoroughly enjoyed our "reminiscing" conversations on Sunday, and don't forget to give my regards to Nick C when you catch up.


Also looking forward to a bacon and egg toasted sanga over there in the wild west.

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David and Sandra, as was once said: "Build it, and they will come!"

Look forward to meeting you both out in the wild west, suggest a Sunday in a few weeks that suits you both, and host away!!!

(Check out the previous event posts to get an idea of how we do it...)


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We certainly look forward to some Porsche driving with you all, again thanks for your welcomeness to PFA. Nicko, will see Nick C over Easter and will certainly say hello. David/Sandra

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