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Cyclists and motorists win win

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If you have enough time to drive at half the speed limit, you have enough time to pull over and let the 6 cars behind you past.

When will this become law. It is about time the slow road hogs had an obligation to move aside when there are cars building up behind them.

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I stopped riding to work. Too dangerous. We are a selfish country and you can see that everywhere you look.

Road behavior is a good indicator of the nature of the people in that place...

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Recently there was a case where a young lady, a pedestrian, was hit by a cyclist running a red light. Her jaw was smashed amongst other things resulting in high medical bills. The rider was charged with negligent driving and fined $65.

No rego...No greenslip... No insurance for her to claim to cover her costs.

Now her recourse is to sue the rider. $20k was the number mentioned.

Had the rider had coverage he would not be out of pocket, and she would not have to sue.

Time will tell how this plays out. Since there are more and more riders this will become more common.

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Lucky all our fat kids get driven to school. Organising insurance and rego would be fun for a 12 year old.

Why do we think we can control everything? Between being governed by risk-averse square arsed beurocrats and our unhealthy desire to become like letigious america, we forget that sh@t happens and its called life. Instead of blaming everyone else, how about we teach our kids consideration (and practice some ourselves).

This problem isnt really about bikes and cars...

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This thread started off on a positive, let's try and keep the actions of a few from turning the conversation into a negative. As drivers (+ a lot of us are riders too) we need to acknowledge that cars kill more people than anything so let's keep some perspective when winging about everyone else that uses public roads and areas - it's the 'public' we need to watch out for, be it on 2 or 4 wheels.

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Lucky all our fat kids get driven to school. Organising insurance and rego would be fun for a 12 year old.

Why do we think we can control everything? Between being governed by risk-averse square arsed beurocrats and our unhealthy desire to become like letigious america, we forget that sh@t happens and its called life. Instead of blaming everyone else, how about we teach our kids consideration (and practice some ourselves).

This problem isnt really about bikes and cars...

We all know it isn't our kids that are the issue.

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like politics and religion, cycling and cyclist discussion may need to be banned as it always ends up in tears.

That's why I've tried to get in now before it takes the inevitable turn!

I'm off to church. (Heading out for a ride!)

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This thread started off on a positive, let's try and keep the actions of a few from turning the conversation into a negative. As drivers (+ a lot of us are riders too) we need to acknowledge that cars kill more people than anything so let's keep some perspective when winging about everyone else that uses public roads and areas - it's the 'public' we need to watch out for, be it on 2 or 4 wheels.


Sorry, but no.


Nothing funny about a diesel spewing fumes, even less funny to try to make other people breath carcinogenic smog just for their choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle.  Was this some fat a$$hole jealousy? 


Try as I may, I'm simply not amused and cannot find a positive. 


And yes, I do ride a bike from time to time and no, never two abreast.

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As a bloke who rides a bike quite often, in fact 6 days a week I'd be happy to pay rego. However I doubt drivers would be any more welcoming of me riding on 'their road'.

Its a stupid argument.

Having said that I can see how drivers (yes I drive a car too) would get the shits with cyclists. Some honestly have no idea like riding up Pacific hwy in peak hour.

Real cyclists who have been riding before it became the new golf know all the back streets and stay off the main roads - and yep, use common sense.

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Sorry, but no.


Nothing funny about a diesel spewing fumes, even less funny to try to make other people breath carcinogenic smog just for their choice to pursue a healthy lifestyle.  Was this some fat a$$hole jealousy? 


Try as I may, I'm simply not amused and cannot find a positive. 


And yes, I do ride a bike from time to time and no, never two abreast.

Hi Sydr,


To clarify, my comments were not to be read as condoning this - in fact quite the opposite. If you go back to the initial post that this thread was based on you will see it was a positive based outcome, the video you are referring to came after. I was just trying to (politely) make sure this thread does not descend into a bike hate fest. (not that it would have of course  ;))

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Unless you are driving a Porsche tractor , or perhaps a 924 , it should only take a couple of seconds to safely pass cyclists in your PORSCHE. 

The law change just means people aren't left in the frustration/conscience zone for long periods.

As long as people don't cross over on blind corners or crests , all will be well.

Just apply the same attitude as you do to caravan/boat towing drivers. It could be you one day .

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I support this move and whilst we're there , helmets for road using skateboarders too.


I'd also like helmets for hockey players. I wince for 3-4 hours each week watching my boys play.

Much greater chance of death than football.

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