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Finaly got one.

Rod C

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At long last pulled the trigger on 996 tippa after a 22 year break. 01 model with 88klm on the clock with the IMS and RMS to be sorted very shortly. Started search over two years ago for a S4 only to watch the prices rise. I chose this car as it was very clean inside and out as apposed to alot of the interiors in 996's were worn and heavly scratched up also the car is as the day it left the factory delivered with 18 inch sport design wheels. It is a second gen 3.6 in Arctic silver metallic QLD delivered and although its not highly optioned car is is super tidy and was within my budget.

I have to say coming from a 79 sc it is nice to have an aircon that blows cold air on a hot day!

Also to people in the market for a 911 98 to 2008 model the IMS is a great bargaining tool when negotiating on price.


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Thaks guys, quietly chuffed! Havent told my two boys yet as I have kept it at a family members house but the plan tommorrow is to surprise them on the last day of school for pickup.

Thats terrific. What a surprise they will get...

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congrats on the car, and yep, the kids will get a great buzz when you pick them up from school.


I hid my purchase from my daughter also, and the look on her face when she first saw it was priceless.


Oh and we need pics also  :)

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Picked boys up from school today and they just couldnt believe it was ours. My youngest was convinced it was a loan car while the Patrol was being serviced.Oldest thought someone had the same custom plates that I used to have on my SC not realizing I had them in a tub in the shed for 22 years.Their age of inocence and reaction was priceless as utter confusion reigned for a few moments.

Was worth the wait to hatch the element of surprise.

Car was found on carsales and watched it for 10 weeks.

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