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Porsche 911 Jr and DreamrJr's maiden outing

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Today marked the start of the love affair between DreamrJr and the 911 Junior. The maiden voyage was to Cars 'n' Coffee on the Central Coast.

We started at the bottom of the winding driveway with me behind him. He stopped at the checkpoint and paid his donation like everyone else ..... we could tell it was going to stir a bit when everyone was pointing and taking photos.

We got a 3 minute video of the whole entrance which I will post the link for once it is uploaded to YouTube ....

The kicker for the day was that he won "Car of the Month" .....

Central Coast C & C have a Facebook page and all will be posted there as well.

In the meantime, enjoy the photos .... :D









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For those of you that are interested, here is the YouTube link of our entrance to the car show .... it goes for about 3 minutes, but is well worth the watch just for the cool factor.

I'd also like to thank @SteveF for his help loading and unloading the Junior on the trailer .... it would have made my job a lot harder if he wasn't there .... thanks mate!


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You're right Dreamr (would you like to buy another vowel?)...that is cool.  My son is jealous.  I've tried to downplay it claiming that red Porsches regardless of size are soooooo common but I don't think he's buying it.... 

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That's fantastic!!! Surprised nobody has asked if you're going to start production, tempted to put my name down if there's an order sheet.

I don't know if you saw my original post about it, but if not, it's an interesting read .... 


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I don't know if you saw my original post about it, but if not, it's an interesting read .... 


So reading between the lines you're telling me that it's now supported under Porsche's new classic program ;)

Surely someone must have access to the mold and oem parts to build a few more


Just found a site which has a bunch of different juniors


Pretty simple box cart underneath the Agostini 911



The sprite 5 looks amazing though!


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Surely someone must have access to the mold and oem parts to build a few more


Personally, I hope not .... will devalue the remaining ones left from the original 224. B)

They are so well built that if they were to be reproduced, they would be far to expensive ...

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