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Replacement Keys???

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So ..... Having finally purchased my first P Car just last week, and having it stored lovingly at a mates garage next to his P Car .... his house was burgled last night.

Neither car taken .... but ..... keys taken for both cars!!! We do have the spares, but any recommendations regarding replacements?

We are thinking that there’s a risk that they’ve taken the keys to possibly come back and take the cars another time. Not sure what would be involved in having the locks and ignition replaced?

My set of keys included the ignition key and a small Valet key (I think). Plus a key for the aerial. All original I believe which is sad, but still have the cars!!

Cars are a ‘78 and ‘80 SC

Any recommendations welcomed. Thanks.

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32 minutes ago, Bluegus73 said:

We are thinking that there’s a risk that they’ve taken the keys to possibly come back and take the cars another time. Not sure what would be involved in having the locks and ignition replaced?

 recommendations welcomed. Thanks.

Yeah - the barstards do come back. Usually they go for later model Audi's & Porkas to joyride, but the gangblackies are pretty dumb & might have thought yours were later models. 

Mate with a newish model 911 had this happen - he caught them in the house/garage the 2nd time. They had a chic outside waiting in a car & obviously had a 'shopping list' prepared after the first visit. They got away - cops said they all pretend to be children from war ravaged Somalia so never get properly locked up.

SC keys -  hard to get original type replacement ones, but check the US ebay sites.  

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Agree with what's said.... given time, someone will likely plan to comeback... check your garage security.

i know this is  too late now...but whenever I leave my house all car keys are hidden away or with me... never left out. 

Good luck on key replacement - check eBay too and the usual indy  Porsche sites.

Rebel sport has a sale on baseball bats - just saying...


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Thanks all for the recommendations.

Have contacted Porsche Australia .... Replacement keys, locks, door handles, ignition lock and glovebox recommended. $2,500. Supply only. Then installation. 10 days from Germany.

13 minutes ago, Philbee said:

i know this is  too late now...but whenever I leave my house all car keys are hidden away or with me... never left out. 


Interestingly, the Police actually said that he leaves his keys and valuables at the door so that it’s easily accessible and if someone breaks in, they simply take it and leave rather than possibly threatening you with a knife etc.

I guess this is why we all have insurance!!!

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Sorry to hear but I'd take a different approach as locks and keys only really discourage honest people:

  1. I'd relocate your car to another storage location immediately, even if you have to pay for it for a few months until you can store it your house.
  2. I'd fit an immobiliser immediately
  3. I'd get new keys cut from the spare you have now.  Even better send the key code or clear photos of the blade to someone like Keys4Classics to get a set of new keys cut to code rather than replicate a worn key.  He has a eBay site as well.

Replacing all your locks is going to be hugely costly and disruptive and I don't think it's going to make your car appreciably more secure anyway.

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I agree. In the short term, you could also remove your coil wire or fuel relay so the car won't start. If I'm leaving the 924 out I often take the wire off the over boost switch for this reason.

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36 minutes ago, bear924 said:

I agree. In the short term, you could also remove your coil wire or fuel relay so the car won't start. If I'm leaving the 924 out I often take the wire off the over boost switch for this reason.

I have often thought that an easy anti-theft idea would be to unplug the 14 pin connector block next to the rear fuses LHS of motor. With the cover back on, you would have to be very experienced to figure it out. On an SC the bloody fuel pump relay falls out of its socket on its own anyway - so best not to disturb it & make it any looser.




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Probably depends on if they are semi - profession thieves or just joyriders.  If joyriders unplugging something would surely be fine. If professional, I guess you would be talking about physical immobilisation by removing wheels or installing bollards (assuming it could be just rolled out of the garage and pushed down the street to a flat bed).


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7 hours ago, Bluegus73 said:


Interestingly, the Police actually said that he leaves his keys and valuables at the door so that it’s easily accessible and if someone breaks in, they simply take it and leave rather than possibly threatening you with a knife etc.

I guess this is why we all have insurance!!!

yep, they are welcome to his CAMRY, or HYUNDAI......

6 hours ago, nbauto said:

I’m agonna Oftkjf


No idea what all that is about...but I'm with you.....I think

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  • 1 month later...

So to update on this I was the "mate" that was storing Gus' new purchase when my house was robbed. Very scary as we were inside at the time and upstairs asleep but we didn't hear a thing. I've got three teenage kids so thankfully they just took the keys and my wallet and my daily drive (Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT) and my wife's XC90. The Volvo was used in a bunch of robberies in the north of Melbourne over a week or so and ended up on the news after a police chase involving the air wing and the dog squad and two people were arrested - and I assume are back out on the street living a lovely life. The SRT was found later burnt out with the engine and front seats removed. Unbelievable and both scary and sad that this stuff happens. As Gus said the two SC's were not taken but the keys were and after hiding the cars off site for a few weeks (thanks Theo!) I decided as my car already had an immobiliser I would get it reprogrammed rather than spend $3K on new keys, ignition barrels etc. So last week I went and saw Steve at SV Auto Electrics in Ringwood and for $120 I had a reprogrammed immobiliser and two new key fobs. Same keys but useless with the old fobs. I figured if they want to get in the car that's not that hard - getting past the immobiliser is a little more involved. PCM had two spare blanks for the keys so $60 for them and $25 for a recut and happy days. I am also going back to Steve for him to instal a tracker just in case. So the experience has made me ask some questions - do you leave the keys out visible so they just come in and take the cars? Do you hide them? If I lived by myself with no dependents the answer might be different - but in our house the keys and some cash are left on the kitchen table in clear site and if they want the cars they can take them. Just leave me and my family alone. Having said that access to the property was perhaps a little lax so I've beefed everything up and hopefully they'll move on and look for an easier target next time. Don't think it won't happen to you because that's what I thought and it bloody well did! 

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Bloody scary stuff.  Just glad you and your family were untouched.  I agree with your comment about making sure that your property isn't an easy target.  It's surprising how many people leave doors unlocked, windows open, etc.   A dog is probably the best protection . . . I remember when they busted that gang of burglars in Melbourne that were hitting all the houses in Armadale/Toorak.  The cops recovered a map that marked every house that had a dog, and not one of them had been touched.

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On 4/3/2018 at 8:04 PM, nbauto said:

I somehow pocket typed and sent! Peculiar

I pocket typed and sent to a client once, all jibberish. As soon as I realized what had happened I text her to explain. Her response was ahhhhhh ok. Never heard from her again though. 

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11 hours ago, Big Easy said:

So to update on this I was the "mate" that was storing Gus' new purchase when my house was robbed. Very scary as we were inside at the time and upstairs asleep but we didn't hear a thing. I've got three teenage kids so thankfully they just took the keys and my wallet and my daily drive (Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT) and my wife's XC90. The Volvo was used in a bunch of robberies in the north of Melbourne over a week or so and ended up on the news after a police chase involving the air wing and the dog squad and two people were arrested - and I assume are back out on the street living a lovely life. The SRT was found later burnt out with the engine and front seats removed. Unbelievable and both scary and sad that this stuff happens. As Gus said the two SC's were not taken but the keys were and after hiding the cars off site for a few weeks (thanks Theo!) I decided as my car already had an immobiliser I would get it reprogrammed rather than spend $3K on new keys, ignition barrels etc. So last week I went and saw Steve at SV Auto Electrics in Ringwood and for $120 I had a reprogrammed immobiliser and two new key fobs. Same keys but useless with the old fobs. I figured if they want to get in the car that's not that hard - getting past the immobiliser is a little more involved. PCM had two spare blanks for the keys so $60 for them and $25 for a recut and happy days. I am also going back to Steve for him to instal a tracker just in case. So the experience has made me ask some questions - do you leave the keys out visible so they just come in and take the cars? Do you hide them? If I lived by myself with no dependents the answer might be different - but in our house the keys and some cash are left on the kitchen table in clear site and if they want the cars they can take them. Just leave me and my family alone. Having said that access to the property was perhaps a little lax so I've beefed everything up and hopefully they'll move on and look for an easier target next time. Don't think it won't happen to you because that's what I thought and it bloody well did! 

Morons.   I am as upset about these things as you are (well your probably angrier than me) 

and to top it off two innocent people killed this morning in a hit run, by two young a holes in a stolen SUV.   Words fail me.

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