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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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Re the wa targa, Simon, do you know if it.has matching numbers engine?

No I don't but given the engine is a later edition it couldn't be unless the later induction gear was fitted.

What I know of its past life means it would be doubtful to say the least if it was done that way. It's more likely to have been a complete later motor fitted

I wouldn't stress over the matching number issue. If it's not you could make it so. Most restorers do if they are chasing the big bucks. I'll bet a lot of those matching numbers cars aren't matching at all.

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There is a bunch of stuff on the web yahoo is your friend

Remember though a matched date range is not necessarily matching numbers ony by calling porsche Australia and or getting a COA can you be certain

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Hi all,


the last car i was going to buy fell through. Im really interested in this one, I am after a 930, but a good one is a little out of my price range.


I think that this would be a good comprimise. any advice out there?




I would buy a 911, as i think i could get a really good one for mu budget of 50k, but im eager for POWER!!!!


Any thoughts???

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Hi all,


the last car i was going to buy fell through. Im really interested in this one, I am after a 930, but a good one is a little out of my price range.


I think that this would be a good comprimise. any advice out there?




I would buy a 911, as i think i could get a really good one for mu budget of 50k, but im eager for POWER!!!!


Any thoughts???

I have seen this car a couple of times on smt's around Canberra. It looks great in the flesh, has a great stance and goes like stink. I believe the owner is an Engineer/Machinist. Well worth a look.

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I also really like that silver one and 300k would be awesome but probably just a bit too pricey for me and doesn't say if it's been rebuilt or not.


Ive talked to the guy a few times and he is a fitter machinist by trade. (those guys can fix anything) he said it has the genuine matching numbers 930 motor and box plus the orgonal dash from the wrecked car it all came out of. done less than 95k klm.

buy the sounds of it he has done a sh!t load of work to it and him and his dad own a couple of porsches

one thing for sure its got a lot of good bits on it, including the brand new rebuilt turbo, Huge inter cooler, all new adjustable suspention and all new interior. I think he has done a hell of a job with it.


He tells me its in mint condition and i do beleive him.


the only reason i posted this is that im new to porsches, ive only driven 2 of them and totally addicted.  Had a dozen american cars over the past 10 years, and just sold 2 of my  really rare corvettes to buy me a porsche. ( and pay a chunck of my motgage ). So I know fu$k all about them, exept that i want a fast one !! lol


Just wanting to know if people here think its worth the money. To me, There seems to be huge price differences in some of these older cars by what ive seen for the past 6 months of looking and studying . , To do  all those cool mods  to a car like this would cost a bomb!!

its within my budget, but im really a bit of a genuine , matching numbers type of guy but real 930 in this condition is 100k. From all the  50k genuine 930s ive looked at, they all need 30 k spent on them.


Ha ha, the best thing i like about it , 300+ Kw at the wheels and 1000kg !!   Yea HA!!

I used to road race motor cycles so im used to going fast at the track and intend on taking what ever car i buy to the track . Plus go to the high country and have my own Grand prix,  with other club members that are into that sort of thing.

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Hi all,


the last car i was going to buy fell through. Im really interested in this one, I am after a 930, but a good one is a little out of my price range.


I think that this would be a good comprimise. any advice out there?




I would buy a 911, as i think i could get a really good one for mu budget of 50k, but im eager for POWER!!!!


Any thoughts???

This car has been for sale for a long time, is it an actual 930 or an SC with a 930 engine? Its advertised as a 930 but I wouldn't be so sure? 

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It's an SC. The car was built in the mid 80's for a famous australian tennis player who's name escapes me right now. I looked at buying quite a few years ago now but it sold before I could raise the funds. One thing to note is it's the about as far from a matching numbers car as you can get. It's total hotrod. Engine and box numbers matching is worthless without the VIN. 


That aside I'd own it myself. I dig it all but the rear spoiler and seats and bumpers. You would also want to factor in the price of some bigger brakes sooner than later. For me it should be closer to 40k..

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I know that Silver car, it is from the Canberra region. The best way to describe it is an awesome Hotrod, with quality parts.

It is clearly not for the purists seeking numbers matching period correctness, but as Raaf said a genuine one at this quality is close to the $100k mark.

I can tell you the owner and his dad are very good on the tools and you wouldn't have to worry about shortcuts or dodgy workmanship here.

Definitely fast !


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Ive talked to the guy a few times and he is a fitter machinist by trade. (those guys can fix anything) he said it has the genuine matching numbers 930 motor and box plus the orgonal dash from the wrecked car it all came out of. done less than 95k klm.

buy the sounds of it he has done a sh!t load of work to it and him and his dad own a couple of porsches

one thing for sure its got a lot of good bits on it, including the brand new rebuilt turbo, Huge inter cooler, all new adjustable suspention and all new interior. I think he has done a hell of a job with it.

He tells me its in mint condition and i do beleive him.

the only reason i posted this is that im new to porsches, ive only driven 2 of them and totally addicted. Had a dozen american cars over the past 10 years, and just sold 2 of my really rare corvettes to buy me a porsche. ( and pay a chunck of my motgage ). So I know fu$k all about them, exept that i want a fast one !! lol

Just wanting to know if people here think its worth the money. To me, There seems to be huge price differences in some of these older cars by what ive seen for the past 6 months of looking and studying . , To do all those cool mods to a car like this would cost a bomb!!

its within my budget, but im really a bit of a genuine , matching numbers type of guy but real 930 in this condition is 100k. From all the 50k genuine 930s ive looked at, they all need 30 k spent on them.

Ha ha, the best thing i like about it , 300+ Kw at the wheels and 1000kg !! Yea HA!!

I used to road race motor cycles so im used to going fast at the track and intend on taking what ever car i buy to the track . Plus go to the high country and have my own Grand prix, with other club members that are into that sort of thing.

It's an SC. The car was built in the mid 80's for a famous australian tennis player who's name escapes me right now. I looked at buying quite a few years ago now but it sold before I could raise the funds. One thing to note is it's the about as far from a matching numbers car as you can get. It's total hotrod. Engine and box numbers matching is worthless without the VIN.

That aside I'd own it myself. I dig it all but the rear spoiler and seats and bumpers. You would also want to factor in the price of some bigger brakes sooner than later. For me it should be closer to 40k..

I know that Silver car, it is from the Canberra region. The best way to describe it is an awesome Hotrod, with quality parts.

It is clearly not for the purists seeking numbers matching period correctness, but as Raaf said a genuine one at this quality is close to the $100k mark.

I can tell you the owner and his dad are very good on the tools and you wouldn't have to worry about shortcuts or dodgy workmanship here.

Definitely fast !


..It's 'unpolished it's a mongrel hybrid demon succubus with a bit of provenance...its got 930 ju ju bits in it, its got a bit of liberace in its kerb presence... it goes hard ...it's owned by an honest, mechanically adept guy, who's done stuff he liked - its another example of the porsche family..if it floats your boat then check it out.

not hard to make a few exterior interior changes...that's easy

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Yes, as i said, i know its been hot roded, but another thing ive learned, that a hell of a lot of porsches have been. and for the most part, for the better.

I would say that this modified car would go and handle a lot better than a lot of the stockers that are around. For 50k, and for whats been done to the car, i think it is a fair price. who wouldnt want a car that has 305 rear wheel Kw that weighs under a tonne!!


I have one more  930 that im going to look at. (not sure if its genuine or not, but i think it is)

The guys son tells me its defenatly a turbo car and has a whale tale with "turbo" writen on the back. he said to me last night, when he was last in the car about 8 years ago, him and his dad raced a ferrari on the F3 and left the ferrari standing still!!

 Its not advertised anywhere. from what ive heard, its a genuine monster!!


been in storage for 8 years, but when it was used before storage, he said it was MINT and had over 70k spent on it just before it was put away.


he said the family want to sell it as his father wont be able to drive it for at least another 15 years.......so you can use your imagination where he is right now....


I asked him how much. he said his mum would be happy with 40 or 50k!! . im going to see it tomorow so i will know more then!!


failing that, I will be buying the silver 930 replica, that car is beutifull.

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I hear you on all of the above :) 


Just wanting to clarify that it is not a 930 - putting a turbo into a 911 does not make it one either :ph34r:. So when it comes to value its pointless comparing it with a genuine 930 IMO. Just like people trying to rationalise a backdated 911 value by putting it up against a genuine 901 - they are completely different cars in may ways and more than just their engine. 


At the end of the day it should be advertised as a 911 SC that has been heavily modified not advertised as a 930 as this is very misleading and incorrect. I regard the ad to be intentionally misleading regardless of how good the car is all................makes me suspicious.  :ph34r:  <_<

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I hear you on all of the above :)


Just wanting to clarify that it is not a 930 - putting a turbo into a 911 does not make it one either :ph34r:. So when it comes to value its pointless comparing it with a genuine 930 IMO. Just like people trying to rationalise a backdated 911 value by putting it up against a genuine 901 - they are completely different cars in may ways and more than just their engine. 


At the end of the day it should be advertised as a 911 SC that has been heavily modified not advertised as a 930 as this is very misleading and incorrect. I regard the ad to be intentionally misleading regardless of how good the car is all................makes me suspicious.  :ph34r:  <_<


Man, I got a text from the guy in canberra and he said he doesnt want to sell the car now........ talk about disapointed!! it takes ages to close down the final couple cars you want to buy and for him to do that was...... well........ im really pissed off.

The dam things been for sale for 6 months and im the only guy who has been geniune about buying it and he now wants to keep it!!


now he wont even return any texts or phone calls.




i really hope this other car is a 930 that ive been hearing about , find out today.


otherwise , the hunt starts all over again

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