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A meeting has been held recently by the regular organisers of the annual Canberra trek, including myself.

It is with some regret that it has been decided that there will not be a Victorian Canberra SMT for 2017.

We sincerely thank the effort put in over the past few years by all our Canberra members, and of the participation of the Caver Crew from up North.

That doesn't mean the Canberra SMT is a closed shop.   It is obviously open to anyone else wanting to organise or continue this exciting event.

There have been discussions on another event to substitute for the Canberra SMT.

I am confident we will get one up and running, and it will probably be aimed for the late March/Early April time slot.

It will more than likely, only be within the Victorian borders. 

It will also more than likely only be over a three day period.

Limited numbers again also unfortunately. 

Once... more serious discussions and suggestions have been undertaken we will post up the proposal.

That's about all I can say at the moment except........WATCH THIS SPACE...



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Oh Niko, that's not part of the plan!

Would you guys be open to some New South Welshman visiting you on your home turf as an alternative?

There really is nothing planned yet, just a few ideas floating around.

recce's then to be done, accommodation enquires to be made etc etc etc...  

Plus... we normally would open it up, to whoever went on the yearly SMT the previous year, from the Vic end and then take on any other newbies after that, on a first in best dressed concept.

We would also have a numbers limit, to be decided upon, but more than likely 10 possibly 12.

But as I said at the moment it's just pie in the sky stuff.

Tits, Tassy is certainly a good alternative.



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Oh Niko, that's not part of the plan!

Would you guys be open to some New South Welshman visiting you on your home turf as an alternative?

Ok PeterM time to put your thinking cap on and organize a SMT for us, it's your turn you know, and some of us also know you've been sneaking out with some old pommy cars and giving us a wide berth.


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There is no doubt Tasmania would be the best option.

If that wasn't possible, a run down the south coast and over the Snowy would be an alternative.  Assuming the Victorian boys include a night in northern part of their state I'm suggesting we could stay overnight at the same place, that's all.  Shouldnt cramp their style too much!

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Why not pass the batton on to those that would have like to attend but were unable to due to number limits.  Maybe one or more of the "old" crowd would still like to do the trip and maybe act as a guide for the "newbies" or mentor the "new" group.

or maybe the Canberra contingent would like to visit south of the border and maybe drag some "northerners" along with them….

Just an idea

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Gents - Canberra 2017 is a starter.

Talking with TK911 and Tit and would like to hear  from anyone who has come previously , or would like to but haven't been able ...

also any of the previous organisers who are still keen , let's hear from you.




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Please..... don't take this the wrong way gents.   We have enjoyed the Canberra run immensely.

From our first run some four years ago or thereabouts, it has turned into a monstrous event.

A credit to the two states and the A.C.T.

The hospitality and friendly get togethers were sensational.  

It has just got to the stage where we are struggling to find a different route up and are looking for new things to challenge.

New mountains to climb., so to speak.

We have discussed maybe doing Canberra every second year.

Some of the blokes that go to Canberra are business men or in fact run their own business's, and the four day trek which includes two 

week days can be a bit of a problem.  

Mainly trying to work out dates that suit... weather... missing the school holidays and also trying not to  impact on work commitments.

As I have said in the first post here, it is definitely open to anyone else, who wants to continue the trek and we are only too happy to "pass the baton on" 

The previous routes and the contacts are certainly available.   

We all agree it is a great event, but new challenges also beckon.

If an alternative event is to happen, it is in the very very early stages of planning. (just talking about it over a pizza basically) 

We had been contacted by people asking for Canberra dates etc and we thought it was only prudent, to announce as early as when we decided

that it was off for 2017. 

I'm not sure what else I can say, our decision was certainly not meant to upset anyone, and if it has done so I sincerely apologise.

But it can also be a challenge for any other Victorian forum members who would like to head North.






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There is no doubt Tasmania would be the best option.

If that wasn't possible, a run down the south coast and over the Snowy would be an alternative.  Assuming the Victorian boys include a night in northern part of their state I'm suggesting we could stay overnight at the same place, that's all.  Shouldnt cramp their style too much!

my 2 cents worth is..... Change is as great as traditions are..... Same with our shared passion for Porsche models over the years.

i have felt for the Canberra folks, before, that they do a lot of organising but not much driving......

Love PeterM suggestion. Why not just coordinate a bit and meet up on the Saturday night somewhere from many directions. Find some hotel / location that can take the numbers and then we head our own way again.

it will be the bullshit and banter that makes for the great tradition..... Oh and the pies and sausage rolls of course!


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Ok PeterM time to put your thinking cap on and organize a SMT for us, it's your turn you know, and some of us also know you've been sneaking out with some old pommy cars and giving us a wide berth.


I am keen to come along to whatever gets put together, had read lots about the ACT gatherings & was kind off keen to join in on the next one.  

Open to lending a hand bearing in mind I live in Mid North NSW

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@michel has contacted me and some others about sorting something out, so I think it will be happening still, and we can sort of the details. There looks like enough of us that are keen to pick up the baton and strive forward ;) (and hopefully I will actually have my P car on the road by then).

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Gents let's not make this another could a woulda shoulda thread... Lord knows they abound a plenty... ???

seems there's enough B-road lovin to go round ... 

So if there's enough deep interest in a 2-4 day  event let's make it happen. Not rocket science... Just about turning up 

taking on board a few of the other gents comments particularly the DRIVE , have a slightly revised format in mind.. And a photo shoot 


as for the elder PFA statesmans I'm sure they'll enjoy themselves well enough 


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I'm keen to deconflict this with Tassie trip, as it would be a shame to scatter the crowd. I support both events.

Before I proposed Tassie (on the back of Toms thread), I spoke with Niko to deconflict. 

I probably can't run Tassie in spring next year due to another travel conflict, therefore I proposed autumn (Mar).

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Tit man - I don't think there's timing conflict - the Tazzie trip is for the hardcore n ribald who walk amongst us... 

great roads great roads great distilleries but the extent of time away for some tricky ...

Nothing that but a beer can't remedy 

Defrock , detente, denture ..deconflict?

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my 2 cents worth is..... Change is as great as traditions are..... Same with our shared passion for Porsche models over the years.

i have felt for the Canberra folks, before, that they do a lot of organising but not much driving......

Love PeterM suggestion. Why not just coordinate a bit and meet up on the Saturday night somewhere from many directions. Find some hotel / location that can take the numbers and then we head our own way again.

it will be the bullshit and banter that makes for the great tradition..... Oh and the pies and sausage rolls of course!


Gents let's not make this another could a woulda shoulda thread... Lord knows they abound a plenty... ???

seems there's enough B-road lovin to go round ... 

So if there's enough deep interest in a 2-4 day  event let's make it happen. Not rocket science... Just about turning up 

taking on board a few of the other gents comments particularly the DRIVE , have a slightly revised format in mind.. And a photo shoot 


I was really keen to do Canbra next year as past years i couldn't get off work so if a date can be agreed up on in the next month or two that makes it a bit easier to book time off.

I know most people will have this problem as well, as Stephen said even 2 days for some may be enough.

I'm sure people that are interested will be out scouting roads and planning routes for their respective SMT's to travel to this event now.

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So I was looking sometime in March 2017 during the school semester for Tassie.  Need to think about the impact of the F1 as well.

Ideally the other 'major' event would be sep/Oct/Nov to catch the good weather on the other side of winter and allow a healthy calendar gap between the two.

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