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Shannons Auctions

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Hi Guys, just looking through the next Shannons auction catalogue, do you think they are undervaluing the cars(maybe to entice more bidders)

https://www.shannons.com.au/auctions/2016-shannons-sydney-spring-classic-auction/J1RQ4ZJ2B06JA935/   $52-->60k seems that would be a good buy

https://www.shannons.com.au/auctions/2016-shannons-sydney-spring-classic-auction/J29AE12309Z3D9MP/  $40-->50k seems cheap

https://www.shannons.com.au/auctions/2016-shannons-sydney-spring-classic-auction/KBG48CA9N0M80928/  $60-->70K last one sold close to $90k

https://www.shannons.com.au/auctions/2016-shannons-sydney-spring-classic-auction/Y0PF0C09D4Q6DAR3/ $60-->75K I'm selling the Carrera for one (no not really)


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 That splitty bus for $40 to $50k? Crap. Try 3 times that amount if its not a rust monster. If its a real Samba, the last one sold for over $200k as a guide, and that was claimed to be immaculate and original when it wasn't

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Shannons have a history of quoting low and selling for much higher than guide pricing.

It would be easy for them to say that the market is changing all of the time and it's hard to know, but as a specialist classic car auction and classic car insurer, they know EXACTLY what these cars are worth on today's market .....

It's very misleading and frustrating for the buyers, but as far as I know, not illegal .....

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What would this really go for?  There is one on car sales for 90K.  Is that the more realistic price?

Sorry I was talking about the SC Targa

The Shannons car has done 211,000 kms and is described as "very good" condition (below excellent but above good!). I find it hard to believe that car will fetch $70k. $90k for a SC Targa is crazy.

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70-80k more if its uber amazing immaculate and driven by someone who recently read Walter Rorhls biography 

Or another 10K if petrol lid signed by Tomnus! :rolleyes:

The Shannons car has done 211,000 kms and is described as "very good" condition (below excellent but above good!). I find it hard to believe that car will fetch $70k. $90k for a SC Targa is crazy.

Judging by the last 2 sc's that sold at Shannons Melb, people DO pay crazy prices for average Porsches... 

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