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OFFSET pedals in AC cars

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Im wondering of any other AC car's owners have experienced this issue,

After a good 400km day in my sc a few weeks ago upon stepping out of the car some sharp nerve pain hit my right calf, the physio said the offset pedals are directly to blame, so I wont be driving for a while im guessing till the spine is fixed.

Anyone else has had this issue?


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Being an LHD driver the pedals are offset in the opposite direction - but never had an issue, and had many multiple hour drives.

not to cast assumptions on age but it might be the sudden twisting after sitting for 4hrs+ rather than the offset, which isn't really that mich

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Being an LHD driver the pedals are offset in the opposite direction - but never had an issue, and had many multiple hour drives.

not to cast assumptions on age but it might be the sudden twisting after sitting for 4hrs+ rather than the offset, which isn't really that mich

being 50 might be a factor mate, i hope isn't going to be an issue in the future, i so love this car, ide hate to have to part with it...

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Well the po of mine quoted his reason for selling was 'unable to get in and out easily'.  Was older than 50 though...keep fit gents!

Bought two of my Porsches because of this.

Old mate who is 82 has just bought a new Cayman . :D He goes to the gym 3x/week and plays tennis. Move or die!

Oh and I've no doubt the offset compromise in RHD 911s is an ergonomic problem waiting to happen. Dunno how you guys put up with it, Aust delivered or not.

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Both LHD and RHD are offset. I don't particularly notice much difference between the two. Nor do I notice any issue with either. Keep fit. Stretch a bit. Drive lots.

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Maybe your simply just twisting your pelvis , easily corrected with a little stretch, most physios should be able to guide you .. on how to do that and self correct , takes minute.

Sounds like something wrong with the back doctor probably drives a Camry


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I find it funnier that you actually searched for an image that suited the reply! ???

I find it funny that people pay to go into heated rooms with other sweaty people and do doggie stuff to fix their atrophic backs!

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After being in the car for long periods of time, I get an ache in my right knee.  

My summer daily used to be a 1953 BSA motorcycle. I went to the chiropractor once with a sore back. He said no wonder, riding that thing. I said I'm happy to put up with it and come to see you once in a while.

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