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Bogan wunderlust ... Summernats 2019 whose going


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Forget the sycophantic dreaming of luftgekuhlt, and rennsport ... there are splendours, much much closer to home...if Zwart can be applauded for lightin up his 914:6.. what say you then oh gentle PORSCHE men for rolling into Summernats 2019....

Be brave slip n slap on that brut and join us in bespoke metal appreciation 



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12 hours ago, michel said:

Had to re read @FAP911 man.. Had thought you wrote  

...Just need to see @Skidmarks in a dress...


I can do both ... !

Depending on hemline, you may see a little too much of my Weissach package though ...

I recent;y went to a day with my English car at PI. There was a skid pan exercise as part of the days activities. The boys in from the UK we’re both aghast and impressed at the donuts I was doing so I think I can reprise that effort. 

Would be a pisser to actually do this so let’s make a plan. 

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1 hour ago, vl gra said:

Just got back home late this arvo. The promoters have made it go downhill big time. Don't know if i will go again.

No wet tshirt comp or Miss Summernats show huh! And a box to tick on your pass acknowledging Summernats was a safe space for women and you won't hassle them. What's next i wonder ......

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1 hour ago, vl gra said:

Just got back home late this arvo. The promoters have made it go downhill big time. Don't know if i will go again.

Is it because they are trying to be family orientated?

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3 minutes ago, tk111 said:

Is it because they are trying to be family orientated?

Yes. They are trying to really clamp down on the burnouts. The number of cars that i seen get kicked out for barely turning a tyre was a joke. Even the cars in the top 60 tent you could pick alot of faults. The quality of show car was alot better and detailed 20 years ago bar a few exceptions.

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40 degrees ... stinking fukn heat the road melts ... night comes and night aninAls and the ratcheting of crickets sing.. no name is singing and she is cool  ryoja to swill moon closing out ahhhh night breeze puff sweet fresh blown from the east across  the mountains laden salty from the sea I hear whales

Oh wrong text ????


Gents . @Skidmarks @FAP911 Have their ear to the conch shell and are hearing  throbbing bassoon sounds of v8 iron block dominance shredding Firestone’s fuk ciup sports ...

Sign up here and the first ten get a complimentary t -shirt and their tits signed buy yours truly and  @MFX , you might also  get a coffee mug..

sure it may have moved on a bit  , but hey so have we  all... but it’s a rite of passage for some and it like all things car wise earnest in its undertakings . There is serious craft in the top 10 and serious fuk yeh in the burnout finals .. you gotta laugh 

don’t sit their n tut tut and cough in your rompers are you metal men or ... 

For those who will, put your name down here .. I’ll set up a tent space in the paddock below my house . 

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Burnouts, blowers and boobs. One of the go to videos at the local video store back in 1988.

That's what Summernats is all about right?

Always wanted to go, never have.

Was at PI this weekend - lots of nice machines out for the Kustom Nats.

Ya reckon I'd get good smoke early off me Dunlop Direzzas?


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Organisers are crowing about how respectful it was this year.  I always thought it would be a laugh to go to.  gee some of the machinery is bloody impressive and mega $$ invested.  But Miss Summernats, wet T shirt comps, bogans yelling at women "show us ya tits" etc was all pretty unseemly.  That behaviour was always on borrowed time, Weinstein et al made it pretty distasteful and forced the organisers' hand to act.  As the father of 2 teenage girls, I applaud the organisers risking it all to clean up their act (legally they probably had no choice).

The challenge is how they retain some "atmosphere" and vibe to keep the throngs engaged each year. It would be a shame if crowds dwindled with the lack of boob flashes and debauchery. Its 2018 folks, times have changed.....

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 If that's what the organisers wanted with less BS from the pissed up bogun minority, good for them, yet as most know in that car enthusiast fraternity, all the things that were frowned upon were part of what attracts the crowds to Summernats. I watched the 2017 Summernats on Fox the other night, and if people are so offended by it all, stay home! Not that I care at all, as that car scene or the cars don't interest me at all, but what was so offensive about Miss Summernats? Kids see far worse things on tv, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram! ? Good to see the minority of society has the biggest voice as usual ??

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Gents , I been a few times and too be honest outside of the motorsport aspect as a managed  event, IMO it ranks over oz rennsport. Though acknowledge for many it’s just rank. 

Sure it’s not everyone’s scene, and there are many social political thoughts on boys men cars and behaviour. Plenty of wrong displayed at S-Nats. Though many of the entrant and spectator cars are  of their type and Marques, and at a detail level - staggering and  cool. 

These are examples of marque and custom build that sits outside of the parameters of most PFA  DIY tinkerers and project builders. Aesthetically it don’t gel for many , get it.

Its good though to peek over the proverbial fence from time to time.. where u reckon ol Magnus got his ideas for frenching’...?

post your doctrinal musings  and your offense here. 

If ya coming . See you early Jan 2019


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4 hours ago, LeeM said:

 but what was so offensive about Miss Summernats? Kids see far worse things on tv, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram! ? Good to see the minority of society has the biggest voice as usual ??

 I don't think you can say it's a minority that are focussed on ensuring women (and men!) can attend events or workplaces and expect to avoid unwanted attention and harassment - it's had a lot of press of late and businesses and events everywhere have had to change the rules of engagement to ensure they are not at risk of being accused of turning a blind eye or passively supporting inappropriate behaviour.  The antennae are up, ignore at your peril.

if Summernats is a victim of this change, it probably says it was anchored in last century and was unable to evolve with the times.  I wonder how street machine shows work overseas....

Instead of cancelling Miss Summernats, maybe they could have added Mr Mullet competition for the blokes. I'm sure there were some fine specimens........

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26 minutes ago, DJM said:

 I don't think you can say it's a minority that are focussed on ensuring women (and men!) can attend events or workplaces and expect to avoid unwanted attention and harassment - it's had a lot of press of late and businesses and events everywhere have had to change the rules of engagement to ensure they are not at risk of being accused of turning a blind eye or passively supporting inappropriate behaviour.  The antennae are up, ignore at your peril.

if Summernats is a victim of this change, it probably says it was anchored in last century and was unable to evolve with the times.  I wonder how street machine shows work overseas....

Instead of cancelling Miss Summernats, maybe they could have added Mr Mullet competition for the blokes. I'm sure there were some fine specimens........

@DJM could they wear wet t-shirts as well?


Theres a front page article csnberra times and a follow up inside on this.

sex industry were the front page ‘news’ , with a follow up article talking about family values and the promoters efforts.

either way it’s spectacle  and economic kerching.. s-nats brings in big. Summer money aldirect and indirect spend at a time of year when it’s trad dead.

on the flip side Lopez the mouth piece for the event company who bought s- bats realise that to stay alive to grow up make revenue change was needed despite perceived change and disruption. Besides who makes/ influences  some of the larger spending decisions in the family .... 

Same event company bought the pope to Australia ?? go figure it 



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1 minute ago, DJM said:


Instead of cancelling Miss Summernats, maybe they could have added Mr Mullet competition for the blokes. I'm sure there were some fine specimens........

  ? We'll never know now! 

 Like I say, I really don't care for it, or most other car shows, cars and coffee etc, as it bores me and I'd rather be out driving.......

  I've deleted the rest of this reply so I don't offend anyone with my personal views. Carry on ?

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I admire the workmanship that goes into the cars and the care and dedication to bring them to a high standard, whatever the marque. I have only been once, and it was 15 years ago so things may be different, but I would never take my wife there with me that is for sure. It is only 1hr 45 from me and I am still not interested in going again, but I do not fit that demographic anyway. I don't understand the appeal of burn outs and the way they are revered as the pinnacle of driver skill... pass. 

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21 hours ago, Troubleshooter said:

No wet tshirt comp or Miss Summernats show huh! And a box to tick on your pass acknowledging Summernats was a safe space for women and you won't hassle them. What's next i wonder ......

Yeah - ongoing campaign for the  Women's War on White Men - corporate girls infiltrate & take all the fun out of bloke things.

I went to regional type of Summernats event about 5 years ago. They were not the cars I usually look at, but it was terrific family fun then, lots of young mums with kids in pushers. Bogans yes but mainly hardworking muscle car enthusiasts, whole families proud of their cars. The feminasti  'safe space' attitude turns off just as many normal women as men.

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Baaaah, just can’t resist. As our self appointed Ex Monaro owning V8 ute driving PFA bogan. I have to share this scene of Aussie bogan cultural perfection, complete with Sick C@#$ commentary from the gallery. Personally all this political correctness pisses me no end, for God’s sake, just a bunch of “blokes” letting off some steam. Thank your lucky stars they are all in one place I say. The nats has been around for long enough that anyone attending should know what to expect. If you don’t like it or scared of being offended don’t go and don’t press play.  :ph34r:


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6 minutes ago, Fraz said:

Baaaah, just can’t resist. As our self appointed Ex Monaro owning V8 ute driving PFA bogan. I have to share this scene of Aussie bogan cultural perfection, complete with Sick C@#$ commentary from the gallery. Personally all this political correctness pisses me no end, for God’s sake, just a bunch of “blokes” letting off some steam. Thank your lucky stars they are all in one place I say. The nats has been around for long enough that anyone attending should know what to expect. If you don’t like it or scared of being offended don’t go and don’t press play.  :ph34r:


Man that guy can drive! 

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On 07/01/2018 at 7:50 AM, Skidmarks said:

I can do both ... !

Depending on hemline, you may see a little too much of my Weissach package though ...

I recent;y went to a day with my English car at PI. There was a skid pan exercise as part of the days activities. The boys in from the UK we’re both aghast and impressed at the donuts I was doing so I think I can reprise that effort. 

Would be a pisser to actually do this so let’s make a plan. 

You were right Michel - Build and they will come

Be a lot of fun - Bags passenger in the GT2 ( unless I get bumped by one of your boys ) 

23 hours ago, vl gra said:

Just got back home late this arvo. The promoters have made it go downhill big time. Don't know if i will go again.

I read numbers were done - Having never been what has changed????


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As for burnouts years ago was involved in an art event - automatic drawing - or some hyperbole. It was staged at the local skid pan one big cherry picker digital camera colour printer and a bunch of 2 4 wheeled burnout kings n queens... 

in the bleachers there was a mix of  all n sundry the self appointed local art glitterati and  blokes and blokettes like @Fraz maybe it was Fraz?

Was a fun arvo everyone marvelled and looked on mesmerised waiting for the tyres to go.. the biggest fans of the day were some pre hipster .30 something’s who had just renewed their yearly NGA passes.

it was cool to see the mix of punters in attendance , it was fun to see the spectacle smell hear it also... but I do think it was a bit lost in translation and a bit too polite. Now if we had staged it at Summernats the currency of the event more potent 

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