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Other road users treatment of Porsches

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Why is it every time I go out for a leisurely drive (never lower than the speed limit) someone in some sort of sports car wants to be all over my boot? Must think that because it's a Porsche I want to race - It happens so often (in comparison to when I drive my plain falcon) that it can't just be me.


I even had it on my drive back from when I picked the car up, overtook a car doing 85 in a 110 zone, and then she tried to stay a few inches from my bumper for the next few km's (I wasn't going slowly either)


Does this happen to everyone else? or am I just a special exemption like a red flag to a bull?

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Russ...I find it varies with the location....certain suburbs in....ahem....western Sydney, seems that the locals just want to drag you off from the lights.  Other, more well-to-do, suburbs have more courtesy and respect.


It's not you Russ....it's them!!!      :blink:

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I can understand if they rev as they wait at the lights and give you an option, but I just came back from the shops with an ankle wrapped up that may be broken (thank god for sportomatic lol), and had a jaguar XF about 2cm from my boot (so close that when I slowed down for a speed zone change he had to swerve to miss me) - I pulled over and regained my composure after that lol

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just lift off and turn on your lights at same time. They will think you have hit the picks, and then when you see them react hit the faster pedal and get a gap. If they tail gate again tap your brakes and hopefully by that stage that get the message. Otherwise just pull over and let em through

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It seems to work the other way too.  just try to get past a slower car on the open road and watch the silly p%^&* speed up at the first sign of an overtaking opportunity :angry: 


btw, I love the tags, Russ. :lol: 

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Lol, there's always those people! I try not to be one of them.

I'm all for brake checking people, but having to rebuild the back of a 911 would suck, especially as its only original once

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Russ maybe its just Brisbane drivers, last time I had the car out, an old Corolla tried to race me, I was unaware

this was happening until he finally passed me at 80KMH (which was the speed limit, I had lifted as I was at speed).

I could here the valves bouncing as he went passed, I guess he can boast the corolla beat a PORSCHE.


The other one was a turbo rice burner who dodged in and out of traffic to get beside me, looked over and gunned it,

I just maintained speed, again I guess, he can boast he beat a PORSCHE.


Maybe I just have a slow PORSCHE :o

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Lol, I must say I had a pair of Japanese guys race up to get next to me in a hotted up civic, just to say it was a nice car lol, they didn't want to race.

I think the trick is early morning country drives to avoid the abovementioned "types" of driver

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The worst I get is "Hey mate , ya steering wheel's on the wrong side!" Then , being in close proximity , we chat. The other diplomatic thing to do at the lights is roll down your window and say to the (insert : hot Gemini , skyline , civic ) "Cool car mate . Love the colour/wheels/seat covers" etc. Of course , being LHD I can talk to the driver and not have to deal with his/her drunk/verbally incontinent/badly dressed-cap on backwards/gum-chewing/Collingwood-supporting passenger(s).

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I do not engage these people...I'm not at all interested in losing any license points.  Better have these people in front of you where you can see them.  If I'm getting tailgated really badly, I simply indicate that I'm pulling over, usually they overtake immediately.


Mucking around with putting on tail lights and pretending to stop then speeding up...it's just as likely to provoke a retailiation.  I've got nothing to prove, I drive my car for the pleasure of driving.

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WTH will Amanda do???

Chick in a Porsche...the traffic light racers wont bother. They'll just assume her sugar daddy bought it for her and she doesnt know how to drive  ;)  Teach 'em a lesson A

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Chick in a Porsche...the traffic light racers wont bother. They'll just assume her sugar daddy bought it for her and she doesnt know how to drive  ;)  Teach 'em a lesson A


At least mess with their minds!

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I do not engage these people...I'm not at all interested in losing any license points.  Better have these people in front of you where you can see them.  If I'm getting tailgated really badly, I simply indicate that I'm pulling over, usually they overtake immediately.


Mucking around with putting on tail lights and pretending to stop then speeding up...it's just as likely to provoke a retailiation.  I've got nothing to prove, I drive my car for the pleasure of driving.


lol that was just a suggestion as I don't get that(tail gating) happening to me. As an ex motorcyclist, I get off line briskly and the boy racers who want to beat me end up in front, usually going above the speed limit(and become the one the cops will pull up), and I have a nice gap to the other cars behind, so can cruise at the speed limit on my own. Been driving/riding that way for years. On a bike you just don't ever want to spend any more time than you have to, in amongst a  group of cars, as that's when $h!t happens. 

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I do not engage these people...I'm not at all interested in losing any license points.  Better have these people in front of you where you can see them.  If I'm getting tailgated really badly, I simply indicate that I'm pulling over, usually they overtake immediately.


Mucking around with putting on tail lights and pretending to stop then speeding up...it's just as likely to provoke a retailiation.  I've got nothing to prove, I drive my car for the pleasure of driving.



Truly sensible, the best way to handle it.  +1

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