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Sticker replacement procedure.


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On the back of my (and every other) 944 i have a " =porsche= " sticker going right across the back. Removing it isn't a problem. Hairdryer and peal it off. but how do you remove the adhesive? 


I've tried the following with no luck:


Mentholated spirits 50/50 water


I have pure mentholated spirits i'll try to use

I have isopropyl too. 

I have some very aggressive flush used to clean UV inks but because it's aggressive, I probably wont try it.. 





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i know with window tinting you use a heat gun to warm up the adhesive - and it comes off with the tinting. wonder if it's the same with a sticker?


I'd try isopropyl alcohol personally

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Eucalyptus oil will defiantly get it off - used it a few times on glass.... works a treat.


Apply it liberally to a small rag & glide it over what you want removed.

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It was one of those things that i wanted to replace for a long time and use to bug me so bad!




Got home and tried WD40 on a spot. Didn't work. tried Isopropyl, worked okay.. had to use a bit so i didn't continue to use it. 

Went to autobarn and got some bug and tar removal. worked really well. 


So i pretty much warmed it up with a hairdryer, slowly removed it and left all the adhesive on the car. Sprayed it with B&T removal and let it soak like Jim said. scraped it off with a plastic knife. took a bit of elbow grease but it worked!


Theo, I was looking at that stuff in my book, if none of this worked. that was my next plan. 








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