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WANTED - 964 Owner to be my best mate

Mike D'Silva

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Yep.... I'm looking for someone to become my new bestie...:D

He or she, must preferably own a 964, or at least an air-cooled Porsche... and must live in Brisbane... if not they should be prepared to travel.

Non-smoker preferred, and must like cats.... dogs are OK, but I'm not a fan..  

I have no children and preferably neither will you, so we can go on cool weekend drives, take youtube videos and work on our cars.

However, if you do have children, I'd rather not know about them

Wives and girlfriends are OK, so long as they acknowledge their position in the pecking order.. mine is well trained and understands that car first, bike second, cats third... and she is somewhere near 5th or 6th depending on my mood at the time.

Age is not important... but for your info I am early 4's.:rolleyes:

I do work long hours and my new friend will likely do so as well... it seems to be a requirement to be able to afford all the parts that these cars swallow up. Sunday is my only real play day or any night. I am willing to share my tools, knowledge and experience, in turn for your willingness to laugh at all my bad sarcastic jokes. 

For the record, I can read, write and I wash daily.. I also know the difference between "their, there and they're" and am a bit of a stickler for correct grammar.. although I swear like a real Australian and use the F word a lot...I'm trying to cut back

If any of the above interests, you, and why they hell would it not... please get in touch  :)



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For the record, I can read, write and I wash daily.. I also know the difference between "their, there and they're" and am a bit of a stickler for correct grammar.. 

Symsy is out the running then ?

Sorry Symsy  

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Sounds exactly like the partner I have been looking for, just the wrong location. You forgot the most important rule "What happens in the garage, stays in the garage" ;) .

HAHA.. yeah.. but maybe a bit of distance can be a good thing.. you know how "absence makes the heart grow fonder!" .. I've tried talking Natasha into moving into another house in the interests of strengthening our relationship, but so far it hasn't suggestion hasn't earned any merit.

Symsy is out the running then ?

Sorry Symsy  

He doesn't wash daily?

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This thread appears to be deteriorating to mimic that old joke:

I walk into the bar, the first guy I see goes, 'Tell me something?'

I'm like, 'Alright.'

He goes, 'If you woke up in the morning and there were grass stains on your knees and a condom hanging out of your butt, would you tell anyone?'

I'm like, 'Nope. I don't think so. No.'

He goes, 'Would you like to go camping with me?

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Sorry Mike but it had to degenerate this way of course - but don't blame me, Timm kicked it off with the Grindr mention and now we're down to twinks n bears ..  Seriously, we all know your looking for a likeminded mate to chat all aircooled n have a beer n detail the cars n fix the 964s ... surely not too hard to find a friend to give you a helping hand, chew the fat and polish the knobs? More hope on Craigslist......B)

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Golden rule: What happens on PFA stays on PFA...

Not too many twinks in these here parts, methinks. I reckon that bear is more likely to sniff out a few otters.

Go ahead, google Grindr. Then Scruff. Then again, maybe don't. Good luck explaining your browsing history to your wife/girlfriend!

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Sorry Mike but it had to degenerate this way of course - but don't blame me, Timm kicked it off with the Grindr mention and now we're down to twinks n bears ..  Seriously, we all know your looking for a likeminded mate to chat all aircooled n have a beer n detail the cars n fix the 964s ... surely not too hard to find a friend to give you a helping hand, chew the fat and polish the knobs? More hope on Craigslist......B)

I'm actually not surprised it went the way it did. Going by the other posts by certain people in other threads, they haven't disappointed and have certainly lived up the reputation they have created for themselves.

Forums are open slather, so you have to accept it.

Anyway, my garage is all cleaned up now.. floor is re-epoxied, new shelves on wheels so I can move stuff about and clean under them (yes, I like stuff to be clean where it can be)... So I now have a little space for a new project.. maybe a car, or a bike... I wonder how hard it is to learn to weld???

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I wonder how hard it is to learn to weld???

You just rebuilt an engine, welding will be straight forward. Same sort of principle, take your time and do your research. YouTube is your friend ;) .

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