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Hello, I hope everybody is well and doing ok. Things are uncertain and interrupted in the current climate. Coming in and out of ‘restrictions’, I thought it might be in order and presenting good form to have a good old Sunday morning SMT , catch up as we always did , and enjoy each other’s company , marvel at great cars , ‘ stretch the legs’ , and have a brekkie together , chatting and plan future trips. I  am contemplating a number of routes ,but to keep it simple  , meet at Maccas Tecoma , 6 am , 7 /3/21. ( 14:3/21 as a back up ). Let us know if you are interested , to get a handle of numbers . Hope to see great cars and meet awesome people.👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

early bird catches the open road , we started driving in the dark , some fog as well. Red man , Grimmy , Arne, P-Kay , monty188 made it out of bed early. By the time we hit the open plains , the sun came up. Glorious, it felt like autumn . Nice pace , no road blocks , only a few bikes. Saved 2 Lyrebirds sitting on the road , never knew my breaks are that good. Without any drama we made it for breakfast to Marysville , and ran into Phil bee and crew. Lots of chats , good like always to drive with other P cars and catch up. Thank you everybody for coming along and joining for some great driving. Any pics? 







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1 hour ago, Grimmy said:

Or a scoot from Eildon to Jamieson for a longer day run ?

good idea, could build in a lunch somewhere. We ask Niko AKA Bacon roll man , i think he knows most restaurants out there.😁🥩


Mark: you said it, you plan it. ( Rule #27 in the SMT booklet.):Chuckle2:

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