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Drove a Tesla today and am a little sad...

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Just drove a Model S, P90D with all the options today.

Sure, it's quick with 0 to 100kph in 3 seconds, has autopilot, lane changing by just working the indicator stalk, 250kph top speed, 967Nm, 397kW and a price tag of $210k but it left me feeling like I'd just used the toaster or the food processor.

On all objective levels it makes complete sense except for the price tag and the likely depreciation but I didn't experience any more joy than I do on an electric train.

Am I alone and just a dinosaur clutching to old motoring ways?

I can see my wife's next car being electric but for me I'm not so sure.....

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Am I alone and just a dinosaur clutching to old motoring ways?

An iron horse should sound like an iron horse.

Enjoy the last throes of the Age Of Combustion Peter.

There's more to life than theme park acceleration and in car orgizmos. Even if the next generation won't know that :P

Friend of mine just bought a 


Because he likes to be different!



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All the performance figures are impressive, but it's the range and recharge times that need to be resolved before these become a serious long distance contender.  A Canberra SMT weekend could take a week.  Then there is the battery life and how to dispose or recycle them.

From what you have said, it is like playing Need For Speed with the sound turned off.

On a brighter note, the way 911/930 prices are going, you could probably just swap for one.


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Range and how you recharge it are the big issues, especially somewhere hilly like Tassie!

Unfortunately a lot of late model/ new cars have the appliance feel to them, many even sound like sewing machines.....

Give me an internal combustion engine any day :) I just had to, yet again, test my alternator output and I may have given it a few more revs than may have been required! You cannot beat the sound of a high performance engine! The entry price into a 928 is worth that alone :)

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Theme park describes it well but joyless like the diesel work cars I've been driving in recent years. Efficient no doubt but joyless

Every car I've hired in the past 15 years has pretty much felt the same. 2 door , 4 door , SUV , big 4wd.  Of course I don't hire exotics as my wife is inclined to the practical and safe - but you know what I am saying , cars are built to a recipe and you have no choice but to eat what's prepared!

I even felt the Macan Turbo a bit "meh". It takes a lot to get me out of yawn phase.

And I certainly don't need parking or lane departure assist. I've got me for that. As for a gazillion semi-hidden switches and dials for various light and traction combinations.  WTF;  if that isn't a recipe for an accident or expensive fault. And I haven't even started to vent!.

It's good to be in control of technology , not vice versa.

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And I certainly don't need parking or lane departure assist. I've got me for that. As for a gazillion semi-hidden switches and dials for various light and traction combinations.  WTF;  if that isn't a recipe for an accident or expensive fault. And I haven't even started to vent!.

It's good to be in control of technology , not vice versa.

 But the thought of technology in control of you Tazwegians, and not vice versa, is good for the rest of us! ..... :ph34r: 

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it's the range and recharge times that need to be resolved before these become a serious long distance contender.  A Canberra SMT weekend could take a week. 


With up to 500km range, it would only take a little adjustment to the route to include a coffee stop at the super chargers at Goulburn or Gundagai to top up and a change of hotel in Canberra to use an existing overnight charger. I'm sure Caver could handle this easily.

i think for most people using an electric is now viable in terms of range with only the need for a conventional vehicle for those rare trips to the sticks.

Sadly i also suspect that we won't have SMT's in electric cars as no one will be enthused to do so anyway!

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These things make me laugh 

Tesla 200k +

BMW i8 300k + 

all so you don't have to spend a $1.30 a litre for unleaded?????? 

Personally  I'd rather a sandy vagina than an electric car that can't go anywhere without an extention  lead 

and no sound at redline.  

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As electric cars become popular in the next decade , there will be a glut of oil. Which is good new for some.

As long as electricity isn't coming from diesel or coal it's all good eh?

Coffee and electric cars. No , that won't work.

Even though this looks like a fun park , when every Tom,  Dick & Harry starts doing this at the lights it will get a bit old, and dangerous.


People who scream on rollercoasters really get on my goat. I'm seriously like


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Are we selling technology short?

What would it take to add another drive mode to the existing "Sport" and "Ludicrous" ones?

Mr Musk wouldn't need much more than to task a programmer to create let's say the "Synthetic Classic Porsche" mode:

  • Use the stereo to pipe in a synthetic flat six soundtrack,
  • Program the speed controller to puts some hills and valleys in the torque curve,
  • Program some hiccups in the torque curve to replicate gear changes.  (Even Subaru do this now with their CVT cars!)
  • Program the switch purposes to change so you can never quite recall what does what or where the hell it is for that matter!
  • Dims all the dash lights to that pale yellow hue.
  • Completely separate the HVAC controls so they work independently and the control symbols make no sense.

With a few electro mechanical devices added, he could also offer:

  • Variable toe device on the rear suspension that can replicate lift off oversteer whenever the g forces are up and you're a bit nervy on the throttle,
  • Steering kick back that works from the individual loading feedback from each front wheel.  Can even turn off the power steering assist whenever you enter a carpark!
  • Add super sized, high rpm capable vibrators to the firewall and floor pan that are synchronised with the engine soundtrack,  
  • At various distance and time intervals, the HVAC system releases synthetic incense into the cabin.  After 120,000km a random hot engine oil smell to replicate the oil leak experience and every 20 years a petrol smell to mimic the loosening of the breather hose clamps on the tank in the frunk.


It'll be great!  I just can't figure out why you guys are so unenthusiastic about the future.........





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Lest they forget , Peter https://youtu.be/FpM-wHBWy6I

You can't do that in a Tesla , but I sorta can on my commute. Why wear 3rd gear out?


What will petrollectroheads be able to tinker with in the future?

There are ways of "hotting up" electric motors.  Ask any slot car guy.


With up to 500km range, it would only take a little adjustment to the route to include a coffee stop at the super chargers at Goulburn or Gundagai to top up and a change of hotel in Canberra to use an existing overnight charger. I'm sure Caver could handle this easily.

i think for most people using an electric is now viable in terms of range with only the need for a conventional vehicle for those rare trips to the sticks.

Sadly i also suspect that we won't have SMT's in electric cars as no one will be enthused to do so anyway!

About 700km from Canberra to home, would need a stop somewhere, maybe Cowra for a recharge.

and you could do this


as for sound

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There are ways of "hotting up" electric motors.  Ask any slot car guy.

So when you can do 0-100 in 1 second , then what? It's a high speed train ; I'll be happy to sit in the back reading old car magazines listening to decent music whilst a poorly paid chauffeur does the rest. That gives me around 25 years to keep playing with combustion era machines whilst people fiddle with their various electronic devices, yay!

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I've ordered a Model 3, who knows when it will get here. Perfect car for 99% of the time I think... It's not like you get to enjoy a car much driving too/from work in a capital city, if you do that. 

As enthusiasts I'd expect we'll all have something with an internal combustion engine and a manual gearbox tucked away for sunny weekends. Most people don't give a crap either way and will go electric soon, that just means lots of ICE bargains to come... Everyone here should have a goal to build a bigger garage in the next 10 years! ;)

What would it take to add another drive mode to the existing "Sport" and "Ludicrous" ones?  

"Maximum Plaid" mode is in the works for the new Roadster that's coming... (Reference here for anyone who is wondering, but surely you all know!)

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I think they are cool cars - but I get what everyone is saying. They are bland but for basic city commuting they make a compelling proposition. I have a freind in Los Angles that leased a baby BMW electric car for just a work commute and the lease cost was less than the previous cars fuel costs on a monthly basis. The Americans get a number of subsidies and tax breaks especially in California  

Battery technology along with rapid charge stations will only improve - probably close to what Moores law was tracking to.

What's going to be interesting to watch is if Musk can move from this loss making experiment (Tesla has never made a dollar) to a mainstream car company on the back of the model x. The electric car subsidy runs out soon and that will strike a blow to affordability in the USA. At the very least Musk has challenged the mainstream car manufacturers and broken the strangle hold they had resisting this technology. 

I also like what he's doing with the in-home power cell. Will be interesting to see where he goes with battery technology and the power wall.  Once the Giggafactory is operational this should be interesting. If you haven't already check it out



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I took an electric bike for a test ride a few weeks back and was super impressed!

Makes sense on a bike as you feel acceleration that's over & above your pedal input - like being pushed back into the seat so to speak.

As for cars....no thanks. Not yet anyway.

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 It's not like you get to enjoy a car much driving too/from work in a capital city, if you do that. 

You just have to choose your capital city wisely and you can have a lot of fun , every day of the working week!

The 928 accelerates in a linear way like a jet...or perhaps like a Tesla with a soundtrack :) 

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Teslas are the taxi of choice at Schipol airport, took one last year when I was there on business. I have to admit, I was seriously impressed with it, cruised at 145kmh down the motorway in almost complete silence other than a bit of tyre noise and motor noise from the boot. Talking to the driver he'd gone from a Merc E class to the Tesla and after 20,000 km he was well and truly a convert, couldn't imagine going back to a 'normal' car as he put it.

My drive to work makes one of these things a sensible option. But then I'm not sensible....

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