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Why are Porsches in Japan LHD?

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Its a status thing for them...  2 of my 911's one past one current both delivered new to Japan in LHD 

Here is something i got of the net 

The simplest explanation is that the car was imported.
However, it gets more complicated!
Expensive new foreign cars are quite often supplied in LHD form, because the Japanese equate LHD with expensive imported cars.  
I've seen Mercs & BMW's that were supplied new in Japan as LHD,  despite RHD versions of these car being easily available.
So, you can have the rather ironic situation where a brand-new Jaguar (which was built in a country that also has RHD as standard) is supplied in Japan as a LHD vehicle, simply to highlight the fact that it is a prestige import!

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Its a status thing for them...  2 of my 911's one past one current both delivered new to Japan in LHD 

Here is something i got of the net 

The simplest explanation is that the car was imported.
However, it gets more complicated!
Expensive new foreign cars are quite often supplied in LHD form, because the Japanese equate LHD with expensive imported cars.  
I've seen Mercs & BMW's that were supplied new in Japan as LHD,  despite RHD versions of these car being easily available.
So, you can have the rather ironic situation where a brand-new Jaguar (which was built in a country that also has RHD as standard) is supplied in Japan as a LHD vehicle, simply to highlight the fact that it is a prestige import!



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  Most of the people wanting to buy my LHD 912 were either Japanese, or expat Aussies living there, and they said the same thing re status symbol. Weird.  Could have sold it 3 or 4 times to Japan, yet it became too hard dealing with people overseas

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Australia had laws against importing cars, you had to have local content to avoid punitive taxation.  Lhd cars were verboten for a very long time.  I remember the first time I saw one - a ww2 jeep which had big 'caution - left hand drive' on the back.

the punitive taxation also set price expectations which, coupled with the remaining  protection means we still pay over the odds for European cars.

i assume lhd = European = prestige never took root in oz due to protection of the local industry, which took every advantage it could to nobble imports.   Unfortunately for them, the japs were also Rhd...

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Yep, it's absolutely correct. You're deemed to be more successful if you drive a LHD car in Japan 

warning...gross generalization ahead.   It goes deeper than that.  Younger generations in Japan are shunning traditional Japanese lifestyle and embracing all things Western.  This includes clothing, food, pop culture (Disney) and of course cars.  Spend some time there and you'll see a crazy mix of cultures.  It's a fascinating place for people watching. 

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warning...gross generalization ahead.   It goes deeper than that.  Younger generations in Japan are shunning traditional Japanese lifestyle and embracing all things Western.  This includes clothing, food, pop culture (Disney) and of course cars.  Spend some time there and you'll see a crazy mix of cultures.  It's a fascinating place for people watching. 

you're right re Japanese culture, but the car thing is through all generations 

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