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Be definitive - social philanthropy & porsche ownership


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gents ...  no proletysing here no soap box no wisdom but a question and some speculation...

we all here own, want to own, have owned porsche or other fancy toys and shiny baubles.  

So irrespective of the means, we are lucky and should take pause and remember that. Lucky bastard am I 

It also occurred to me that many of you all like to engage here digitally though also in the physical, bars , drive days etc

Made me wonder and had been having a chat with a few about the potential for PFA to consider some form of 'giving' - the means of which are  unresolved.

im sure many of you active and lurker , financial and non financial member , in your own time and way do give whether it be $2 to the salvos or giving up time to assist maybe mentor a kid through Barnados ? Tax deduction or not right ,  but you give?

for me I've done a number of transactions through this forum and sold some rarities and high value items, come to terms with the buyer, and of course not necessarily my listed ask.

But I have asked that the buyer if they want the item,  give the difference to an agreed charity (starlight foundation recently) ... they know who they are and it's a satisfactory buy sell for all IMO. 

so is there any interest from the many members irrespective of status to do something in this space ? 

could it be simply membership fees go up? Or more people pay membership? putting a minute percentage of any sale occurring off the forum in the kitty?  Other?

given there is interest in Motorsport on here forum and there is a serious gravity race ( soap box derby)  that can exceed more than 100 km/h in Beechworth, I'm proposing maybe a few teams organise and take up the challenge?


In doing so can combine giving along with sheer balls out fun.

any interest? 




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Im in to sponsor and or support an act of generosity from the forum to a good cause . 

Im also in for membership increase to support PFA and again for PFA giving to something .  Think I have made that obvious of late.

Im also in for paying a clip of a fee for trade via the forum . buy or sell .. sure theres room there ..

Happy to also auction or sell some hot laps  etc or sell some of the porsche items or auction them for a good cause ..whatever works.

Also up for a PFA charity build or create a car to do a charity rally or something if anyone is interested 



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I put loads of time and effort in to the Macclefield Billy Cart race called Gravfest in the Adelaide Hills. Our 4th event is in April. I help with the ideas and compete too.

We raise money for charity and have inspired Pt Augusta to start their own event. (That your's truly won)

I'm on the road at the moment. When I get home I'll post up some pics.

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Great idea and I support all the ideas.  Depending on how expensive insurance is, we could also think of a drive day or laps at a race track to either raise cash for a charity or take the charity recipients out for a fun drive.

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Having been involved in a couple of charities namely make a wish, sometimes an experience eg kid gets to go for a spin in a Porsche for a day delivers more value than money alone....

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Our club donates profits from the hillclimb to charity, a different one each year. "Hot laps" for charity sounds good until you look at the risks. High profile case in the past couple of years. But I allow kids (and adults) sit in my cars if they wish ; a little bit of "giving" never hurts.

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Having been involved in a couple of charities namely make a wish, sometimes an experience eg kid gets to go for a spin in a Porsche for a day delivers more value than money alone....

I would have thought this was the obvious one.  Find a charity that helps sick children and organise a day where multiple cars turn up and take the kids for a drive.  Guaranteed smiles all round.

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Gents hot laps as 'mapoftaz' pointed out has issues and risks - liability and insurance needs to be understood. Not insurmountable. 

I am wondering though whether the idea of the soap box derby and I'm thinking Beechworth due to the mountain course and attainable speeds (100 +) is a means to bring the PFA brethren together in a number of ways. Constructor , racer , watcher etc.

 Even opportunity for someone to run a 'book' again proceeds going somewhere that's needed.

anyway I'll leave it with you big hearted guys to cogitate on

Beechworth is October so plenty time to sort it out... 




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Righto. I'm on the road at the moment. So I am dreaming up a posable proposal.

Our Billy Cart race in Macclesfield SA is April 8 and 9 this year. Just enough time to put something together.

Our race raises money for charity. I will provide the "PFA cart" I will cover the entire cost of race entry and livery. 

Surely there is some online method of raising funds? You could donate $1 or $1000. I really don't have the time to do that on top of everything else going on at the moment. So we need somebody with the knowledge and time to take care of that.

Any interest? I'm only into it if 100% of donations go to charity. I provide the spectical and put my neck on the line. PFA makes a donation to our charities?

I'll post some pics of my weapon when I get home. 

Ideas? We could do it each year or dream up a new fund raiser each year?

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I think donating money, time, or whatever can be a very personal, but rewarding thing. Kids, causes, homeless. For 12 months after my wife passes away my family donated to one of the cancer organizations, to the tune of around $1000 a month.  But on a simpler scale, maybe PFA can pick a suitable charity, and in each state we do the old Bunnings sausage sizzle, and donate all the proceeds.  

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You can also do ebay auctions for charity, they have a special category for charities and raising money for charity that has lower fees. I did this for Variety TasBash a few years ago, you still get stuck with paypal fees though from memory? Could auction off some Porsche memorabilia or the like?

There are online sites to help you raise money and they keep a %, somewhere around 5 to 10%, can't remember, I will ask my wife later, she runs Relay for Life (Cancer Council) in Hobart that I am pretty much number 1 volunteer for.......

First thing you need to establish is what/ who you are raising money for?

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irst thing you need to establish is what/ who you are raising money for?

And that most gets through to the org , not just admin fees. Complex rules , a bit woolly.


and this has been investigated yet deemed legal http://www.smh.com.au/business/shane-warnes-charity-under-investigation-20151113-gkylcn.html

I'm not one for glitzy charity galas and the like. Too many galahs for a start.


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How about a simple Porsche meet up + BBQ... I'll cook up the bbq, I'll try to get the product sponsored, you all pay for your food then we donate the $$ 


I think this is a great idea, anything that also gets PFA members together, have a few in each state or region, see who can raise the most for bragging rights. 

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One of the general marque C&C events we visited late last year at Freshwater did a raffle for a charity. Most people didn't even ask what the prize was just bought tickets and most were not even there for the draw, it was about the giving.  I like the Edgy idea of getting PFA together and always a state bragging rights comes into play as no one on here is competitive :rolleyes:. Maybe its a multiple attack at this with a kick off quickly with C&C meets in each state and donations/donated raffle prizes whilst a bigger 'derby' or race day type event comes into play.... i do like the soap box racer idea.

recipients for me are always kids because i have them or big C having had this effect multiple family members over recent times

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The other option is to take part, in a team form, of an existing event.

Variety Bash is one, but there is a LOT of work to do to get a team up and it costs a fair bit of money too, but is a good opportunity to help out, meet great people (it is how I met my wife :) she was running it!) and have a "holiday".....

Cancer Council's Relay for Life is a much easier option - get about 15 to 20 people together, raise some money and walk for 20 hours.....

I have done both, Relay for life harder on the body (especially as team captain) but Bash takes way more time, effort and $$$$

There are online sites to help you raise money and they keep a %, somewhere around 5 to 10%, can't remember, I will ask my wife later, she runs Relay for Life (Cancer Council) in Hobart that I am pretty much number 1 volunteer for.......

Surely there is some online method of raising funds? You could donate $1 or $1000. I really don't have the time to do that on top of everything else going on at the moment. So we need somebody with the knowledge and time to take care of that.

http://features.gofundraise.com.au/cms/about 6% of donations taken as fee

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Much better than http://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/shane-warne-shuts-charity-to-avoid-potential-deregistration/ar-BBy9l3n?li=AAavLaF&ocid=spartandhp

 in 2014 the foundation spent $551,000 on marketing, events and other operating costs but only actually raised $452,000.

Career pollies and ex sportsmen are cut from the same dirty cloth.

Anyway , we can do better, even though Joe Public sees us as over privileged!

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@Niko was a long way down the track a few years ago working with Make a wish foundation. Static and driving. We had about 10-15 cars prepared to particpate for the day.......i will let Niko chime in with reasons it stalled.



Thanks Chris, yes it basically got very hard as to what we had offered.   This was going to be held on a fund raising open day for "Very Special Kids".

The basic plan was to take a drive with the kids in the various P cars around an area and back to the main office and gardens.  

It was only going to be about a three K journey.

All sorts of little hurdles started to pop up.   Because in some cars the seating would only allow two people that being the driver and the young child.

The configuration of the seating of the majority of P cars was also going to cause a problem for some of the kids and parent/gaurdian.

Then the insurance thing raised it's ugly head.   Then if we were charging people to go for a passenger ride the subject of car for hire came up.

Then a "Working with Children" permit was going to be required.   If the parents could go in the car however that wasn't going to be needed.

Also we offered to take the kids for a drive obviously without a charge of course but then it was suggested that we charge other visitors to the event

with the proceeds going back to the charity.   

That sounded ok on the surface, but really we just offered to be there, to take the ill kids for a drive in a P car to put a smile on their faces..

We also offered to do a static display of some cars as a draw card for the organisers to attract people to the event.

But the down side was we could only get about 6 or 7 cars in from memory and it was going to be away from the main events of the day.

The organisers of the event were very very good and did want us, but in the end it became a logistical nightmare in a lot of ways, and I ended up having to reneg on our offer.

Different states would have different requirements and obligations, and our attempt was probably three or four years ago, and things may now be different..


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I'm selling Porsche related stuff on our Byron Bay Speedshop website.

Until the end of January, anything which is purchased by anyone using the Coupon Code "PFA" will get a 5% discount, and then I will donate 10% of the order total to a charity of our choice.

url to buy is here -> http://byronbayspeedshop.com.au/shop/

These items are being sold at pretty much cost price anyway.........i'm not planning to retire on this venture.  So help me out, clear my stock, and let's donate some funds 

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Thanks Chris, yes it basically got very hard as to what we had offered.   This was going to be held on a fund raising open day for "Very Special Kids".

The basic plan was to take a drive with the kids in the various P cars around an area and back to the main office and gardens.  

It was only going to be about a three K journey.

All sorts of little hurdles started to pop up.   Because in some cars the seating would only allow two people that being the driver and the young child.

The configuration of the seating of the majority of P cars was also going to cause a problem for some of the kids and parent/gaurdian.

Then the insurance thing raised it's ugly head.   Then if we were charging people to go for a passenger ride the subject of car for hire came up.

Then a "Working with Children" permit was going to be required.   If the parents could go in the car however that wasn't going to be needed.

Also we offered to take the kids for a drive obviously without a charge of course but then it was suggested that we charge other visitors to the event

with the proceeds going back to the charity.   

That sounded ok on the surface, but really we just offered to be there, to take the ill kids for a drive in a P car to put a smile on their faces..

We also offered to do a static display of some cars as a draw card for the organisers to attract people to the event.

But the down side was we could only get about 6 or 7 cars in from memory and it was going to be away from the main events of the day.

The organisers of the event were very very good and did want us, but in the end it became a logistical nightmare in a lot of ways, and I ended up having to reneg on our offer.

Different states would have different requirements and obligations, and our attempt was probably three or four years ago, and things may now be different..


I guess group rides in Cayannes wearing fluro jackets, safety goggles, and having every driver neuted took the fun out of the day ?.

shame, great idea

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