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Never liked diesel

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Diesel fumes always irritate my throat/lungs. I can cope with just about any other pollutant or allergen. Back in the day they stank , and despite "modern assurances" they still do.

Now there's this. http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/motoring/australias-love-affair-with-diesel-engines-comes-with-a-deadly-legacy/news-story/96bc8a6c3dd8522a3297ea7ae58d74e4

London under a blanket of smog. Doctors have called for a ban on diesel engines in the city


Wife's next car will be petrol. Only went diesel cos the Territory was stupidly thirsty.

Might as well smoke fags if you live in a big city.

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Its such a false economy buying diesel, there are really limited circumstances you can actually justify buying a diesel SUV in an urban environment let alone a small car! 

IMO the only two cases for diesel are: 

  • Torque for towing
  • Range for touring 

Of course the later is not an urban activity! :lol: 


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Yes, from studies people who live in congested areas, cities, have blacker lungs (post mortem) while others in remote less congested spaces have clear/ clean lungs.....

Diesel is not the great saviour that it is spouted to be for the automobile, It is a carcinogenic! Most of the worlds pollution comes from diesels of one sort or another....

Diesels may have slightly lower CO2 emissions but everything else that comes out of them is way more harmful. I will never own a diesel (bit of a clue in the name.....)


The general population really has been blind sided by lower fuel use and lower CO2 emissions......

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 They've been saying it for donkeys years that Diesel is dodgy. People just believe all the crap that is fed to them without doing some basic research!

What was the blurb they put out all those years ago? 'Buy diesel powered cars. It's more fuel efficient, cheaper at the bowser and safer for humans'. What a crock

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 Buy diesel powered cars. It's more fuel efficient, cheaper at the bowser and safer for humans'. What a crock

It's such a fallacy, from a TCO perspective, over the lifecycle of ownership, your are worse off financially with the diesel. 


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 They've been saying it for donkeys years that Diesel is dodgy. People just believe all the crap that is fed to them without doing some basic research!

What was the blurb they put out all those years ago? 'Buy diesel powered cars. It's more fuel efficient, cheaper at the bowser and safer for humans'. What a crock


In a general sense re govt or large corp advertising or "news" I pretty much believe the opposite in a lot of cases and have done for years. If it interests me enough I'll dig and seek the truth or as close as I can get to it. Deisel Schmeisel!

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Diesel in passenger cars is a non solution to a non problem.

just yesterday I followed a crappy old ute spewing out the thickest smoke up a hill.  Just makes a mockery of all the bans on things that might pollute, like letting 500gm of air con gas into the air.

there is no need for a study whether diesel gets into your lungs.  Live in a big city like London for a while and inspect your boogers.  Blacker than a coal miners fingernail.

The U.S. Has the right idea on this - same strict emissions for diesels on actually harmful emissions like nitrous oxides.  That's why VW had to cheat, because the same engine in Europe has less strict standards for diesel for nox.  The Euros decided co2 was a threat to 4 generations hence so they decided to fill up the lungs of the current generation with diesel soot.

noisy, slow, stinky and expensive.  What a combination!

Oh, one other thing...if you have pollen filters in your car take a good look at them when you switch them out.  Courtesy of your fellow diesel drivers, that would normally have ended up in your lungs.   Always pay extra for the better filters : D

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MODERN DIESEL CARS emit more harmful exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) in real-world running than do heavy diesel trucks, according to a study released by the International Council on Clean Transportation late last week. 

In Europe, diesel trucks are measured via mobile devices while on the road which meant that there was nowhere to hide and manufacturers had to produce cleaner diesel trucks. Which they did. Not so for diesel cars which are measured in a lab

You can read the rest , including the necessary increased cost of diesel cars to enable them to run less dirty.
"Dirty deeds , done dirt cheap" is how they've run the metal show , if not the heavy metal show.

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Diesel fuel was cheaper, half the cost of petrol …..so the Government encouraged diesel powered cars, made a killing on new car GST, then increased the tax on diesel to parity of petrol.  Gotta love our government.


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The U.S. Has the right idea on this - same strict emissions for diesels on actually harmful emissions like nitrous oxides.  That's why VW had to cheat, because the same engine in Europe has less strict standards for diesel for nox.

Disagree.  Those rules in the US are only for "passenger cars", which does not include "trucks" such as the F150 which is the biggest selling vehicle in the US.  The diesel laws in the US were more effectively an import tariff due to the fact that no US manufacturers were really trying to sell diesel passenger cars when the laws were bought in and they needed protection against all the Euro diesels threatening their industry.

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The irony is that an old sbox spewing out lots of black smoke (particulates) is not emitting much if any Nox. 

Theres nothing like the smell of diesel fumes in the morning as the heavy equipment starts up. Love it. Problem is my V8 Touareg smells nothing like that. Much closer to a LPG forklift.

I have nothing negative to say about the VW(Audi) 4.2L diesel. With 800Nm to say it tows well is an understatement. Cruises at 8L/100 doing 1250rpm at 100kph. Not bad for 2400kg. Also good for embarrassing hot hatches at the lights.

My Cayenne 4.8L V8 was slower to 100kph and cruised at 14L/100. But it did sound good doing it.

Pretty soon bad breath will be considered an offence against the environment. 

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Disagree.  Those rules in the US are only for "passenger cars", which does not include "trucks" such as the F150 which is the biggest selling vehicle in the US.  The diesel laws in the US were more effectively an import tariff due to the fact that no US manufacturers were really trying to sell diesel passenger cars when the laws were bought in and they needed protection against all the Euro diesels threatening their industry.

This is the main reason the whole VW gate issue came about when a lot of others were doing the exact same thing, all about trying to save the dying US car makers.

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^ in that case can not see that following a diesel car is any worse than walking past an office building and probably better than hanging in a bar. ?

If you ban diesel from cities you'll remove the constant smog ; it would take billions of ciggies to achieve the same degree of pollution.

If you live/work in the city , that particulate matter is being breathed in 24/7. It's all cumulative & I guess if you believe ill health only happens to others , you must still be on the right side of 40!

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If you ban diesel from cities you'll remove the constant smog ; it would take billions of ciggies to achieve the same degree of pollution.

If you live/work in the city , that particulate matter is being breathed in 24/7. It's all cumulative & I guess if you believe ill health only happens to others , you must still be on the right side of 40!

Imagine what those exercising in the city are sucking deep into the lungs.

Still I'm in an agricultural area sucking down petrochemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. 

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It is the older diesels and the less regulated ones like commercial vehicles such as dual cabs and the Ford Territory that spew ot the particulates. Diesels can and do meet the same emmision specs as petrol cars so why ban them when there are petrol and lpg cars emitting more of all the bad stuff? Seems a bit heavy handed. Perhaps encouraging the uptake of newer cars and higher standards for the ones currently getting it easy. 

When it comes to what is likely to get me there is the significant few and the insignificant many. So is diesel significant? 

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Chopped in my wife's Focus XR5 yesterday for an Evoque (only went for a look and to grab some brochures ?). Wanted the petrol engine as she only does 10k a year but ended up with the 180bhp dismal engine, the petrol engine is much dearer yet lower resale in the future so financially it didn't stack up, they're also harder to come by here in Aus so that was the end of that. 

We now both own Range Rovers.....

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It won't be long before petrol & diesel engines are treated like lepers on the new and second hand markets. The public will see fossil fuel , warming and cancer in the same sentence on social media and rush to autopiloting leccy cars they don't even own. 

It will happen sooner than we might imagine. Australia is generally about 18 months behind the rest of the world in just about every trend, so you will get some warning. 

Oh , and stockpile some face masks like the ones they wear in Beijing etc.

Do you know Kathmandu is the 3rd most polluted city in the world , and that in Delhi , diesel cars over 10 years old are banned?

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I think the people who choose to live in the city need to suck it up.

Electric cars just move the polution to another location. Nothing more than a case of not in my backyard like Moving in next to an airport then wanting it shut down. Of course all the inner city types could leave for a cleaner place and at the same time would be helping those that remain. But why do that when you can just stomp your foot and demand everyone else accommodate you. 

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