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How's the weather up your way?

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So what was the humidity on these "scorcher" days?

No idea, yet it's been much more humid this past week than we're used to down here. We usually have a very dry heat. How the bloody hell a Queenslander can work outside is beyond me. Weird that last Sunday was warm and bloody humid, then Monday drizzling rain and mid teens in the hills where I was working, then 2 days later its 42.4? 

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As mentioned. , it's relative to where you are and what you are doing.

32 dry with a breeze.?

32 humid without a breeze.?

Is there any relief like shade etc. 

40 fn something ? get out of it.

Even 20 something with 90 ÷ % humidity is worse than a dry 30 odd, we get a bit of that down here.... 

Mid to low 20's does me fine, without the humidity, just like now :)

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Tried a few places .





The first time water cooled car driving- A/C works fine .. ;) 


You are now officially ruined as far as Ozzie weather and no AC goes.

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  Went to Philip Island for the bike GP one year. Got to 39 degrees and was overheating so badly, then within seconds, it dropped to 20 degrees, windy and hammering rain to end up hypothermic.

 Crowded House' song '4 seasons in one day' was very appropriate

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  Went to Philip Island for the bike GP one year. Got to 39 degrees and was overheating so badly, then within seconds, it dropped to 20 degrees, windy and hammering rain to end up hypothermic.

 Crowded House' song '4 seasons in one day' was very appropriate

Just another day in melbourne! 

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I live in far western Sydney, bout as far as you can get and still be called Sydney (65km out). The last two weeks has been pretty awful. Its generally 10-12 degrees hotter out here than the advertised temperature in old Sydney town. We went a week last week with tops never under 40, and one night where the low was 35. Forecast is 44 today, 48 tomorrow. On top of that its generally a humid heat too. I've no idea how people live up in Cairns through summer.

Relative Humidity currently 88%, temp 35 degrees at 11:30am .. gah.

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With that speed, thought you were on the Bolte

I was stopped at the train crossing just up the road from where I'm working. Car had been running for about 5 minutes.  How's the temps...  Also worth noting where the turbo pressure telltale is.

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Leaving home today and i live 300 mtrs from Lake Maquarie and its always cool here, well mostly, 39 deg and i drove to my Dad's house to check on it, it was 42 when i arrived he lives in a semi rural area, went out the back yard to tidy up and my clothes were wet in 10 mins, had to call it a day after that and when i left it was 44 all the way home to the lake and it currently is 40 at the time of posting this.

Just heard on the news the authorities have asked the Aluminium smelter in Newcastle to cut back on power but they have responded that the metal may not stay molten in the pots and would be a catastrophic failure for them costing millions if it were to happen.

This weather is nuts!

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There's quite a few people in Newy with Pcars but I only really ever see PeterM regularly, OZ930 retired then went back to work so we don't see him too much any more so the more the merrier.

P.S. I think PeterM is going to buy a Lotus so we may not talk to him any more:D

 Will do. He's road tripping (in a Bogundore, aka, the Porsche tow car) from WA next week I think. Great bloke, hope you like wine!  :) 

Hope he likes Shiraz and Pale Ale!

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