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WINTER IS COMING....and so are electric TESLA's

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I hate it but they are coming and coming faster than I would like.....

It won't be long before us dinosaurs driving petrol and diesel cars are going to be hated and hit with a monstrous tax for having the audacity to contributing to 

Hole in the Ozone Layer......oh sorry .......Global Warming....oh sorry.... Climate Change.....or whatever else it will be called to enable a new tax..




I just didn't think it would be this quick....it's started....


Middle Eastern oil producing countries are going to be in trouble....I'm predicting an "oil shortage" soon to boost the coffers before they go bust...

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We are toast. It is being taken out of the governments hands because the car makers will go EV before govt mandates. You can't imagine that there are any ICE cars on future model drawing boards out more than perhaps the next model cycle. Time to invest in copper and aluminium for all this electricity infrastructure that is going to be needed (this is not investment advice - I have $15 Santos shares if anyone would like to buy them ?). 

Niko, I reckon the only way the Saudis etc will stay in business is by making fuel cheaper (or buy all the solar panel manufacturers etc) I am also not rushing out to buy a ticket in a battery powered 747 just yet either. 

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It has a range of 346km, that is quite specific! 

They can announce all they want, does not make it real! The infrastructure is light years behind what is needed to roll out EV vehicles.

And where does all the electricity come from, oh that's right they can use up all our surplus...... ^_^

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FFS, here we go again. Really, what 'average person' that isn't on $100k a year would get a loan for $50k for an electric car? People struggle to buy a car for 2 grand on a basic wage and maintain it, yet a car flooded with problems and a resale value of bugger all will be an attractive proposition to them? Do the government boffins think everyone is eco friendly and has money to throw around? F..k off 

 Shove ya EV's where the sun don't shine

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Don't be a wuss Lee! Not becoming of a '78 sc man!

I heard a recent tale his arvo of a well known person with a new Tesla who was led to believe it has a 500km range. Person made it ~260km , oh dear how embarrassing , missed next meeting.

Apparently Testar will send a tow truck gratis,  but ONLY if you have a COMPLETELY flat battery. Thus you must sit and ponder your silly faith for at least an hour on any rural route. Plus he trip in the truck cab back home , dressed up to the meeting nines. lol.

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Just on a whinge binge today. Maybe I should stay off the forum!

Nothing wrong with a good whinge binge.

At least for me when England stops selling "Fossil Fuel" supposedly in 2040, the only thing I'll be pushing will be either an A frame or daisy's.

In the meantime I look forward to getting fleeced by local councils, state governments and Federal Governments,

so they can make hay (at our expense) while the sun shines.  

How dare we drive those cars that poison everyone.

There are 2000 new cars a week going on Victorian roads.  

On the news tonight they are getting stuck into people who have more than one car.

Then on the radio today they are suggesting an odds and evens number plate system so you can drive your car on alternative days.

As my old Mum would say..."I don't know where the World is going"

Unfortunately I do, and I hate it..




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We are toast. It is being taken out of the governments hands because the car makers will go EV before govt mandates. You can't imagine that there are any ICE cars on future model drawing boards out more than perhaps the next model cycle. Time to invest in copper and aluminium for all this electricity infrastructure that is going to be needed (this is not investment advice - I have $15 Santos shares if anyone would like to buy them ?). 

Niko, I reckon the only way the Saudis etc will stay in business is by making fuel cheaper (or buy all the solar panel manufacturers etc) I am also not rushing out to buy a ticket in a battery powered 747 just yet either. 

lithium too although there's a risk of it being superceded before too long. Quite a few lithium miners on asx

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Odds and evens. Better buy two cars in that case.


We've had a few guests from various countries in Asia where regulations are just like this (only worse).....they all have end up with a substantial amount of cars (and plates).  A Monday & Wednesday car, Tue, Fri car etc.   Naturally garage space becomes a problem so you end up with sharing arrangements amongst family & friends.  Ends up being one rule for those with the cash to subvert the system and another for everyone else.

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Very surprised that the poms are even banning hybrids - just after Volvo announced a move to all hybrid.  Doh.

i asked my kids whether EVs are a good idea (2 girls with no interest in their dads stupid obsession with cars).  Yes of course, no more pollution.  Then I asked them where electricity comes from and reminded them we'll need a lot more electricity if we're all charging cars.  Oh yeah, good point.  Is Hazelwood able to be restarted, plenty of coal left in the ground...Yeah dad, actually it's a bad idea......?

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FFS, here we go again. Really, what 'average person' that isn't on $100k a year would get a loan for $50k for an electric car? People struggle to buy a car for 2 grand on a basic wage and maintain it, yet a car flooded with problems and a resale value of bugger all will be an attractive proposition to them? Do the government boffins think everyone is eco friendly and has money to throw around? F..k off 

 Shove ya EV's where the sun don't shine

you don't need to drop $100k for an EV.  It's just our market is ten years behind the rest of the world.  Infrastructure is the key.  If the chargers are there, people will buy cars that can use them. 

Eg. Smart Four2 EV being charged on the street in Paris today.



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Porsche join the rush to EV.


 It seems to me once you go electric, you lose a lot of the motivation to consider one brand over another.  The emotion of driving and passion for all things mechanical is lost.  It will be facinating to see how a Porsche EV compares to a Ford or a Kia and see whether they can keep on charging widely varied prices for what effectively becomes an aesthetic comparison with manufacturers all using similar EV tech.

Maybe lock away a GT3 and lots of Jerry cans for weekends and track days and ride an Uber EV to work?  But then how do I tow my race car and caravan



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In the meantime I look forward to getting fleeced by local councils, state governments and Federal Governments,

so they can make hay (at our expense) while the sun shines.  





I work closely with local government. We are already fleeced by them. The money I see wasted every day because of their incompetence and arrogance. ???

Then they access state and federal funds. Flood relief money milked by contractors atm with a pseudo "overseer" appointed driving around making and sharing gossip to fill his day.

Pathetic management at best.

Buy shares and/or contract the services needed and benefit from the wave coming over us. 

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you don't need to drop $100k for an EV.  It's just our market is ten years behind the rest of the world.  Infrastructure is the key.  If the chargers are there, people will buy cars that can use them. 

Eg. Smart Four2 EV being charged on the street in Paris today.



gee, I'm almost wetting myself in anticipation, to be able to drive one of these over the Reefton Spur and up to Lake Mountain. :wacko:

I have been watching a bit of Formula E of late, they go quick and it's good racing.... BUT BUGGER ALL NOISE....sorta like scalextric.:Speechless:

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Earn $100k mate

Would anyone feel safe driving that around? Be stuffed!!  

it's built by Daimler-Benz so you at least you know the airbag won't kill you

gee, I'm almost wetting myself in anticipation, to be able to drive one of these over the Reefton Spur and up to Lake Mountain


80mph top speed, full torque from start, rear drive, short wheelbase for getting around the hairpins. It's made for it.

 99 mile range might be an issue?

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We are toast. It is being taken out of the governments hands because the car makers will go EV before govt mandates. You can't imagine that there are any ICE cars on future model drawing boards out more than perhaps the next model cycle. Time to invest in copper and aluminium for all this electricity infrastructure that is going to be needed (this is not investment advice - I have $15 Santos shares if anyone would like to buy them ?). 

Niko, I reckon the only way the Saudis etc will stay in business is by making fuel cheaper (or buy all the solar panel manufacturers etc) I am also not rushing out to buy a ticket in a battery powered 747 just yet either. 

A better investment may be the contribution towards designing a new range of car fragrances to support our electric buddies:

"Heater Core Leaking"  "Workshop" and "Burnt Oil"  are my favourites...

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On a positive knot I have been watching Porsche Mission E with great interest ,,,not because I am pro electric vehicle but purely out of interest from an engineering and technical aspect on how they are going to overcome many of the EV,s current short falls ..

Personally i don,t like these cars anymore than the rest of you but our beloved Porsche brand is spending up big and really putting in the work on this project as it see,s this being its future in a changing auto market ....;)

How ever on a negative knot an being some what ironic the big issue that we are all currently facing is Australia is to sort out its current energy dramas 1 in 4 house hold in NSW can not afford to pay their power bill due to the excessive rise in energy costs ,,the way things are going we will be lighting our homes with candles again or getting government hand outs ...all this hype and talk about going green and EV,s is hurting the average working Aussie trying to make ends meet raise a family and put food on the table ,,,,,the incompetence of Government and greed of the energy suppliers have lead us to the current situation ,,,for car magazine and motoring journalists to be going on a EV,s taking over in the next 20 years and the so called global benefits it will bring is a slap in the face to those who can,t make ends meet at present it really is an insult to talk about the benefits the EV will bring when people are financially suffering  ..

I don,t know about you guys but when some one or something is bleeding my back pocket dry and banging on about the greater good for the environment and I feel that I and every one else is getting screwed over I thinks its only a natural  reaction to feel somewhat negative and pissed about the way things are going and have a negative attitude towards all things green ...

We don,t live in some back water country making people financially suffer like this is morally and ethically wrong and then trying to sell us the benefits of the EV and green energy ,,,, well you have to shake your head in disbelief it really is a cruel joke .......:(

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I ran out of likes ^

Very well said @Raven 

To me, it's pure greed to satisfy the bean counters and investors in the power companies, yet for the ACCC (I think it is) to approve the recent price hikes says to the uneducated me that the government just don't give a shit. I pay my utilities monthly, yet every fortnight when I'm paid, I Bpay $50 to $100 into those accounts to lessen the bill shock. It helps me stay on top of things, especially when I was earning well 2 years ago to probably half now. That, and the missus was earning very well in a job she hated, yet was made redundant, and now works in a job she loves yet earns less, so losing probably $1500 to $2000 per week for 2 years between us hits your bank balance pretty quickly. We've thought of selling our house and buying a cheaper one in an area we'd prefer not to live (we'd have no mortgage), yet would we be happy there? Probably not. I looked at selling the 911, but the missus said no way will i be doing that (she couldn't deal with me sooking everyday afterwards). Before, we really were cruising along, yet now it's a different ball game and we've had to adjust. The power bills are just the start, as everything else is going up, yet the basic wage doesn't keep up, so business owners have to put up prices or go broke.

 I was installing recently at a pensioners home, and they broke my heart with their riches to rags story. They can't afford to pay 2 power utilities as he needs chemo and she is getting sick too, so they go without gas and other things they need. They needed work done in the laundry, but can't afford it, so I took the liberty of fixing it all for a coffee and a few caramel biscuits and 2 hours of my time. It was the least I could do  (they were very good biccies by the way!)

 This country has become a place that thrives on rich versus poor, just like the USA, and for those pensioners and myself to have busted our arse for many years to end up at 51 years old watching what I spend instead of just buying things as we wish. I'm beyond disappointed with how this country is run, and the opportunistic power companies holding a knife the the public's collective throat is abhorrent, and will probably end up killing people who feel they are at their wits end. Sad really, as I love this country, but that is waning pretty quickly when Australian citizens are put second to power profits and other social 'issues' that cost the taxpayer their hard earned.

 A big middle finger to the government and the power people. F..k you!

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