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Haemorrhoids? Well, I suppose it is a "vent" thread...

 I'd prefer not to experience them thanks ;) My uncle passed away 2 days ago. We've copped it pretty badly this year, especially mum. Poor bugger had to fly down to sort a few things out. Just what she needs after losing dad in June :(

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 I'd prefer not to experience them thanks ;) My uncle passed away 2 days ago. We've copped it pretty badly this year, especially mum. Poor bugger had to fly down to sort a few things out. Just what she needs after losing dad in June :(

Sorry for your losses. I hope my gratuitous punning wasn't offensive. :(  Best wishes to all your family, and hope next year is much brighter all round. 

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  Did you have a cup of cement too Stew? ;-) 

My vent

Pack n Send couriers. What a bunch of mentally challenged morons! 

 Sent some seats from Adelaide to Sydney, and it took over 2 weeks, and more expensive than if I took them there myself in a 50's Commer van running on half a cylinder! Not only that, but the delivery numpty didn't have the mental capacity to get off his arse to remove the seats from the box when he arrived, so ol Tom had to go to the depot instead and do their job. 

 Do these morons think EVERY business has a forklift?  Never using them again

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  Did you have a cup of cement too Stew? ;-) 

My vent

Pack n Send couriers. What a bunch of mentally challenged morons! 

 Sent some seats from Adelaide to Sydney, and it took over 2 weeks, and more expensive than if I took them there myself in a 50's Commer van running on half a cylinder! Not only that, but the delivery numpty didn't have the mental capacity to get off his arse to remove the seats from the box when he arrived, so ol Tom had to go to the depot instead and do their job. 

 Do these morons think EVERY business has a forklift?  Never using them again

get over it you blokes. It's not all about you. It's all about me.

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Same place all our parcels end up....at the Post Office.

Usually find an "attempt to deliver fail" notice in our post box. Always somebody home, never an attempt to deliver.


Same same here, got one a few months ago, and I was home all day.    

Checked all the security camera footage for the day.  


When I picked it up at the post office the next day, mentioned it to the counter jumper.  

Reply..."Oh Really, gee that's not very good"

Plus the price to post things now a days is way over the top...

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We don't even get street delivery, and I live in a town of over 1200 people. So I have to shell out for a post box. Oh, at a discount of course.

....but we mustn't begrudge the poor head of the PO his $8m salary

You have been to my place Stew. It's 1 km from the PO and same deal.

I watch the (contract) freight company deliver to the panel beaters at the bottom of the street then to the garage door company, 300m from me, same street, then turn around to the PO.

If someone could work out how to send parcels via the Internet.........

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Just sent the new cabrio roof to the member on here who bought the car in Melbourne and did it via my business account with TNT, $35 - 5kg box via road express, picked up 3pm Tuesday here at my place in Perth and guaranteed delivery to Melbourne 3 days later on the Friday.

So sick of Aus Post and its non deliveries and total crap service, as I also sent a smaller parcel to Melbourne a few weeks earlier by Aus Post that was half the size and weight and about the same price, which again was posted on a Tuesday and didn't get to Melbourne until the following Tuesday ! WTF is it being delivered by the postie on his bike, cos I could've driven it there myself in less time in the work van !! 

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....but we mustn't begrudge the poor head of the PO his $8m salary

You have been to my place Stew. It's 1 km from the PO and same deal.

I watch the (contract) freight company deliver to the panel beaters at the bottom of the street then to the garage door company, 300m from me, same street, then turn around to the PO.

If someone could work out how to send parcels via the Internet.........

Image result for drone delivering beer

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  • 2 weeks later...


I don't have a "modern" Porsche, but we also have two BMWs and an Audi at home.  Got around to changing the fuel filter on the Audi the other day.  Like a lot of fuel filters, it's tucked up nice and tight in a hollow in the side of the fuel tank and is held in by a circular plastic bracket that clamps around the body of the filter.  Because of the surrounds, access to the bolt clamping the bracket is tight.  Thanks to the Internet, I found that the bolt (couldn't see the head) is a spline, or triple square, 8mm.  Yes, I have 2x 8mm spline drivers, but one has about 30mm of "headroom" above the bolt.  My spline drives are probably 70-80mm long, then need to be driven by a 1/2" ratchet, so no go there.  Ended up removing the bolt by using an Allen key (naughty!).  The bolt wasn't very tight as it was going into a plastic bracket, so why use a spline bolt there?  On re-assembly, I substituted an M6 bolt that I could access using a 10mm socket and 1/4" drive, no problem.  I suspect Audi and BMW and probably Porsche these days use fasteners like spline bolts, Torx inside and outside to ease automated assembly, and (here's my gripe) to dissuade owners from playing on "their" turf.

Here's the bolt in question and its replacement.  I'm sure Audi have a special tool to access this bolt, but apart from the above reasons I don't see the logic.  Whinge over.


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  Been waiting for these holidays to remove the box guttering from our old 10m x 4m extension (aka loungeroom) so that we don't get a repeat of the roof cavity filling up with water from hard rain. 

  41 degrees Christmas day, and 2 days later torrential rain and a ceiling full of water! Sh.....t!!!! No choice but to knock it down and start again. Just what I f.....g need

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