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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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So what you're saying here Mike is that these reports are misleading? Unless he lied about buying the wreck on pelican? Maybe in the end the ins co repaired it?

All I'm saying as to how much the vehicle owes him - he has obviously spent money getting the engine rebuilt and wiring replaced since buying it back from insurance (if that is what happened). So it's more than 4k.

I'm not defending the actions here, it's plainly deceptive and wrong. Just saying he is not going to make 50k profit because of the engine rebuild etc.

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He is clearly dishonest but not too bright - why would you post the whole sordid story on PP and then try to flog it off as a clean rebuilt car? Has anyone emailed him the PP web link for a laugh. Very poor form but it happens every day on carsales in one way or another. PFA saves the day (again).. It's one of the reasons I coughed up $25 for PFA membership - the wealth of knowledgable assistance available to newcomers is great.

Ps Kerry where's my fm status and sticker!!!

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Im wondering why it didn't show up on the register?


He clearly bought it back cheap from the insurance company ....... they wouldn't have sold it if they didn't own it ..... to own it they would have had to write it off ..... yet not on the register ....


Ideas anyone?

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I may be wrong but I believe in QLD you can register a repairable write off.

Don't be wrong , facts easily checked!



A repairable write-off has been assessed as uneconomical to repair. The VIN will be recorded as a repairable write-off and the vehicle will only be registered if it is repaired, passes a Queensland safety inspection and passes a written-off vehicle inspection.

Read detailed definitions of statutory and repairable written-off vehicles.

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Furthermore http://www.consumerlaw.gov.au/content/acl_resources/downloads/industry_guides/motor_vehicle_sales.pdf


Presume owner disclosed to Qld registration relevant past history , and the Qld inspector (no relation to owner) signed off on potentially significant hidden damage to electrical, chassis & motor?



However, if you do not disclose 

the damage at the point of sale, there is a risk that 
the vehicle may later be found to be of unacceptable 
quality, especially if the damage is not evident or cannot 
be discovered through a reasonable examination of the 
vehicle before purchase
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