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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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Nice looking car. Shame it is a lefty. Quietly looking looking for donor for future project car. Noticed Magnus was playing around with a 964. Be interesting to see how that ends up.

Does anyone know the approximate cost of a conversion?



Have you tried driving a lefty?


Don't bother with conversions - too expensive for what you get.  You posted on the other thread about Porsches being a world market.  Well, if you want a world market car....having the steering wheel on the wrong side limits your market to that same collection of bogans that crashed the muscle car market.

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Always thought graysonline was for the cars which could not be sold elsewhere?


Either that or they were engaged by a receiver in a liquidation, and they just came in and sold every asset.


They did this for a company I worked for that went belly up, all the office gear, forklifts, work cars and a FPV Cobra

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I wonder what problems?

I wonder too. Assuming nothing like flood damage etc, the worst case scenario might be engine failure? There must be a price point low enough on these M96/M97 engine cars where putting aside $20k for an engine rebuild still makes sense.

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Ok. Come on. $90k?!

give them a call, thats what they are asking.... plus, no mechanical talk of top end rebuilds etc other then 'Full History'.


But agree, 90k!!!? wow, have prices really gone up that much??


I'll be keeping an eye on that one for sure.

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Here's a similar one to mine, 1986 3.2, Aussie delivered, 144,000kms




Price, $90,000




First released in 1984, the new 911 3.2 Carrera carried classic 911 styling but offered much bolder lines

Than what? An Austin Allegro?

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 Jeremy Clarkson compares the Austin Allegro to the Morris Marina. He concludes the Allegro was a better (less bad) car than the Marina, because the Allegro was a horrible car in a more original way than the Marina. In 2007, Sir Digby Jones, in criticising the inefficiencies of the Learning and Skills Council, said, "It is what I call 'the British Leyland model' – you put a lot of money in at the top, and an Austin Allegro comes out at the bottom"austin-allegro-03.jpg
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give them a call, thats what they are asking.... plus, no mechanical talk of top end rebuilds etc other then 'Full History'.

But agree, 90k!!!? wow, have prices really gone up that much??

I'll be keeping an eye on that one for sure.

I'd take yours first any day of the week.

Anyone want a red wide body '86 c3.2 for a whole lot less than the CTS car?

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Fuck me. First the imp now the allegro. Have you been stalking my dads terrible past car purchases??


That's at least twice today. This is a family friendly forum you know . Tsk.

btw don't hate on other people's car choices. Some people just aren't rich or hip.


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