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Looks an ok one for front engine lovers, rockin the velour interior ( standard? I wouldn't know)....



What is the group opinion on this one ?  A mate here is interested in getting into a 944, and I stumbled across this one.   I know nothing about 944, so collective wisdom is sought.

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What is the group opinion on this one ?  A mate here is interested in getting into a 944, and I stumbled across this one.   I know nothing about 944, so collective wisdom is sought.

Being a series 2, the car looks like a decent buy at that price, if everything checks out. But I notice the ad says "deposit taken", so unless that's your mate, might be too late on this one.

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Being a series 2, the car looks like a decent buy at that price, if everything checks out. But I notice the ad says "deposit taken", so unless that's your mate, might be too late on this one.


oddly it's just popped up on ebay, so maybe call to clarify if you're interested?

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the offer is pending subject to the owner completing some repairs and passing road worthy, next week. I am hesitant to start making rash announcement until the deal is done. so unoffically all looks good, touch wood.

I am therefore an almost paid up member of the 944 preservation society, a very prestigious and highly coveted organization with the prime objective keeping your bank balance low & credit on the limit!

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the offer is pending subject to the owner completing some repairs and passing road worthy, next week. I am hesitant to start making rash announcement until the deal is done. so unoffically all looks good, touch wood.

I am therefore an almost paid up member of the 944 preservation society, a very prestigious and highly coveted organization with the prime objective keeping your bank balance low & credit on the limit!

Congrats Brian,

being a new member myself could I ask (just before you hand over your dough) for a small loan please?  I ask now as once you take possession, you have correctly identified that you'll be useless for loaning from.  I'll pay you back sometime.....promise(ish).

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That was the one was asking $49,950 firm, and I said I expected take two weeks to sell, iirc.

Perhaps it was closer to three weeks, so sue me. :P

But this is the normal selling time for a properly priced car in a niche market like this, I think.

So the evidence is that the market is still strong and the prices for these cars still is on the way up.

Be interesting to see what the supply side of the market is going to be like over the next few months. Perhaps at this price level, a few more high-end 944 owners might be willing to let their babies go...

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It's all looking really interesting that's for sure. Was this a one of or what are these cars worth now? My head hurts..........

I might sell my shares and buy another 944, it's like speculating on the market at the moment, but far more interesting :) 

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It's all looking really interesting that's for sure. Was this a one of or what are these cars worth now? My head hurts..........

I am only new to the front engine club, but after living with my S2 for about a month now, I reckon they are worth more. Can't believe it's taken this long for values to climb 

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I am only new to the front engine club, but after living with my S2 for about a month now, I reckon they are worth more. Can't believe it's taken this long for values to climb 

I only hope hope that the values don't get so high that people start worrying about simply putting kms on them because of devaluation, or start obsessing over "originality", "matching numbers" and all the other precious BS that has significantly diminished the simple enjoyment of classic P-car ownership that seems to have blighted the aircooled market (at least from where I sit).

Having said that, I think we are still a long way from that now. But, if say, prices were to double again in the next three years, I suspect I'd be seriously reassessing the whole rationale of owning one of these classic P-cars purely for the joy of driving it. And that would be a pity, I think.

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I only hope hope that the values don't get so high that people start worrying about simply putting kms on them because of devaluation, or start obsessing over "originality", "matching numbers" and all the other precious BS that has significantly diminished the simple enjoyment of classic P-car ownership that seems to have blighted the aircooled market (at least from where I sit).

Having said that, I think we are still a long way from that now. But, if say, prices were to double again in the next three years, I suspect I'd be seriously reassessing the whole rationale of owning one of these classic P-cars purely for the joy of driving it. And that would be a pity, I think.

I don't mean to totally disagree with you but in some aspects of what you said I do ...

Regarding originality and matching numbers .... they are on today's market as important to the front engined brigade as they are to air cooled cars ..... so is the contentious issue of Australian delivered .... all of the above will affect the values of 924's and 944's the same way as their air cooled cousins .... 

I certainly do agree with you on the rising values of them though .... I have found that I worry a hell of a lot more in the 911 due to the value of it now .... I bought it to enjoy and now I find myself worrying about it and it seems that it is now slowly transferring to the front engined as well ..... although not yet enough to stop me from driving the 924T regularly..... :D

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Regarding originality and matching numbers .... they are on today's market as important to the front engined brigade as they are to air cooled cars .....

Nope. Not yet, not by a long shot. (And thank goodness for that.)

But if everyone starts imagining, as they seem to in aircooled circles these days, that their rather unremarkable if tidy example is destined for "collectibility" greatness, then that will be a sad day, imho.

Matching numbers etc. only matters if you are a collector. Most of these aircooled cars are nowhere near collector grade. Yet everyone talks about it as if they were...

As for Oz delivered vs imports, that's a completely different issue, and has material vs purely imagined implications as to the desirability and therefore value of a vehicle. Non Oz-delivered P-cars have always sold at a discount, as long as I can remember, and that includes the front engined cars.

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I have found that I worry a hell of a lot more in the 911 due to the value of it now .... I bought it to enjoy and now I find myself worrying about it and it seems that it is now slowly transferring to the front engined as well ..... although not yet enough to stop me from driving the 924T regularly..... :D

That's it. If you find yourself worrying about your car rather than simply enjoying the fun of driving it, where's the joy?

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Nope. Not yet, not by a long shot. (And thank goodness for that.)

But if everyone starts imagining, as they seem to in aircooled circles these days, that their rather unremarkable if tidy example is destined for "collectibility" greatness, then that will be a sad day, imho.

Matching numbers etc. only matters if you are a collector. Most of these aircooled cars are nowhere near collector grade. Yet everyone talks about it as if they were...

As for Oz delivered vs imports, that's a completely different issue, and has material vs purely imagined implications as to the desirability and therefore value of a vehicle. Non Oz-delivered P-cars have always sold at a discount, as long as I can remember, and that includes the front engined cars.

I beg to differ on  the broad statement ... only matters if you are a collector. What and who is a collector?

i know first hand and recently asked on the 944 is it matching numbers.. it's become a precoccupatuon with all n sundry it appears..  nothing wrong with it, I guess, but don't underestimate the current buyers burble...

isit matching numbers

isit Australian delivered 

does it have its original books 

does yours? And do you think it's worth a premium for it?

IMO matching numbers is as much a preoccupation if not more than oz delivered

Isn't collector interchangeable for speculator as it's interchangeable with hoarder in certain terrain?

i know guys who collect corollas and they like em matching also 



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I beg to differ on  the broad statement ... only matters if you are a collector. What and who is a collector?

i know first hand and recently asked on the 944 is it matching numbers.. it's become a precoccupatuon with all n sundry it appears..  nothing wrong with it, I guess, but don't underestimate the current buyers burble...

isit matching numbers

isit Australian delivered 

does it have its original books 

does yours? And do you think it's worth a premium for it?

IMO matching numbers is as much a preoccupation if not more than oz delivered

Isn't collector interchangeable for speculator as it's interchangeable with hoarder in certain terrain?

i know guys who collect corollas and they like em matching also 

Then perhaps the disease is upon us already. Although my car is certainly "matching numbers", if it wasn't, personally I couldn't give a hoot. A good engine is a good engine, and a better "non matching numbers" engine is a better engine than an original but tired "matching numbers" engine. My car is a driving car, not a museum example of its type. As are 99.99% of all the cars for sale at any given time. Anyone who thinks simply because they own an aircooled P-car they are "collectors", or  have a "collectible" car, is seriously deluded. But the "greater fool" theory means that if you can sell the idea to someone perhaps even a tad more foolish than yourself, you can profit from the nonsense.

As many do, apparently! Until the bubble bursts, of course, and the "greatest fools" are left looking like, well, the greatest fools.

As for Oz-delivered, as I have already said, that's a different kettle of fish entirely. As also are good service records (including original books). All of that has a sound basis for expecting (and getting) a premium.

If people really are becoming more concerned with "matching numbers" than whether the car is an import or Oz-delivered for the 99.99% of cars out there that will always be nothing more than ordinary drivers, then the silliness really has taken hold. Sad indeed if that's the case.

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Unfortunately this is an age old dillema discussed and debated and never resolved ...

I am different to you ... and it's not a bad thing, it just is ....

I would prefer a tired old matching numbers engine than a good non matching one .... and I can assure you, whether it's right or wrong, there are many others that would agree as there are others that wouldn't give a crap ....

I would be interested to know though if you would expect to pay the same price for a non matching car as a matching number one ..... would you fork out the same $$$ if they were both offered to you side by side, knowing that the matching number one would be priced higher??

There is no right or wrong answer .... I know I would expect to pay less but then again, I wouldn't be a buyer for it ..... and I'm no collector either .... 

Edited by Dreamr
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What and who is a collector?

A collector is someone who collects collectible cars. 

Although this sounds like an entirely circular definition, it isn't if you can define "collectible car" without referring to a "collector".

A collectible car is not merely an instance of a particular model or type. It is an exemplar, or _representative example_ of its model or type. Hence the preoccupation with originality, near as possible to new condition etc. for the best examples.

This is true for collectors whether of cars, coins, stamps, etc. The problem is, people who don't really understand what is actually collectible or not start becoming caught up in the concerns that actually make sense for true collectors (e.g., "matching numbers").

For example, I have the original radio for my 944. Functionally, it is next to worthless for a regularly driven car. (It plays cassette tapes, which I don't have, for a start.) But to a collector, a car with the original radio is more valuable than one without simply because it brings it closer to the ideal "representative example".

Does that make sense?

I would be interested to know though if you would expect to pay the same price for a non matching car as a matching number one ..... would you fork out the same $$$ if they were both offered to you side by side, knowing that the matching number one would be priced higher??

Hey, I'm a pragmatic guy. If I can get a car at a discount with a better engine because it isn't matching numbers, and the current market dictates that that is possible, I'll take the discount.

Doesn't mean, however, that I believe in any of the silliness at all.

However, as stated above, if I actually was a collector collecting collectible cars, I wouldn't think it was silly to pay the premium for matching numbers.

Two completely different games, of which many people are obviously confused. If the confusion means a better car for less $$$ for me, I'm not going to buck it.

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Does a collector have to collect collectable cars or can they just be someone who collects cars that have some meaning to them. The meaning may be the cars value or rare status or it may just be that they give them some pleasure. A school mate of mine and his dad collected Mini's in the 1980, when they were worth sweet FA as far as collectable status then, they just loved them. cars are such a personal thing I think is is hard to accurately define why different people collect them. 

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