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Lots of classic 911s & other makes on the market - are people moving into Property now?

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I did a review of all the cars-for-sale sites & they all seemed to have a lot of good collector cars for sale at reasonable prices.

Are punters moving into property now that the 'news' keeps telling them that property prices have fallen and the banks have started lending again to non-investors.

Is the bubble deflating? :unsure:

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55 minutes ago, Zelrik911 said:

I did a review of all the cars-for-sale sites & they all seemed to have a lot of good collector cars for sale at reasonable prices.

Are punters moving into property now that the 'news' keeps telling them that property prices have fallen and the banks have started lending again to non-investors.

Is the bubble deflating? :unsure:

Settling is probably more like it ... the same thing happened before the last property boom ...

People will now buy, property prices will go up, equity will be realised, a false sense of wealth will be created and classic cars will be the new black ....

And so the cycle continues ....

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Lots of reasons

Auction clearance rate victims  and or  Bitcoiners .. ;)  Selling off  ...Boom and Gloom

The havent found fun in the caged classics and cant fathom why their worth has no meaning and why they dont have an illegitimate child somewhere, like the politician they voted for .

Either that or they have got excited in the 2017 Ford plate run out and need their cash for a urgent purchase.

Or possibly its the Ides of March

Remember cash is king , greed is good , lets hope they release some tasty morsels in to the hands of the awaiting enthusiasts.

Too long has this world been defined by the dollars and not by driveability and visceral values. 



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There has been an insane bubble in all assets. Lighting up the printing presses and not stopping till you print out a few trillion will do that.

A correction in all asset classes is overdue. More P cars for the enthusiasts, less for the super funds. Winning!

"Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful"

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You can look at it this way...the value of your car stayed the same, while the value of your dollar-denominated wealth dropped.  That super fund and investment account ain't looking as pretty as it once did, when it comes to turning the numbers into real things like cars and houses.

the more things change, the more they stay the same.

6 hours ago, OZ930 said:

Properties will slow down until the new tax/super laws come into effect on 1st July.

What are the changes?

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3 hours ago, symsy said:

Lots of reasons

Auction clearance rate victims  and or  Bitcoiners .. ;)  Selling off  ...Boom and Gloom

The havent found fun in the caged classics and cant fathom why their worth has no meaning and why they dont have an illegitimate child somewhere, like the politician they voted for .

Either that or they have got excited in the 2017 Ford plate run out and need their cash for a urgent purchase.

Or possibly its the Ides of March

Remember cash is king , greed is good , lets hope they release some tasty morsels in to the hands of the awaiting enthusiasts.

Too long has this world been defined by the dollars and not by driveability and visceral values. 



This is why I enjoy cooking, no one cares what your shit’s worth... they just want to make sure your beer ain’t empty & you’re  having a good time. ? 

56 minutes ago, GC9911 said:

Warny IS the flipper!

The flipper that got Liz Hurley in the sack! Good on him... ?

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Banks have tightened up big time. Very hard to get cash released on home/investment loans. This is the major source of money to buy classic cars. The plain jane classics will be taking a hit (which is already happening). The special stuff should stay relatively ok. Just my opinion of course.

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12 hours ago, GRK930 said:

Banks have tightened up big time. Very hard to get cash released on home/investment loans. This is the major source of money to buy classic cars. The plain jane classics will be taking a hit (which is already happening). The special stuff should stay relatively ok. Just my opinion of course.

That's why a line of credit type facility is good.  Agreed limit, just like a big personal overdraft, I don't think the banks can tell you what you  can't use it for.  That's what I used for my 996.  Just becomes a little difficult to calculate the interest component for tax purposes if it's mixed in with your day to day expenses, and you want to claim a % for work / business purposes.  That's where the 66 cents / km claim comes in handy (up to 5000kms), and that's why our car is registered in both our names so we can both claim.  $6600 isn't huge, but it's better than nothing, particularly on what we hope may be an appreciating asset over time.....

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1 hour ago, clutch-monkey said:

Maybe all the late comers that have bought their way in have realised they've spent way too much money on cars that realistically aren't that great to drive, for the money spent... :P

I think half of the AC Pcars for sale (good  bad  rare  common) are the lemmings who paid top dollar for anything a year or two back, trying to cash out. After realising they don't double every 2 years and in fact some are worth less than what they paid. That's why asking prices are all over the shop

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16 hours ago, TwoHeadsTas said:

That's why a line of credit type facility is good.  Agreed limit, just like a big personal overdraft, I don't think the banks can tell you what you  can't use it for.  That's what I used for my 996.  Just becomes a little difficult to calculate the interest component for tax purposes if it's mixed in with your day to day expenses, and you want to claim a % for work / business purposes.  That's where the 66 cents / km claim comes in handy (up to 5000kms), and that's why our car is registered in both our names so we can both claim.  $6600 isn't huge, but it's better than nothing, particularly on what we hope may be an appreciating asset over time.....

Like of credits are a thing of the passed. Thank your lucky stars if you already have one set up

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