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Doctors and their in ability to keep appointments...still waiting for my 12pm grrrrr

Take your problematic old car into a mechanic , have him diagnose it accurately organise to fix it in 15 minutes...With a line of cars waiting for you to finish ;) Itsa tough gig.

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Idiot right wing evangelical morons (most of them presidential candidates) in the US, who after the recent high court decisions on marriage equality and health care are sprouting out crap about it being to darkest day in US history and the end times being truly upon us now !!

Truly WTF !!

Sadly, I can see one of these idiots being elected President in the next few decades and after that a lack of funding to science, education and everything else that has got us to the technology we have today.

I just hope jug ears and his minions are taking notice to what the majority have been saying and wanting for a long time.

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So. At the start of last year the timing chain tensioner in our MK6 GTI failed and it grenaded the engine.  The car was out of warranty, but VW did the work because the tensioner was a recall item.  New Cylinder head, new turbo etc etc.

Two months ago.  Same thing.  VW pretty much told us to hit the bricks and finally said they'd cover 50% of the parts.  I was still pissed as obviously a car shouldn't need two new cylinder heads in 15 months.  Between my wife being flat out with the kid, and me pulling 60-70 hour weeks, we didn't have time to mess about with consumer affairs et. al. and I was about to stump up the cash this week for the repair (several thousand $).

Then I get a call from a mate who's a service guy at another dealership in Canberra. This new guy has moved over to their dealership from VW.  He was telling him that there was a technician that rebuilt a whole pile of engines incorrectly (incorrect torque-settings, missing bits etc) and pretty much all of those cars have been returning to the two dealerships here with (re)destroyed engines.  They have fired this guy, because they know this guy was at fault.  Without knowing my mate knows me, this guy described MY exact car to my mate.  Telling him that VW and the dealership are being pricks and making me pay for it even though they know it's their fault.  It has been sitting there for two months.

So. Armed with this second-hand information I have no idea what to do.  I have no proof other than this story.  The car is half re-built (I'm supposed to pick it up this week).

I f#@$#@$#@(king hate VW!

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So. At the start of last year the timing chain tensioner in our MK6 GTI failed and it grenaded the engine.  The car was out of warranty, but VW did the work because the tensioner was a recall item.  New Cylinder head, new turbo etc etc.

Two months ago.  Same thing.  VW pretty much told us to hit the bricks and finally said they'd cover 50% of the parts.  I was still pissed as obviously a car shouldn't need two new cylinder heads in 15 months.  Between my wife being flat out with the kid, and me pulling 60-70 hour weeks, we didn't have time to mess about with consumer affairs et. al. and I was about to stump up the cash this week for the repair (several thousand $).

Then I get a call from a mate who's a service guy at another dealership in Canberra. This new guy has moved over to their dealership from VW.  He was telling him that there was a technician that rebuilt a whole pile of engines incorrectly (incorrect torque-settings, missing bits etc) and pretty much all of those cars have been returning to the two dealerships here with (re)destroyed engines.  They have fired this guy, because they know this guy was at fault.  Without knowing my mate knows me, this guy described MY exact car to my mate.  Telling him that VW and the dealership are being pricks and making me pay for it even though they know it's their fault.  It has been sitting there for two months.

So. Armed with this second-hand information I have no idea what to do.  I have no proof other than this story.  The car is half re-built (I'm supposed to pick it up this week).

I f#@$#@$#@(king hate VW!

Send a letter asking "is this true?" If they deny it in writing,  you may have recourse later on if someone else can get an investigative journo/lawyer in there.

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You may find others on the VW forums have enough proof to assist you. You should also be able to identify him as the technician from their records.

I would bluff them.

Since you clearly won't buy another VW, what do you have to lose?

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Ask to see the service records of your original job. It's your car and you are entitled to see it.  Then ask to speak with the tech who did the job.


If they say he no longer works with them, then you can call their bluff and suggest that he was fired for poor work. 

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Yep. That's the exact thing that happened to mine. VW fixed it for free in Feb last year.  We were going to sell it because I've always hated the car.  It was on the market for seven months with little interest (mid-priced).  Then life moved on...until it happened again two months ago.

It was the fix that was dodgy.  I'm off to see the dealer principal today.

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It was the fix that was dodgy.  I'm off to see the dealer principal today.

When I was getting the run around with Audi Sydney not long ago, I had a good result in the end by making contact with the dealer principal. 


Good luck with it, stressful and annoying situation to be in... nothing like facing the prospect of paying your hard earned out for someone else's negligence! 

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What about when your first for the day and they're still late, i'd hate to be the last appointment for the day.

If they're not doing paperwork from the previous day (there's a ton of red tape) then you need a better organised GP! "But they don't make them like they used to" ;)

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If they're not doing paperwork from the previous day (there's a ton of red tape) then you need a better organised GP! "But they don't make them like they used to" ;)

There's red tape in everything these days, you don't have to be a GP to find it, and as long as i can remember they've always been late, what, i've got nothing better to do than to spend my time waiting for them.:)

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There's red tape in everything these days, you don't have to be a GP to find it, and as long as i can remember they've always been late, what, i've got nothing better to do than to spend my time waiting for them.:)

Mine has car magazines in the waiting room. He's my lifelong best mate and he still keeps me waiting 20-30 minutes. Life is long,  and in the grand scale of things...

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C'mon Niko , man up! I hope you're not avoiding it. Med students are taught "if you don't put your finger in it , you put your foot in it"

Not sure what vet students are taught though.

Actually I get on really well with my Doc, he has a V8 AUDI and after we sort out whatever I'm in there for, we talk cars for the rest of the deal, thats probably why you blokes are waiting so long in the waiting room.   Sorry:ph34r:


Last time he did the ergh argh finger thingy  to me,:o:wacko: 

I said to him... 

"Good on you Doc, now I suppose you think I'm your bitch":P

That broke up what was a solomn serious sort of moment a bit....:D




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