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Some clown has immobilised the whole of Canberra:


If I was going to pick an exact spot to f@&$k up every traffic vector in, out and across Canberra city, that's the exact bridge I'd hit.  There's traffic Gnarls from woden, ALL roads in and out of civic, the surrounding suburbs, the airport, to queanbeyan and all the way across majura road to gunghalin.  

The driver should be presented to the Canberra public for some medieval justice.

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What's the problem?   Don't half the roads in Canberra go in circles? Just go back the other way until you get to your destination :ph34r:

Yes. All circles lead straight back into the traffic jam. Probably a good analogy for being a public servant.

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My beagle is in one of her ratty moods again. :angry:  Sneaking off into the kitchen and trying to grab stuff off the bench top.  She grabbed a couple of those supermarket meat trays that were destined for the recycling bin.  Now they're destined for the rubbish bin.  Attention seeking at it's best.  Ran off and crashed into a cupboard, knocking some photos off.  Smashed the glass in the photo of my wife, so now I have to get a new frame.  She's driving me f'ing nuts.  Then she puts on The Face and thinks it's all good.

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A guy was walking 3 beagles the other day and I asked him for his opinion of the breed.

Love em to bits but never again.

You do have to be real patient with beagles.  The biggest problem with a beagle is their sense of smell.  They are very intelligent dogs.  Mine won't play with a ball or a stick, but she's great at maths, and she can recite the entire catalogue of Shakespeare's works...    And you can't hide drugs anywhere in the house without her finding them.  She's just turned 2 the other week, so still a bit of growing up to do.  They are like a nose with a dog attached.  When you walk them you have to keep their head up or they'll sniff everything they pass.  She's is a very loyal dog, but she's suffering a bit of separation anxiety since my wife passed away.  So she's very clingy - doesn't leave me alone.  I think that's why she plays up a bit.  I should probably take her to the vet. 

I probably wouldn't get another one, but I'd never get rid of her either. 

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I probably wouldn't get another one, but I'd never get rid of her either. 

Maybe that's exactly what you need to do to help solve the problem, get a 2nd dog. That is what we were advised when we got our 2 beagles (we were originally looking at only one) and it was great advice, especially if no one is home for long periods during day with work, etc. Ours are now 12 years old and still act like puppies at times but keep each other occupied so don't cause much trouble.

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2 dogs don't always work out.  We went to get a border collie pup and while my wife and son were getting introduced to the chosen one, I got hooked on another pup from the same litter.  We now have two dogs which we thought would be ok, keeping each other company etc.  Actually, they spend much of the day separate and often fight.  Adult dogs can be better alone as they tend to bond to their owners and can get jealous of attention to the other dog.  Despite that, they still freak out if we take one out without the other. 

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Chilled refresher ??  Can you still get Two Dogs ??



It was a good drop to have on a summer's eve.  Two Dogs was sold to the Pernod Ricard group some years ago, then on-sold to Kirin.  Not sure if you can still buy it.  Duncan McGillivray (the guy who started TD) passed away from a heart attack while on holidays in Bali early last year AFAIK.  He was a champion among men in SA.  Did a lot of charity and community work form what I recall.

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Dislocated my shoulder again last night.... 5 minutes before heading to bed. ? resulted in a trip to hospital and back home at 3am. 

I really must must get that operation to sort it out... If only it was easy like replacing s ball joint on a car. ?

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EDGY, THERES only a few drs id recommend for that 

are you catching up thurs 

happy to chat then 

yeah mate, I'll be there! Arm in sling probably lol will you be there? Keen to catch up with you and definitely keen to talk it over if you've got some good advice!

When I looked into it about 10 years ago... I was not happy or comfortable with the specialist I saw.. So I did not proceed.. Now it's bad and I best do something about it! I'm sure the procedure is much better now and I better do it while I'm young enough for a speedy recovery! 

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