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Whats for sale (in Australia ) and interesting Thread

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Once again, I agree with all of the comments regarding due dilligence ......

However (there's always a however) I feel that it's deception on a sellers part to sell something without disclosure of a major change in the structure of what it once was ..... this is the reason there is a register for written off vehicles .....

Now, I'm not saying it's not a nice car, or that it's not worth whatever it sells for.

I'm saying that not everyone who buys a Porsche knows it's possible to check the VIN for its history and provinence.

Should I buy a car and it needs a new exhaust, shame on me buying a car without my mechanic checking it out .....

Should I buy a car and the rear half of it has been replaced due to a major accident (assuming no insurance claim, therefore not on written off register) that is deception .....

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that not everyone who buys a Porsche knows it's possible to check the VIN for its history and provinence. .....

Dreamr i admire your sense of social justice and protection of the weak and vulnerable.

My point on the VIN is simply about reading it.....it directly says the car was a 72, Targa and a T. Its not about checking with any authority or company database about options, provenance etc. if a buyer cant do this and are seriously looking at a 40+ yr old car then they are a fool..... And as the saying goes a fool and their gold are soon parted.

My comments here are entirely about the VIN disclosure. Im not offering any opinion on the car positive or negative.

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I too am not offering an opinion on the car itself ....

When a Nigerian rings me offering to sell me US dollars for half price as they are not allowed to bring them into the country, I say thanks but no thanks ..... othere see it as an opportunity to double their money ....

I have no idea how to decipher a 1972 model 911 VIN ..... although I'm sure I could google it and find out .....

BUT (there's always a but) some people don't even have the internet or know how to use it ..... a lot of people wouldn't even know that it's possible to check a VIN number .....

We could wrestle back and forth regarding due dilligence, VIN checking, PPI's etc ...... the bottom line is that not everyone is the same and some are ripped off or deceived easier than others .......

You are right ...... it probably comes down to my sense of social justice and protection of the weak and vulnerable.

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..... a lot of people wouldn't even know that it's possible to check a VIN number .....


these people shouldn't be buying old cars and should stick to suzuki swifts or leasing vw golfs.


you can't protect them from themselves.


yes, sellers should be up front, but there is equal responsibility on the buyer to do some basic checks- there are unscrupulous  people out there!

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these people shouldn't be buying old cars and should stick to suzuki swifts or leasing vw golfs.


you can't protect them from themselves.

Agreed ...... you can't protect them from themselves ...

But ..... who are we to say they shouldn't be buying older cars? and should the a**holes out there be taking advantage of them ....

Why shouldn't an elderly gentleman be able to buy a car he longed for in his youth without being conned ...... how would he even know that car he saw 40 years ago didn't come as a convertible for another 10 years ..... or that the coupe he longed for was a targa in disguise .....

I know that we'll never settle this as we all have different views ...... this is just mine .....

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Why? Coz they don't have to say anything. It's buyer beware


If it was me selling it, I'd say 'Yes, it was a Targa', but that's how I do things. Others are obviously less forthcoming with what maybe deemed deceptive. I reckon he should have mentioned it though


If anyone is spending a decent wedge of cash on any car, it's up to them to either ask too many questions, or have a knowledgable expert on hand to check it out.

 I just rang about a 924 for sale today, and the ad was far from what the car actually is ( a pig by the sound of it!), yet if I hadnt have asked the questions whether the gearbox had a noise, electrics work, interior condition etc etc, I would have wasted my time going to have a look at it


A fool and his money are soon parted, and in this day and age, there are PLENTY of people blatantly ripping others off whether its cars or an Ipad!

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The sellers advertisement is very minimal in terms of information. Assuming the seller knows better  :ph34r: , I think the advert has been done this way intentionally - he wants to sell it, take it or leave it.


The question then is, would you want to buy a car from a seller that you believe is intentionally being vague or withholding information? I personally feel the intention here is deceptive and reiterates the valuable rule of 'buyer beware'. Always. 


As mentioned previously, I'll be watching this with interest........................... ;)  

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That's great ....... at least people now know .....

From here I believe "buyer beware" ........ ask questions ....

I think the issue I have been having is that it's ok for the classic car enthusiasts ...... we know to ask questions or that it's possible to check VIN numbers ..... it's the everyday person that just stumbles across this advert and thinks ..... that would be cool.

They dont know what an RS is or the difference between a SC or a Carrera, or a 180bhp or a 204bhp, nor do they care ...... it's just a cool looking old Porsche that I remember. And that's ok too, as long as they know what they are buying ....

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If they don't care what they are buying why would they care it was targa converted to coupe

It's the enthusiasts that would be miffed yet they are the ones likely to do a through check before buying. If you expect everyone to do the honourable thing and accurately describe what they have for sale, you have more faith in humanity that I do. Assume it's all bullshit and work backwards from there. And if it seems too cheap for what it appears to be, it probably is.

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If they don't care what they are buying why would they care it was targa converted to coupe

Maybe they don't care if its converted ...... thats ok too ...... but they should be told and be able to make an informed decision ...... it's the dishonesty factor that I have an issue with ........

Porsche ownership is not limited to enthusiasts ....... it's ok for the average Joe to own one, old or new ....... "just because" .

It's not that I expect everyone to do the right thing .... I know better than that .... but that doesn't make it right if they dont just because "we don't expect everyone to "

I said it in a previous post and I'll stand by my opinion ........ IT'S NOT RIGHT TO DO IT TO ANYONE ........ PERIOD!

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What makes you think they don't care what they're buying?

I think he is referring to a previous post 8f mine when I said they don't care about SC or Carrera or bhp .......

It is a misguided thought that because they dont care about the model they are buying, they also don't care that they just bought a 1975 Corolla with a Porsche badge that the seller told them was an "old Porsche" ......

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Going to have an initial look at this 996 tomorrow; it looks fair value. From the grumpy tone of the ad he's had a few lowball offers!


Anyone come across this car before?



It will be interesting to find out what's involved in a $10,000 "major service". Surely that's more reconditioning/rebuild than "major service"!

BTW: Good luck with your search.

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