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Is it common to be given the bird while driving your Porsche??


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I was taking my wife and kids out for dinner last night in my CS 997.2 and for some strange reason, a random approaching car (2005 Nissan Sylvia) gives me a one finger salute for no reason at all as he passes by. The same thing happened about 3 months ago except the salute came from a very excited passenger in an approaching 4wd Hilux ute. Can somebody shed some light on what could cause such unusual behavior in human beings. Is my car too clean perhaps or am I driving too sensibly or maybe they don't like red cars.....I just don't get it.

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I've only ever gotten thumbs up - lots from hilux utes as well.


I figure it is an age-of-car thing seeing as yours is 'new' in the eyes of most people.


So then it would just be a case of common-or-garden cash envy.


Brush it off - losers and haters are thick on the ground.

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strange, but they never made a 2005 Silvia

2005 was only a guess. It was a pretty untidy looking older Silvia.


Not quite as bad but ...... happy reading!

I think I have also experienced nearly everything mentioned in this post too! Good thing I am one of those enthusiasts that don't care what others think. I know the truth and how much blood sweat and tears went into being able to afford such a blessing and I'm going to enjoy every moment of ownership of Porsche's for many years to come.

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i've had someone yell out "WANKER".


made me laugh inside.


I was doing a photo shoot of a clapped out 306 Cabriolet not all that long ago so the owner could sell it and a car full of young clowns did the same. Yeah mate, I'm macking it in my $3000 Pug. Tool.

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I got abused at a set of lights because I killed the guys son "guys like you killed my son you F%#@* a$$#0%" I said sorry for your loss mate but I have never killed anyone. He then called me a Fn white collar wanker, at which point I said WTF are you talking about, it s a $25000 car and you are driving a 4wd that costs over $70000. The lights went green and I took off thinking well that was odd

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strange, but they never made a 2005 Silvia


The 2005 S15 Silvia was sold here as a 200SX.  We have one in our family fleet.  Not a bad little pocket rocket, even though it has a pretty small snail on it.  Hmmm, maybe it's time to upgrade the turbo.



I thought this was a compliment reserved for GT3 owners? Maybe the spoiler confused them?


Maybe it's just a spoiler thing in general.  My Porsche has no spoiler, so I've never experienced it. 


Having said that, I'm used to being called a wanker.  I'm married.


Seriously though, there are some numbskulls in this world.

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I was on a 1000km road trip, miles from anywhere about a year ago.


2 GT falcons came the other way, the first cars I had seen in 10 minutes or so...


Both cars rolled down the windows and punched the sky and gave the thumbs up.


Thought that was pretty cool of them. Pretty cool to see 2 GT's out there too.


I make a point of giving the thumbs up to cars that tickle my fancy now.


Even if I am in my beat up farm ute.

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My '86 930 used to get me lots of thumbs ups, "nice car mate", "awesome" and the like...

The 997 is getting me more than the odd one finger salute, wanker motions, "fucking arsehole" comments and so on.

Yeah, I just don't get it either... older cars you seem to get rewarded, but the younger cars [which could be less expensive] seem to get you ridiculed...

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Could it be that the general public's perception might be that an older 911 isn't worth Jack so it's just an "old banger", whereas only "rich wankers" can afford a new Porsche?  Just putting it out there.


& I'm not saying that people who drive modern P cars are rich wankers.  Well, not generally anyway.  smiley-laughing025.gif

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Slightly different note, but I drove past an identical Cayman to mine yesterday coming off the Harbour Bridge. He didn't see me at first but we were both enjoying a clear road. I peeled off left to leave the freeway and gave him a thumbs up. He stared at me, then looked away.Completely opposite from my Lotus days. 


I'm guessing he falls into the rich wanker bucket. Then again, it's a Cayman so maybe drop the "rich" from that title. 

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When I first purchased my 911 in sure my wife thought I was thinking it was a bit of a 'chick magnet' ... Now she laughs the only thing it attracts is "old men" at service stations and traffic lights giving me the thumbs up and g'day nice car

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