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The last three days have been taken up with some great driving experiences, on some of the great roads that Victoria is lucky enough to have.

We encountered just about every variety of weather that Victoria is known for......this 3 day porkerfest is coming an annual event now with us opening it to 14 cars this time.   So a few newbies... Various models which made it even more fun.


The start location.   Friday Lunch time.   Load up with fruit and drinks from the Launching Place Fruit shop.   Have a chat 


Take the obligatory photo of all concerned.....then into the cars and off......


End of first main section of spirited driving.  A wee stop and another chat.  Then head off  again to our accomodation over night


At the end of Day one, we have done approximately 250 K.   Cars are all fuelled up some washed and ready for the big day two


 Day two Brekky done, it's raining lightly, into our cars and the first gremlin hits.

Dougie's car doesn't want to go on the run.   Turns over but no spark.

After everyone tries their best to get the yellow peril up and running, with no success, the hard decision is made to leave her in the car park.

The good part of that is that Doug gets to jump in all the different cars over the course of the day.

We finally get away and without planning the group sorts itself out into three groups.

The quicks, the not so quicks and then the third group of mainly the Air cooled brigade who were going to do it tough in the coming conditions.


First stop for morning Tea, at Omeo.  We have had a bit of rain, a bit of sun and had some fun.


Went to our normal port of call where Tman always confuses the lady with his coffee order.   She enjoys seeing the rest of us though.

Then it's hit the road again time.....


Next stop, to catch our breath have a pee and talk about the last section.


Doug, doing the right thing and sharing the snakes around.....


And Steve, with his bag of hard boiled lollies trying to entice his little mate BAFE :Chuckle2:

Bafe was a wake up though.


Gary and JB discussing their latest adventure....:(

Then back into the cars and continue the trek....  

Lunch break at Tallangatta where the town were amazed to see a long line of porkers all waiting to use the BP Ultimate pump.



The next obligatory photos over looking Mt Bogong...

Then it's off toward Mt Hotham....The normal brisk run up the mountain did a complete reversal.   Visibility at times down to about twenty metres.

Following the yellow line in the middle of the road up to the summit.


Next Photo shoot, was a quick one, although it wasn't that cold it was still blizzard conditions.

Then off and homeward bound 


Round trip brings us back to Omeo, same cafe, same woman behind the jump, happy to see most of us....


Very trying conditions down the mountain, but the beauty of this trip was we all got to see how both ourselves and the cars perform in the wet conditions.   So what we actually thought might have put a damper on the day's driving actually was a plus.   Personally the Michelin PS4'S I had on were fantastic, and it took me a while to realise how good they also hang on in the wet.

Then time for the last leg back to the accomodation, over some beautiful sweeping roads, with very little problems with slow movers over this section and virtually the entire trip.

Once home it was time for a chilled refresher or two then over to the local Vietnamese for tea. (Dinner for the toffs)

Where the drinks continued along with some great food and most of all good stories and general Porsche natter..


Then it was back to the Motel for some well earned rest from a great driving and fun filled day.


Cars all tucked up for the night recovering from a big day of around 650K's.

Then up again for Brekky at 7 and on the road at 8.00 homeward bound with one or two little adventures on the way back.


Last coffee, teas and soy latte's (soy latte..You have got to be kidding) at Heyfield some went one way others took the Noojee run.



Finally ending up at the last stop of the weekend, the Noojee Pub, where hands were shook and promises made to do that again.

And off we went in our directions.   What a great few days,  Thank you gents, I absolutely loved the trip, the banter and the friendship.

 A great bunch of like minded people getting together and enjoying their cars..  

My BBC (Basalt Black Cayman) performed faultlessly all weekend.    Great bonding session with it.

Oh and Dougy's yella terra, started up first go this morning, and we are thinking it may have had a bit of water in the electrics the previous day.

So no casualties,, I don't think we upset anyone, and now all we have to do is get the cars back to glistening.

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Sensational post Niko. You have summed it up perfectly. 

Amazing roads, amazing cars and the company wasn't too bad either! ???

Looking forward to the next one. 


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Niko. Great summary for the 3 days. Well done. Boy did the rain come down around Moe and beyond!

 I will raise the other issue in a separate post and see what other PFAers know about the new Police tool for nabbing offenders for crossing the single spaced centre lines. Maybe its a new tool for the Easter break!


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9 minutes ago, garypgt3 said:

Niko. Great summary for the 3 days. Well done. Boy did the rain come down around Moe and beyond!

 I will raise the other issue in a separate post and see what other PFAers know about the new Police tool for nabbing offenders for crossing the single spaced centre lines. Maybe its a new tool for the Easter break!


Thanks mate, I didn't think I should mention it.   Leave it to you, lets hope we get some clarity.

21 minutes ago, Pork Chops said:

Don’t mention the war.


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Was this Camera about halfway along the Omeo Hwy say close to Glen Valley?

Looks like a great trip but you Elites need to toughen up as  its not a real drive until you are dodging football or bigger size boulders in the wet and fog along most of the Great Alpine Rd. 

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Not a  camera. Amphometer strips adjacent to the line

58 minutes ago, Redracn said:

Was this Camera about halfway along the Omeo Hwy say close to Glen Valley?

Looks like a great trip but you Elites need to toughen upas  its not a real drive until you are dodging football or bigger size boulders in the wet and fog along the most of the Great Alpine Rd. 

Does dodging fools in Silver Territorys with no lights in the fog count? Faaark!!!

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1 hour ago, Harvs11 said:

Not a  camera. Amphometer strips adjacent to the line

There is a someone at Glen Valley who regularly puts out fake speed cameras. Just wondering if they had another trick.

1 hour ago, Harvs11 said:

Does dodging fools in Silver Territorys with no lights in the fog count? Faaark!!!

Only if they have a bull bar.

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16 hours ago, Niko said:



Oh and Dougy's yella terra, started up first go this morning, and we are thinking it may have had a bit of water in the electrics the previous day.

So no casualties,, I don't think we upset anyone, and now all we have to do is get the cars back to glistening.

Looks like a great drive guys - glad to see you got the yellow peril running again Dougy 

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