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Smile , let people in and don't engage rage  - your nice car will remain unblemished and you may change some people's view that all P car drivers are pajeros.

Summon wrath and you may end up with regrets. Dashboard cams are becoming popular now.

It doesn't matter that you can afford a great lawyer. Chucking hard objets out the sunroof could cause an accident (maim , death)  and then who's to blame?

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Now I have a real VENT


Just got a speeding fine from Tasmania in the post.


The heinous crime of doing 60kmh in a 50kmh zone.  


I'm glad the children of Tasmania are safe now that I have been fined nearly a month after leaving the state on a street I can't recall, clearly because I was pre-occupied driving somewhere unfamiliar and not noticing a change in speed limits.


First ticket in 20 years and I was driving a POS Toyota rental

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Now I have a real VENT


Just got a speeding fine from Tasmania in the post.


The heinous crime of doing 60kmh in a 50kmh zone.  


I'm glad the children of Tasmania are safe now that I have been fined nearly a month after leaving the state on a street I can't recall, clearly because I was pre-occupied driving somewhere unfamiliar and not noticing a change in speed limits.


First ticket in 20 years and I was driving a POS Toyota rental


Same here.  Mrs BBC rang to ask me if I was driving a rental something in Sydney 2 months ago where I was caught on camera doing 56 in a 50 zone.   First ticket in 10 years.   At least those kids in Sydney are safer tonight since i have learnt my lesson.


Now, on an "Anit-Vent" post, I had to drive to Brisbane today from Byron (so took the Tangerine best) and got a thumbs up from two different policemen.  One was standing on the side of the motorway with his radar gun - and gave me a thumbs up as I zipped passed him, while the other one was an unmarked car (why are they so easy to spot....anyway, he thinks he was unmarked - except for the extra antenna and the clear lens red/blue flashers in the front and rear windows) as I zipped pased him.  


That made my day.

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Yes we have a private contractor setting up a radar trap locally over the last few months. They have to put up signs to indicate they are there in NSW, but soooo small they are hard to spot if you're paying attention to the road.

Stupid system. Who isn't a little under or over the limit at times. Including the officer's of the law. We're all human, but the camera's are not.

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Now I have a real VENT


Just got a speeding fine from Tasmania in the post.


The heinous crime of doing 60kmh in a 50kmh zone.  


I'm glad the children of Tasmania are safe now that I have been fined nearly a month after leaving the state on a street I can't recall, clearly because I was pre-occupied driving somewhere unfamiliar and not noticing a change in speed limits.


First ticket in 20 years and I was driving a POS Toyota rental


You got a weeny $110 fine?

In Victoria it's $295  :wub:

The law is the law , even if it is perceived as an ass!

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You got a weeny $110 fine?

In Victoria it's $295  :wub:

The law is the law , even if it is perceived as an ass!



I'm normally the one who advocates for people to follow the speed limits.


But I looked up street view for the street in question, and what do I find.  A 4 lane one way main road.  This is not some suburban street.


They don't give exact location and don't give a photo.   But what do I see in the street view image?




Why, that looks like a 60 kmh speed limit sign, just like I was doing.  Unless there was some roadworks that I don't remember, I have no idea how that road could have a 50kmh limit on it.  


but when you make a law that everyone breaks, then you turn everyone into a law breaker and you start eroding the trust that the public has with the Police.


This type of BS is just entrapment, and it's absolutely useless in reducing the road toll.  You can't tell me I was driving unsafely looking at the above road.

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I will have to request a photo - but not sure what that will achieve.  I'm certainly not going back to Hobart any time soon (once was enough!) to contest it.  Presumably they hid some little '50' signs somewhere and then put a hidden camera behind it, you know, to save the kiddies from merciless hoons like myself endangering public safety.

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I'm normally the one who advocates for people to follow the speed limits.


But I looked up street view for the street in question, and what do I find.  A 4 lane one way main road.  This is not some suburban street.


They don't give exact location and don't give a photo.   But what do I see in the street view image?




Why, that looks like a 60 kmh speed limit sign, just like I was doing.  Unless there was some roadworks that I don't remember, I have no idea how that road could have a 50kmh limit on it.  



This type of BS is just entrapment, and it's absolutely useless in reducing the road toll.  You can't tell me I was driving unsafely looking at the above road.


Image date March, 2010

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Image date March, 2010


Yeah, I get that.  But the road hasn't changed.  Should that road be 50kmh?


EDIT: to be clear, I didn't post the image to say 'the road is 60, I should be let off'.   I posted it to show that this is not some quiet suburban street.  It may well have been updated to have 50 signs.  Maybe there is a hospital or roadworks or a reduced speed zone - I didn't see any speed changes and was trying to navigate.




You drove a toyota rental? Technically you drove the fastest car in the world (according to Jeremy Clarkson) How did it feel?


It was a POS camry.  It was a sports model with blacked out wheels and a lip spoiler.  I would have preferred a stock model.  The ride was terrible and it was no faster.  Every single kid puked because of the jiggly ride and high beltline on the windows, which means they can't see out.

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I agree, but I bet they changed the speed limit

They did , about 18 mths ago. It is the major commuter route out of the Hobart CBD heading south , and is bumper to bumper at peak hours. Plus schools and hospital on that particular block. All Hobart suburban streets were changed to 50km'hr , apparently in light of Scandinavian evidence of reduced injuries?


One prominent local P car guy got caught going through an orange light in a Brumby. A radar gun was employed just beyond the intersection (exactly where that photo above was taken) so he was done doing 43km/hr in a 40k zone.


The major beef I (& most others have ) apart from cyclists on narrow streets unsuited for them ) have,  is that there are too many changes from zone to zone e.g. 60-50-40 then back to 50 etc

In  old cars with slightly inaccurate speedos I am always glancing down and as a result I miss the signs  :wub: There is zero tolerance now so even 1km/hr over you get done. But if your record is clean you will get a caution.


Coastr - write a letter stating your clean record and very likely you will be let off.

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Just this morning for a few seconds wasn't staring at the speedo (as I was distracted thinking about something else) while going down a fairly steep hill. glance at the speedo just quickly and see i was doing 67 in a 60 zone, just as i noticed the policeman at the side of the road with a Trucam. :(


goodbye $154 and 1 point :/


not sure what they've achieved by fining me, I know it's a 60 zone and I'm normally fairly good at observing speed limits. I was also the only car on the piece of road at the time

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the other beef I have is I remember in my drivers test a way to determine what the speed limit is by line markings/street lights etc. That obviously doesn't apply anymore to the random application of 50 and 60 zones

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Just this morning for a few seconds wasn't staring at the speedo (as I was distracted thinking about something else) while going down a fairly steep hill. glance at the speedo just quickly and see i was doing 67 in a 60 zone, just as i noticed the policeman at the side of the road with a Trucam. :(


goodbye $154 and 1 point :/

Does your old speedo under or over-read?

Different tyres can as you know make a difference.

Maybe a chance for clemency , though I doubt it. You're in a Porsche and they get extra brownie points for sports cars!

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Just this morning for a few seconds wasn't staring at the speedo (as I was distracted thinking about something else) while going down a fairly steep hill. glance at the speedo just quickly and see i was doing 67 in a 60 zone, just as i noticed the policeman at the side of the road with a Trucam. :(


goodbye $154 and 1 point :/


not sure what they've achieved by fining me, I know it's a 60 zone and I'm normally fairly good at observing speed limits. I was also the only car on the piece of road at the time


IICR they're not allowed to park up on an incline/decline because of reasons that the car is rolling under its own momentum ect..

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IICR they're not allowed to park up on an incline/decline because of reasons that the car is rolling under its own momentum ect..

This doesn't seem to apply anymore. Last week I saw a speed cam in a white SUV set up at the bottom of the hill on Marysville road heading back to the highway. It's a 100km zone but the long down hill run will cause you to exceed that unless you sit on the brakes.

Aside from the fines and points, if you get too many penalties within the last few years, insurance companies will refuse cover. If you fail to notify them of penalties, they can wipe their hands of any claim too. Can we afford to drive with out insurance? I know I can't.

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Looking for a job sucks.  Recruitment agencies are the pitts.  They fabricate roles to get people on the books, or they just don't bother updating you on the super urgent role that they are hiring for and then string you along for weeks.


I'm over it. 


And my MINI now has a f**king power steering fluid leak.  So far I'd have been able to make nearly a 10months of payments on the 987 if i kept it. And tazzieman - yes I know, disposable car blah blah blah   sigh  I'm sad.

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