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Gasoline garage - p-car owners beware


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I get what they are trying to do. Cool space (ish) and all that, but no idea about our much loved brand or the market. 

Picked up (rescued) my 997tt today. No doubt back on the market soon, but will let the dust settle for a week or so.

the final straw - managed to stick 400kms on the car despite forgetting to advertise it for one of the three weeks they had it...

you've been warned




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the final straw - managed to stick 400kms on the car despite forgetting to advertise it for one of the three weeks they had it...

wtf you're kidding right?

on the other hand, that's about right for a return trip to Marulan including a handful of laps... :(

thanks for the heads up

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I'm shocked..............

I was only out for just over an hour, must have managed to sit on an average of about 380km/ph - so much for the 318 acclaimed top speed! The cars amazing and a true credit to its previous owner - just not for me unfortunately, MPG was too high for my liking. 


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I'm shocked..............

I was only out for just over an hour, must have managed to sit on an average of about 380km/ph - so much for the 318 acclaimed top speed! The cars amazing and a true credit to its previous owner - just not for me unfortunately, MPG was too high for my liking. 


you test drove an auto? It's a bloody 4 aswell?  Aren't there moderator rules against that kind of behaviour??

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you test drove an auto? It's a bloody 4 aswell?  Aren't there moderator rules against that kind of behaviour??

Oh the shame!

As for this Gasoline mob - Tom, I hope you gave them a serve. 400kms! They're jokers. That's just wrong. 

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Tom, that is fu@king shameful. I don't know who I'd report it to but surely there has to be some governance over this kind of blatant abuse. 

Does their web page have a comments link. We could all chime and with a slab of constructive comments. 

Pm me if you need a gun ?

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you test drove an auto? It's a bloody 4 aswell?  Aren't there moderator rules against that kind of behaviour??

I had a moment of relapse, I almost bought a scooter while I was there too. The mods have been very supportive thankfully, I'm in remission and remaining positive. :)

Seriously though, its not good form. Not sure if they are aware of this forum but I'm guessing they will be now. :rolleyes:

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Have you tried come to some resolution/settlement with them?  Maybe we shouldn't say too much on here until that process is complete.  By now they are likely aware of the internet reign of fire that is coming their way if they don't play ball.

For legal purposes do you have proof of mileage before and after?  It ain't libel or slander if it's true.




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guessing they will be now. :rolleyes:

they certainly will be if they get a few 100 bogus sales enquiries ;) 

It is what it is. Too easy to expose bad service with technology. Maybe they will learn.

Moving on - ad (with proper photos) been up for a few hours and already expecting my first lowball offer. Ah, the fun of selling cars...

For legal purposes do you have proof of mileage before and after?  It ain't libel or slander if it's true.

taken exactly three weeks ago. As I said, too easy to expose bad service with technology...


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Disgraceful, you would think if someone was really "test driving" your car they would give you a heads up via a phone call as a courtesy? Are they compelled to do this? Very poor form and word on the street travels a long way.

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Disgraceful, you would think if someone was really "test driving" your car they would give you a heads up via a phone call as a courtesy? Are they compelled to do this? Very poor form and word on the street travels a long way.

first time I have ever done this so not totally sure of standard practice. I fully expect them to have had to do test drives, just a bit surprised at the km's when I had been told there was no interest. In the end was just not the quality of service and presentation I would believe it takes to sell a car like this so have walked away. They clearly have a business that works, just not for me ;) 

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