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Track day criteria  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What factors are important to you

    • Track time - as much as possible
    • Safety
    • Social Aspect - Relaxed atmosphere
    • Instructors or mentoring
    • Cost
    • Timing
    • Catering

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Hi guys, 

Based on the interest in the other thread, I have done some ground work on costs for a private day at Wakefield park NSW. 

I have been in discussion with our overlord @Kerry & the local area constabulary @hugh, we have their grace to run it as an offical PFA track day NSW should we be able to agree on a format and get enough subscribers. So just like the PFA Sandown events you should be able to do it all through the forum again, ideally we will appoint someone to "run the event" for us. 

I have added a poll with some criteria, I guess we'd like to see some feedback on those factors to see what content is most valuable to the members. 


Other than that, my thoughts on the format are: 

  • Sprint Day
  • Small group (40 cars total) 
  • Practice sessions 
  • Timed event
  • 4 (maybe 5) run groups 
  • 10 cars per group sent out at 5 second intervals, gridded fastest to slowest
  • approx 10 minute run sessions 
  • Catering
  • Instructing/mentoring 

Based on the above, by timing and grouping cars in their correct speed groups we should be able to run each group with little to no chance of cars grouping up, or worse making contact!

A lap of Wakefield will be anywhere from just over 1 minute to 1:30 ~ so sending out cars in their speed groups with approx 5 secs between will allow that space! 

This will be good for both the experienced who want to push hard and for the novice who just wants to have fun and drive within their comfort zone. After all everyone wants to have fun and bring their car home in 1 piece! 

4 groups at about 10 minute sessions will mean everyone should definitely get a session every hour (or more) with space in between.


We can re order the run groups and grid after the lunch break for optimum grouping. 

I guess another option is to run more groups with less time and less cars in the group but grouping cars by their benchmark times, but I don't think that is a good call as different people will drive at different paces even in the exact same car. 

With regards to trying to cut costs by having no timing, or increasing numbers, it's not really a concept I think is wise for anyone, frankly I'm not interested in such events, it's dangerous mixing cars of different speeds and drivers of different skills. And if like me your Porsche represents a big part of your investment, it just seems stupid to try and save such small $$$ for such high risk. 

I think the theme of the day should be fun, relaxed and no pressure with a good social aspect for PFA and it's members. 

Things that will vary costs: 

  • Weekday - cheaper but not practical for lots of people
  • Weekend - more expensive but better for most
  • Catering - We can have the canteen or opt for corporate caters 
  • Instructors & event mangement - This will depend on demand and numbers 

Having said that, preliminary costs look to be around $300 at the lower end and perhaps up to $500 

Could we get: 

  • Show of hands 
  • rough idea on dates - keeping in mind this year is basically sold out, we'd be looking at the start of 2018 most likely
  • feedback on cost above 

Any other feedback on the matter! 


Now its up to you as the members to help make this happen or not. :P 




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I think your on the money @edgy, smaller groups, good intervals and relaxed vibe makes for a great day out enjoying your car as intended. 

I'm in and I'm sure other vic members would be keen to get on board as well. Watching this space with interest! 

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Another good venue would be the farm at Peats Ridge.

please read: http://porscheforum.com.au/topic/10558-track-day-interest/ 

we tried already. 

I think your on the money @edgy, smaller groups, good intervals and relaxed vibe makes for a great day out enjoying your car as intended. 

I'm in and I'm sure other vic members would be keen to get on board as well. Watching this space with interest! 


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I'm in mate. Pricing is fine, weekend would be my preference, may also help those travelling from further away and any spectators. Maybe February is a good month as many away in Jan?

I'm also keen to keep numbers to a safe size, giving everyone plenty of space. Having never been to Wakefield before I don't know what number that is. Also clarity on overtaking rules etc as there are different interpretations across various events. I'm a big fan of the Burrows format, particularly that you only pass someone if they acknowledge and let you through (only exception being the main straight at SMP). We only want to leave as we arrived, just with bigger smiles!

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I'm in. Weekdays can be good, as it is a nice quiet day, but either way. I am sure some people take sickies right ;) 

Hopefully 2018 I will actually be in my 911.... maybe :unsure:

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I'm definitely keen, depending on dates. Wakefield is brilliant.

I was involved in track days at Wakefield for a few years. My uncle ran a private day 4 times a year for many years. Since he stopped managing it, it is now run by trackschool.com.au. I haven't been since the change but believe it is still a fantastic day and a great format. $250 per driver (on a friday), and you need to buy an annual Wakefield licence (about $75).

We used to have a maximum of 12 cars on the track, and it was 1 in, 1 out scenario. There was plenty of track time to be had....more than enough. Occasionally there would be a fast group to give the fast cars some clear track. I'd love to come however you decide to manage it.



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I'm definitely keen, depending on dates. Wakefield is brilliant.

I was involved in track days at Wakefield for a few years. My uncle ran a private day 4 times a year for many years. Since he stopped managing it, it is now run by trackschool.com.au. I haven't been since the change but believe it is still a fantastic day and a great format. $250 per driver (on a friday), and you need to buy an annual Wakefield licence (about $75).

We used to have a maximum of 12 cars on the track, and it was 1 in, 1 out scenario. There was plenty of track time to be had....more than enough. Occasionally there would be a fast group to give the fast cars some clear track. I'd love to come however you decide to manage it.



John Boston , runs track school , not the track , he is a great instructor , if we need instructors known to them (Wakefield)and or Porsche specific instructors I can help. insurance is a challenge sometimes.  Im in ..and happy to help organise @edgy

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Sounds good to me, 

The track days I have done (mainly Brands hatch indie circuit) have all been open pit, I understand about not mixing quick and slower cars but I do like being able to determine when to go out, I always found it settles down after the first hour, But I'm easy to go along with what's decided.

I'm easy with regards to weekday vs weekend, both have plus points.

I'm sure I'm not alone but cost is an issue for me, so canteen is fine.

Are instructors hired an a one on one basis or as a group?

Any date in 2018 is fine with me




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I'm in mate. Pricing is fine, weekend would be my preference, may also help those travelling from further away and any spectators. Maybe February is a good month as many away in Jan?

I'm also keen to keep numbers to a safe size, giving everyone plenty of space. Having never been to Wakefield before I don't know what number that is. Also clarity on overtaking rules etc as there are different interpretations across various events. I'm a big fan of the Burrows format, particularly that you only pass someone if they acknowledge and let you through (only exception being the main straight at SMP). We only want to leave as we arrived, just with bigger smiles!

As above on the numbers mate ^^ PCNSW runs 6 groups an hour with 12 cars on the grid and 8 minute sessions, so they get rotation every hour providing no one has a major off. Suffice to say everyone is unanimous that they don't want that kinda pressure or rush for this day. 

I absolutely agree on the safety first approach and clear rules & acceptance of those rules for the overtaking, we'll get that one squared away at the driver briefing. ;) 

I'm in. Weekdays can be good, as it is a nice quiet day, but either way. I am sure some people take sickies right ;) 

Hopefully 2018 I will actually be in my 911.... maybe :unsure:

 Lets give you something to shoot for then? :D 

John Boston , runs track school , not the track , he is a great instructor , if we need instructors known to them (Wakefield)and or Porsche specific instructors I can help. insurance is a challenge sometimes.  Im in ..and happy to help organise @edgy

It seems we are getting good response to the driver instructing, so it may very well work out to have someone like that run it. 

Thanks for your generosity mate! I know you're not exactly "local" :lol: 

And thanks for the feedback/support all, the purpose of this thread is purely to gauge PFA members interest and to determine what the members actually want. From here the overlords will have a knights of the round table meeting and drop something juicy for you with all the details only when its 100% ready, I cannot say more than that as I am just doing the groundwork and getting the momentum going. 



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I should be back down that way by March so any time after that I would be in for sure.

Weekends would most likely be best for me.

I would be keen on some instruction as well. 

Not fused on the food. Happy with a pie from the canteen. 

10 cars per group sounds like the go. Do you think the TwoFour will run in the GT3 group or would that just be unfair on them??

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I should be back down that way by March so any time after that I would be in for sure.

Weekends would most likely be best for me.

I would be keen on some instruction as well. 

Not fused on the food. Happy with a pie from the canteen. 

10 cars per group sounds like the go. Do you think the TwoFour will run in the GT3 group or would that just be unfair on them??

Haha! Hey I would love a steer of my old beastie on a track, Wakefield would be good for it! :) 

Subject to dates etc. I am in. I prefer weekdays to keep the costs down.

If timing is available, im in.

Thanks for the feedback guys, and Simon we are looking forward to seeing you out there! 

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My old girl dropped her lunch the last time she was at Wakefield, luckily it wasn't terminal but did throw up quite a smoke screen.

Would like to actually get more than 2 laps this time so I'd be in. 

Weekday would be fine.

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If Wakefield becomes the venue I'd second utilising John Boston.  We work with him for our track packages and I've nothing but good things to say.  From what I've seen, midweek there is very quiet.  Busier days at the track (think 30 - 60 cars) are grouped.  Quieter days often run an open pit lane structure (these are inevitably week days).  He's also been running premium days that are open pit lane, with catering provided and a maximum of 20 (from memory) participants.  It would be pretty easy to set a date and book ahead for a weekday, so long as there were sufficient numbers.  That covers insurance and other aspects without fuss.  I'm happy with whatever direction the day takes - whether this or another.

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Interesting alternative Gavin and a hell of lot less work for Edgy and co to organise.  The fact that we have only received expressions of interest from a dozen PFA'ers to date concerns me that we might not have the numbers to make our own day viable.  Hopefully when a date is announced there will be a flood of interest from people who are willing to pay up straight away to avoid causing the organising committee any anxiety over whether the numbers will be met or not.  

But like you Gavin, I'm happy to support whatever approach is taken as I appreciate the effort being invested in this venture.



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