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P envy !

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So if the title grabbed your attention which was the only objective.  

I mean Porsche - of course :D

I've had my manual 996tt now for over 6 months and loving it.  However, I still think about whether the next P I want is something very different like a circa 79 SC  or a circa 1990 964 C2.  

ie. a classic air cooled

If I had the space right now I would figure out how to get the next one without selling my 996tt.   I expect that the driving experience would be very different.  Not withstanding I have not actually driven either of the car vintages mentioned above.  I just love the classic shape and the air cooled growl.  I have driven a number of 993's and really enjoyed the smaller cockpit feeling.  I expect that the earlier models will be less sophisticated and more raw and basic a ride but I don't know what I don't know.

When I drive the turbo I just feel like I want to drive it and make the most of that awesome power band constantly.  It's almost frustrating not being able to do so which is of course most of the time when on our roads ! 

I am wondering whether a classic car with less raw power but lots of the great P handling capability and a smaller cockpit and that air cooled sound will do it for me.

I would welcome any feedback from those who have started with newer model P's and then also purchased or changed into an older classic car.  Which models to look at where you can get a very different driving experience that is not necessarily primarily about the speed.  I know it sounds lame because the acceleration and speed is always such a key adrenalin rush and fun factor but I am curious to know what others are experiencing in other models ?




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Great topic/question.

I went from an sc to a 997s. Why? I Wanted more. More space (6"4 in height). More room in the back for little ones. More power. More breaks. More handling. More comfort (climate and seats). Did i get it? Yes. What did i loose? The nostalgia. The classic, raw sight, sound and smell. Why did i give that up? Because i've come from old cars and still have an old one (falcon) that will serve that purpose.

But... I have gotten greedy. It's too fast (not too fast, but fast enough to want to use it where you shouldn't) and yes old cars feel like your going faster. Where do you draw the line? Can you afford both? 1st world problems! 

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Massive differences - same badge but that's about it.  Obviously styling, rear engine, etc run through all generations but to drive different generations is an entirely different thing (if you're talking 997 v sc or earlier).  I'd say both are enjoyable in very different ways.  I, personally, am happy to be sitting at the older end of the spectrum however I will one day return to a modernish boxster.  I can't ever see myself in a 997 or 996 again (and certainly not anything more modern). Feel free to give me a call if you feel like a 10 min chat regarding the variations (faster to chat than type).  Naturally everyone feels slightly differently about where the 'best' driving experience is to be had in terms of 911 generations (it's a very individual thing).

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1 hour ago, Thommo66 said:

  I just love the classic shape and the air cooled growl.  I 

I am wondering whether a classic car with less raw power but lots of the great P handling capability and a smaller cockpit and that air cooled sound will do it for me.


  I can't compare, yet I know guys who have gone from later model 996/997/Caymans etc to an old air cooled and not regretted it. Infact, they say they enjoy the old bangers a lot more, as you have to drive them harder to get the best out of them, instead of just mashing the loud pedal and pointing it up the road. They also say the same thing regarding the classic shape and noise, plus the smell that you get with an old air cooled. An older Porsche, there is no substitute ?

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Pretty loaded proposition..............but I'll have a crack. 

Modern cars are great, they do everything well but can lack soul. Old 911's can be pretty underwhelming but have loads of character. My recommendation would be to buy an older 911 and modify (with potential later model upgrades) as required - best of both worlds. Plenty of good examples around, just about finding the right balance to suit you. 

I would say that a 964 lends itself as a great platform as with some minimal mods can be a great all rounder. 

(not an invitation for any purists to chime in!) 

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Thanks for this very interesting thread.

I have a very fast newish JDM sportscar which hardly leaves its garage; however my old a/c hotrod (mit 993 motoren) is driven on average twice a week & I always take the long way home. (The new car is the one on the trickle charger!!) I am fortunate to have space for 2/3 cars, but I am getting older so maybe one has to go.

Slowly but surely all the fun is being squeezed out of motoring - roads in the city being reduced from 4 lanes to 2 for flimsy excuses (bike lanes which are never used), humps, roundabouts & slowpoints. In the country, backroads that were once unresticted & have been 100k for 30+ years & are now 80k - you cant even cross a 'single' line in the bush without risking a fine.

So I guess its not surprising that older 911's are going up in value - they are still fun & quite comfortable for me (for now). I suppose I will probably get a 997 cabrio automatic. sometime in the future when I have to, but never getting an electric 911. 


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I've visited this dilemma recently  (sort of) and I think I'm finding a happy balance..

I was shopping for something nostalgic, I was also shopping for something faster.  I couldn't make up my mind what I really wanted..  Meanwhile, I'm starting to think that what I currently have does pretty much what I really want, its reliable, has what needs to be done, done, looks nice and pulls hard..  However, I made an offer on a 78 Carrera - beautiful in blue, and lots of work had been done - my offer fell maybe 5K short of the mark - oh well.  It would have been a lovely thing, but really I don't think I could have justified it, and what I currently have.    Then a 996TT comes along - Great car, ticked all the boxes, lets pull the trigger..  However, I'm thinking in the back of my mind - what I currently have does pretty much what I really want..  Besides, as alluded to above, the TT is just too fast for practical use..  And I'd have to sell what I have now to make it balance - sort of.    Having two 996's is just too familiar.  Space is also an issue, but I'm working on that at the moment..

So, this happy balance, after going full circle is to keep what I have now and look for something more nostalgic, but without that too high price tag, maybe even a Targa.. That way, the balance of both worlds is hopefully achieved.

But then look at the value of Caymans..  Best not go and test pilot one of those..!

Doesn't really answer your original post though.  ;)


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2 hours ago, Airhead said:

6 months and your thinking about the next one? You need to love the one your with a bit longer. :D

LOL ... had a chuck;e when I saw this.  The missus says the same thing and I keep telling her this is true but its still ok to look ... as long as I don't bring her home :P 

These fine specimens are examples of what I have in mind ... 



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I have dealt with this particular problem.

First Porsche - a 930. Loved it.

Wasnt looking for another but stumbled across a 3.2. Loved it. Hmmm

Now these are totally different but both awesome.

So maybe I need another coz now I know I like turbo and 5 speed so I need to combine the two. And my 3.2 is a widebody so I need a narrow body right? Enter the narrow body turbo hot rod thingy. Oh dear, loved it.

Then there’s this 928 hype playing on my mind. Got enough 911’s. Must need a different flavour. Next thing you know, there’s a GTS in the garage. Guess what? Love it. Not a 911. But frigging fantastic car.

Then, what do you know...after giving up on a longhood many moons ago, times have changed a bit and one finds me. Oh boy, a 73S turns up in the driveway. With a little bit of tickling to RS spec, it turns out this basic little thing is my favourite of them all.

So maybe this P envy has made me a bit promiscuous. But I haven’t really felt the urge to go watercooled. Coz maybe refined isn’t really my thing. And I don’t think I really particularly like modern cars. But my experience is limited.

i just can’t see why a car has to do everything for you and only really reward you at a level where everyone else, particularly the law will penalise you.

So for now, my ideal car would have to be a hotrod longhood.

Mind you, I can see a GT3 in my crystal ball too.

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This is a hard one to work out & this post will confuse you even more (i think I'm still confused after 15 or so 911's) i started with a SC & loved it, then went to a 993 tip didn't like it, went back to several SC's, 930's, Carrera 3.0 & now a 996.1 C2 is doing it for me, its old enough & modern enough but if i had to choose the ultimate classic the Carrera 3.0 wins all the time..  as life changes you will want different cars for different reasons if you can have a modern & a classic thats the best 

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48 minutes ago, James P said:

This is a hard one to work out & this post will confuse you even more (i think I'm still confused after 15 or so 911's) i started with a SC & loved it, then went to a 993 tip didn't like it, went back to several SC's, 930's, Carrera 3.0 & now a 996.1 C2 is doing it for me, its old enough & modern enough but if i had to choose the ultimate classic the Carrera 3.0 wins all the time..  as life changes you will want different cars for different reasons if you can have a modern & a classic thats the best 

Yup, like the old el paso soft and hard shell taco kit... always good if you can have both! 

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2 hours ago, hugh said:

Modern cars are great, they do everything well but can lack soul.

Something doesn't have to be old to have soul. 

One of the definitions of soul is "The essence or embodiment of a specified quality". I went back to a 911 for that reason. I chose a modern car because I have limited time to fettle with them and my car typically sits around at times, not good for any car but awful for older cars. Would have loved a 68 long hood but it just wasnt practical for me at this point in time.

Porsche have done a pretty good job with the 911 over the years, keeping the design aspects very close (shape, 2+2, rear engine, 5 dials, centre tacho etc) in a world that has seen significant change in manufacturing, materials and design. They are following a similar path with the Cayman/Boxster.

Does a Tesla have soul? Not to me it doesnt, but it might do to someone who is attracted to its qualities. 

Its very individual

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When I take out my SC, I'm King of the world .... and that'll never change.

I also know that when I pass a more modern Porsche, they are checking out my humble little aircooled more than I'm checking out theirs ..... and that makes me feel even better ....

There's just something about them ... :wub:

In saying that, I've found a new love in my little 924 Turbo .... it's rare, I get a giant buzz when the turbo kicks in after it's 80's lag and its as raw as they come ... 

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2 hours ago, Thommo66 said:


These fine specimens are examples of what I have in mind ... 



 This is a very nice car and well priced. I've looked at it a couple of times. Happy to take it for a spin if required.....please! 

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6 hours ago, Thommo66 said:

So if the title grabbed your attention which was the only objective.  

I mean Porsche - of course :D

I've had my manual 996tt now for over 6 months and loving it.  However, I still think about whether the next P I want is something very different like a circa 79 SC  or a circa 1990 964 C2.  

When I drive the turbo I just feel like I want to drive it and make the most of that awesome power band constantly.  It's almost frustrating not being able to do so which is of course most of the time when on our roads ! 


Before you go dropping coin on an aircooled,, not convinced your getting anywhere near the best out of your 996tt  in terms of what it can offer. 

Time for you to alleviate some of that frustration by giving the 996tt some soul by pissing off the stock exhaust and the stock factory tune (replace with custom tune).  For not a big outlay, I would also suggest pissing off the stock 996 shifter mechanism and upgrading to any 997 variant depending on what your preference is for throw distance  when changing gear if not done so already.   Call that some stage 1 soul.

In 6 months time you will probably get frustrated with that so you can always work on stage 2 and  get the power band shifted to the left and up for daily duties so its spooling from 1500 rpm.  But stage 2 aint exactly cheap or quick to achieve.

That said, after seeing a couple of SC aircooled examples down in Flinders over easter  with whaletails , I can understand parking a tinkered one  up permanently next to a 996tt if you had the means. 

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9 hours ago, Ozvino said:

Something doesn't have to be old to have soul. 

One of the definitions of soul is "The essence or embodiment of a specified quality". I went back to a 911 for that reason. I chose a modern car because I have limited time to fettle with them and my car typically sits around at times, not good for any car but awful for older cars. Would have loved a 68 long hood but it just wasnt practical for me at this point in time.

Porsche have done a pretty good job with the 911 over the years, keeping the design aspects very close (shape, 2+2, rear engine, 5 dials, centre tacho etc) in a world that has seen significant change in manufacturing, materials and design. They are following a similar path with the Cayman/Boxster.

Does a Tesla have soul? Not to me it doesnt, but it might do to someone who is attracted to its qualities. 

Its very individual

It was a generalisation, aside from a new Porsche I find any new cars pretty hard to get excited over. Tesla is an excellent example and its probably one of the more interesting ones! 

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12 hours ago, Thommo66 said:


LOL ... had a chuck;e when I saw this.  The missus says the same thing and I keep telling her this is true but its still ok to look ... as long as I don't bring her home :P 

These fine specimens are examples of what I have in mind ... 



I'm liking this one a lot.

You know once you start.......

I've been bitten 9 or 10 times now. :Chuckle2:

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21 hours ago, LeeM said:

This is a very nice car and well priced. I've looked at it a couple of times. Happy to take it for a spin if required.....please! 

I may take you up on that LeeM although I am tempted to jump on a plane and come over to Adelaide and check it out ( with a side trip to the Barossa or McLaren Vale while I'm there )

 But how is this car being priced at $138k ... 

and this one's asking price is $250k ???  i.e..


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19 minutes ago, Thommo66 said:


I may take you up on that LeeM although I am tempted to jump on a plane and come over to Adelaide and check it out ( with a side trip to the Barossa or McLaren Vale while I'm there )

 But how is this car being priced at $138k ... 

and this one's asking price is $250k ???  i.e..


In short (having not seen either car in the flesh) an 'E' (2.2L) is typically valued more than a 'T' (2.0L) + the T is a converted car. Note the E is also being advertised at Weltmeister so there is no doubt an additional premium + it has a nice spec (seats, trim etc.) Agree the void of 100k is pretty significant but you need to start somewhere........

If the E is the car I think it is its an originally South African delivery (RHD) previously out of SYD. 

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14 minutes ago, Thommo66 said:


I may take you up on that LeeM although I am tempted to jump on a plane and come over to Adelaide and check it out ( with a side trip to the Barossa or McLaren Vale while I'm there )

 But how is this car being priced at $138k ... 

and this one's asking price is $250k ???  i.e..


  I'd say the silver one is Oz delivered, hence the premium price.

 The car at Richmond's is definitely worth a look mate. There are some very small paint blemishes that I MAY still have on my phone, yet you have to look for them pretty closely. Sure, its converted etc, yet I had a good look underneath and in the trunk, and it's very clean. For the money compared to Oz delivered, I don't think I've seen a better car at that price point. In fact, I've seen more expensive converted cars in much worse condition. It just depends how you are looking at a 911. One to drive and enjoy and not worry about whether you can sell it later on, or as an appreciating investment? 

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48 minutes ago, hugh said:

In short (having not seen either car in the flesh) an 'E' (2.2L) is typically valued more than a 'T' (2.0L) + the T is a converted car. Note the E is also being advertised at Weltmeister so there is no doubt an additional premium + it has a nice spec (seats, trim etc.) Agree the void of 100k is pretty significant but you need to start somewhere........

If the E is the car I think it is its an originally South African delivery (RHD) previously out of SYD. 

I recall the same too Hugh - Was it Sporto as well originally???

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