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Telstra, is there no end to their incompetence!!

I get a text message saying to contact them with regards to my new mobile broadband modem. So I contact them via "Live Chat" (cannot stand to call them!). Sounds like they really have no idea why I got this text. Then she says that her colleague wants to speak to me in relation to it. So he calls and I can barely understand him.... he starts telling me about the delay in my house connection, I then tell him that the text was about my mobile broadband. We don't handle that here. Well why the F did you ring me then!!

I said goodbye and hung up!!

Edit: I will be much happier when we are in our new house and I can drive my 928 - will be no need to rant here, only what makes me smile :)

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Only a grudge against the SA government mate. Especially the do gooder leftard idiot tree hugging Nancy boy that was the premier at the time, who insisted Adelaide was better off with do gooder leftard tree hugging arty farty idiots painting their faces and dancing barefoot around their hemp handbags, whilst not having a job and calling their gatherings as The Fringe! 


 So no, I'm really smarting mate :-) 

at least your not in tassie...I read the story about them draining the hydro dams to cash in on high prices, then decommissioning and selling the gas power plant, cause it was not clean energy.  All 'cause they were going to save the planet.  Only to have the bass link cable break and the dams to run out of water.   Now it's looking like $20 million for diesel gens and diesel to keep the lights on, choke on that, polar bears, were saving the planet, y'know.

oh, how I wish I was quoting those diesel gen sets to a desperate government.  I would have made them write out 'I will not power my state with hopes and dreams' Bart Simpson style, before signing the contract.  Friggen unbelievable - but what's the bet not one person loses their job over it.  If most of us screwed up even 1/10th that bad we would be out.

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Stopped behind 4 cars at lights, truckie behind yells heaps waving etc, missus moves up about half a car close to bumper, fatarse truckie squeezes through into the left between parked car, gives me the finger swearing past my window, lights change we move on, pass truckie turning left stopped for 20 kids and teachers, I wave goodbye eye to eye with a smile (maybe this should be in smile on my dial post)

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Stamp duty.... ?


If you are lucky as well as wise , at the end of some time you may grow something. The newer the car and the older the car , the bigger the hole you have to fill. As long as you post in the what's putting a smile thread occasionally , it's all good :D

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Know where you're coming from Lee, my Mother has been fighting ovarian cancer for the last 20 years. I hope your dad can get some good treatment options and fight through it.

What really upsets me the most is seeing/hearing shit like this from people !!

And this wanker wants to be President of a nation !!!


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Excuse my latin, but what a f.....g dickhead

 Just like everyone praying for world peace has been so successful! Brainwashed idiots

 Cheers guys. Its knocked the wind out of my sails, as its not looking too good at the moment. I'm a bit numb 

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Excuse my latin, but what a f.....g dickhead

 Just like everyone praying for world peace has been so successful! Brainwashed idiots

 Cheers guys. Its knocked the wind out of my sails, as its not looking too good at the moment. I'm a bit numb 

it's tough on all the family.  You might feel a bit helpless at times but just being there for your Dad will help him.  

We're all thinking of both you and your Dad.  

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Excuse my latin, but what a f.....g dickhead

 Just like everyone praying for world peace has been so successful! Brainwashed idiots

 Cheers guys. Its knocked the wind out of my sails, as its not looking too good at the moment. I'm a bit numb 

It does suck the big one. it's a bloody tough thing to watch someone you love go through an illness like that. But it does have a tendency to bring out an inner strength in people.   One that many people didn't know they had. 

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Stamp duty.... ?

I came here just now to specifically write the same......................I feel your pain. I've been dreading it, seems like such a senseless waste of money!!!

Excuse my latin, but what a f.....g dickhead

 Just like everyone praying for world peace has been so successful! Brainwashed idiots

 Cheers guys. Its knocked the wind out of my sails, as its not looking too good at the moment. I'm a bit numb 

Sorry to hear mate, sad news indeed. For what its worth there are a lot of us on here that have been through it with loved ones, its not easy but try to remain optimistic and just take it one day at a time - unfortunately that's all you can really do. 

Hang in there, 

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I came here just now to specifically write the same......................I feel your pain. I've been dreading it, seems like such a senseless waste of money!!!

Whats the stamp duty like in VIC? Its 3% here up to the LCT threshold ($57k~)  and 5% afterwards.... my ass hurts from the trip to the RMS still. 

Nothing like giving away that pound of flesh! :lol: 


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I could have bought another Boxster or half a Cayman for the SD I paid on the house purchase.

 I believe there would be more sales if was cheaper. Especially in real estate. I mean, suppose your happy where you live until one day the neighbour's from hell moved in next door.

Not to mention commissions. ?

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Obligatory tradesmen post for this page of vent. 

I have a tree lopper who seems to be allergic to money and roofer that doesn't know how to return phone calls. :lol: 

No wonder I prefer DIY when I can do it! 

If anyone is or knows a good chippy in Sydney please let me know, I had a good one, he moved to Sweden. 

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I have just finished building a house so unfortunately know exactly what you mean..... :blink:

I'm not sure what is worse mate, renovating or building..... I have not decided yet, but I can tell you I'm sick of the lack of progress! 




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I'm not sure what is worse mate, renovating or building..... I have not decided yet, but I can tell you I'm sick of the lack of progress! 




Tough call, but if you can live in while you renovate not so bad. It is when you are 2 months behind, with no explanation!!, and need somewhere to live!!

Basically I think that no-one really cares, that just want their pay packet and care not for quality of work or time management.... boy don't get me started. :angry: .... (I work in the building industry...!! )

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My daughter had 16 solar panels installed by a company named BRAEMAC in August 2014, which was based in Melbourne at a cost of $7000.00.  

I had previously had panels installed on my house a couple of years ago and recommended BRAEMAC to my daughter.

There is a ten year warranty on the panels.

Large electricity bill arrives early last month, and shows the panels appear to have a problem.

(It is a normal one (low) income household with two kids)  The bills are causing financial hardship for them.

Works out that ten out of the 16  panels are no longer working.

Contact the seller/installer BRAEMAC early March for assistance in having problem fixed.

BRAEMAC have now moved to South Australia and no longer have an office or representitive here in Victoria 

Numerous emails and phone calls where we were put in touch with the electrician, who was then going to contact someone else etc etc etc.

Then various people were going to get back to us, which they never did, it just went on and on.

I even spoke with the electrician who installed them, he didn't want to know about them.

He also threw in, if you want me to have a look it will be a $160.00 service fee but I won't be able to get there for some time.    

I said, I was happy to pay the fee.   Then told no, actually can't get there, he had a van to load up and abruptly hung up on 

Complete run around by both BRAEMAC and everyone else involved, now lasting over a month.

Cutting a long story short, yesterday the manager at BRAEMAC finally tells us (after we again rang them)

that they no longer have an interest in the panels that they sold in Victoria. 

He added that ...we are on our own, and suggest we now get in touch with the company that make the panels BENQ, because they cannot help us.

So we have emailed BENQ and hopefully will get a reply and offer of assistance from them.

If they give us the flick, I don't know where to turn to from there.

So anyone contemplating fitting solar panels be very careful who you purchase them from.

The worst thing is, I recommended this disgraceful company, BRAEMAC to my daughter and Son In Law.

BRAEMAC are still selling solar panels from their S.A. office.




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