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I'm going to vent on behalf of those people who can't get into affordable housing.

Take a look at this POS ; pokey place I wouldn't pay more than $300k for. But because of "real estate" hype , it's "worth" 2.2 mill. Seriously? It's a pokey generic POS!

I'd stay a night or two on my way through if on holiday , but living in something like that,  having paid millions???



I live in Newtown and this place isn't far from me. Newtown's insane house prices are the direct result of huge demand and very little supply. You need at least $1.5 mill in your pocket and that will probably only get you a 2 bedroom dog box renovator's delight for which you'll have to drop $300 to $400 k making livable. The stupid morons that run City of Sydney and the NSW state government are only throwing fuel on this ever increasing house price--by continuing to allow monstrous ugly apartments to be built within a stone throw of the CBD and the continued lack of investment in public transport and roads means that people are obsessed with living within a few k's of the city--I don't blame them really, anyone that has driven the M5 in peak hour will probably understand why someone would drop a few mill on a house such as this to avoid our shitty roads and sitting in traffic for 3 hours a day to do a 40k round trip. I really like Sydney, but it really give me the shits as well. 

Also, contrary to what our lefty media states in relation to a lack of affordable housing in Sydney--there is in fact plenty of affordable very good housing it is just that you won't find it in Newtown or within any suburb within a 25k radius of the CBD. Like I say, there is plenty of affordable housing in Sydney, you'll just have to sit in your car for 3 hours a day driving to and from work along the shitty M5. 

Edited by Blue964
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I've visited Sydney 3 times in my life. Sorry 4.

I loved to see the historical buildings etc. But honestly, Tweed Heads is city enough for me. ?

IMO more people means more pr1cks to deal with. ???

I mean, city seems to make people more prickly. ?

For way less than a mill you could live here in luxury and fly to bloody work in 1hr from Coolangatta and 30 min train to the city. ?


Edited by firstone
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If it makes you feel any better Niko it may be a fault that is out of the installers and the suppliers hands.

god I hope not Tingy, after all this Im hoping they really do know what the problem is..and then just fix it.

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  Damn thats not cricket! I woulda lost it.

My vent for the day.

The 'mate' who did my paint and bodywork is now asking for $6k more because I made a few bucks on the sale of the 912. Errrrr, yeah thanks! 

 Guess he won't be doing the SC then! 

 Friends and money don't mix

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  Not overly happy about it mate, especially as he is my singer in an acoustic duo. He knows why I sold the 912, so its a bit deflating that he's got all sooky about it.

 I may have to start charging him for lugging all the gear around in my van, and send an invoice for the past 100something gigs in the past 4 years! $50 per gig sounds fair to me


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.. around 150 internet drop outs a day,  Constant reconnections and all they do is pass the buck.

Level 1 fault, no..  Level 2 fault. This tech, that tech, lets blame another tech.. My problem, their problem - no one saying 'its our problem..'  No.  If is most definately MY fricken problem..  :angry:




And all the while I'm telling them the problem is in the pit at the end of the street...


Edited by WOKA
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And all the while I'm telling them the problem is in the pit at the end of the street...


If it's Telstra and caused by the pit having water in it, do what one of my mates did when he got sick of complaining for months about the connection dropping. Grabbed a wheelbarrow, filled it with water, went to pit, dump water, repeat until the connection drops. They're a lot quicker at getting people out in the dry to have a look at a wet pit.

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2 days in a row woke with no power.... A bit of wind blowing trees down. Oh well no power equals no work.....

We have had 90% no NBN and 5% poor NBN the past 5 days. The remaining 5% seems to be divvied up amongst the 6 of us with frequent dropouts and slowing. So what's that , 6 weeks of NBN and now they say "cabling issues and upgrades"

Well as an intermittently operating curmudgeon , I can say I'm not the least surprised. 

So pissed off I'm going to work , where the net has to work most of the time.

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 Digital tv. 'It will be great' they said. 'Better picture clarity' they said. 'More channels' they said.

 If frequent blank screens, pixelation, intermittent signal and resetting the tv every other day deems that as a step forward in technology, then bravo! 

 Thank gawd I have Foxtel! Grrrrr

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Don't forget HD !!

30 years ago we demonstrated High Deginition to the major Australian networks. 

They've just started to transmit HD on free-to-air now. 

Tell me again why I should buy 4K?

BTW sounds like a reception issue ?

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God I hope so.  

I feel so embarrassed about recommending the company BRAEMAC to my daughter and son in law, and then all that sh#t happens.



When the independent electrician arrived (payed for by BENQ manufacturers of the Solar Panels) he checked all fittings on all panels etc.

Removing connections and re-fitting the connections on the faulty panels.

 It appears all panels have now re activated and working as they should.   

 The representative for BENQ in Australia has now also set up an IP Address  for my daughter to monitor the panels input etc on their computer,

and that rep is also logged into the IP Address so he will monitor them for the next month also.

So after all that hassle, APPEARS the problem has been rectified.

No thanks to the original suppliers who could have had it sorted very early in the piece, if it was just loose fittings.

Appears BENQ were very good once they knew about the problem.

FINAL RESULT.    The panels are working, my daughter is a lot happier,:) my blood pressure has gone down.;)

Thanks for the suggestions from forum members, in the end I think the result was helped by Consumer Affairs intervening and the threat of Vcat action.


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Everyone says to support local business, never again for me.

Had a picture put into a local place over a week ago for a presentation for this coming Monday, no worries they said will be here Saturday at the latest. Rang today to check what time to pick up, oh we haven't sent that off yet, can it wait another 2 weeks. Sure it can, seeing as I have a boss flying in from Canberra on Monday to deliver the presentation.

Learnt my lesson, order off the Internet and never support local business.

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TELSTRA!! I really do not like to continually whinge, but these f$$$%^%^ts make me need to!!

2 1/2 months and still no phone connection! I have an ongoing case with the ombudsman and that has one week to go....

Phone line was physically connected yesterday, and it could have all along except no one bothered to look properly! With each dept passing the buck. Telstra have just "looked into it" and offered to advise when they may have an update, no advising as yet....

Add to this the fact that we cannot get landline internet so we have to use mobile broadband, Telstra appeared to have the best plan... that is until our useage went through the roof, even when we were not at home with nothing turned on!! Almost 3 GB used one morning while I was out! Somehow used a whole GB in 6 minutes!!

I am so sick of these morons! They make it virtually impossible to contact someone with a brain!!

At least I have my 928 to go and look at :)

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^^  Windoze updates quite likely, particularly if you have a device with Windows 10 on it..  Win 10 updates are like P2P sharing, and you are involuntarily seeding everyone else's updates..  

And as I was typing, yep, my internet dropped out again.  Telstra  f$$$%^%^ts...!!

Third tech coming tomorrow to tell me exactly the same thing again.

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 Lost my dad this morning. I'm angry, and I'm empty at the same time. I thought I'd just have a cry for a while when I was eventually told of the inevitable, yet sitting here I just can't process it

Catcha on the flipside pop


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