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I just received an early Valentines present from the boys in blue with the camera. Apparently caught doing 68 in a 60 zone. Looked at the penalty and almost had a heart attack  $759. Unbelievable. All this because the car I was driving is registered in a company name not personal. But how is it justified paying $759 and any personally registered vehicle would incur $151. 8 km/h more and it's going to cost me $100 p/km over the limit approx. Incredible. 

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Wow just looked at my post,,....that is a real saga, sorry about that... :(

It must be aircond guys, coz thats what the other tradies were that were in my way today!

I'd been onsite for more than an hour when these goons rolled up, then they just start setting up there ladders in the 800wide hallway where I'm walking in and out of to install 2 large wardrobes. I asked top goon to please move the ladder, and he gets all stroppy and says 'We all have to get on here mate'.

My retort was 'Get your crap out of my way, or I'll throw it outside'! (I don't take shit from anyone onsite!)

Apprentice goon moves my bench outside so I have no room, so I rip into him next. Owner of business goon arrives, only to instruct me that 'Theyre so busy, we have to get the job done quickly, so please adhere to 'tradie protocol' when onsite, and keep out of the way.

How about you go get f..... mate, and move your shit or I'll start throwing all ya crap on the road!

The client intervened, and they left site, as they werent supposed to be there until tomorrow. Wankers

As for your couch, get it cleaned and send them the bill Niko.

I once drilled into the floor to fix the bottom track down, only for the brand new carpet to attach itself to my drill bit and pull a metre long thread. I had a repair guy go there to fix it, but the client wouldnt accept it which is fair enough, so I had the whole 5 x 5 metre room carpet replaced. Lesson learned!

I hate it when tradies treat clients homes like a toilet, as they tar us all with the same brush

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Respectful and reliable tradies are rare in my experience. Every morning I look up above my stairs to see the skylight shaft installed wonkily (not square with anything) by a pair of idiots.

Idiots that were sent by the skylight company.

Idiots that were subcontracted and turned out not to be licensed!

I sent them away without paying.

They made so much mess and damage...I employed a friend to repair all of the walls and ceilings they damaged.

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They always have been mate. 

I hate to say it if there are tradies here, but it's usually sparky's and plumbers that are the worst culprits that never clean up after themselves.

They just leave there crap around for others to pick up that I've seen.

I ALWAYS sweep up or vaccuum whatever area I've worked in. Though I remember one old bird wanted me to sweep up every tiny bit of sawdust from in between her driveway pavers, and the leaves that were all over the place, not to mention me washing her car coz it had a bit of dust on it

Errrr, how about NO?

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My wife rang the company (cause I am a weak bastard and just want it all to go away)


they offered to send the two tradesmen back.




What are the blokes that install evaporative units for a living....going to do to fix the couch?   


Otherwise it was "see how you go cleaning it and good luck".


We declined the offer of the Tradies coming back.


I will vote with my wallet, and wont use them to service the unit each year.   


If I can find a facebook page on them I will leave a comment or more like a warning to other possible clients.


I am too scared to get up on the roof and see if or how many tiles have been broken in the process of the install.


Just a shame and very disappointing  that you have to clean up a mess after you hire people


and pay them hard earned money to do a job.

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I had a heater unit stop working, so the repair guy was called.


$250 call out fee! Grumble grumble, yeah come out anyway.


He couldn't find a problem, went away


Heater still not working.


Call him out again. He says he found the problem this time.


Heater still not working.


Another call out, this time he fixes it.


Then I realise he's charged me the call out fee every trip !!!




And.. the unit was new and under warranty !!!!



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As far as I'm told, the company the contractor works for does not have to pay or repair any damage to property. It is the responsibility of the tradie.

Saying that, if I was the business owner, I'd just get it sorted and pay for it, then deduct a certain amount from the contractors invoice.

I'd be flaming them if they have a page somewhere. You can't be done for defamation on a business, only an individual.

As far as I'm told, the company the contractor works for does not have to pay or repair any damage to property. It is the responsibility of the tradie.

Saying that, if I was the business owner, I'd just get it sorted and pay for it, then deduct a certain amount from the contractors invoice.

I'd be flaming them if they have a page somewhere. You can't be done for defamation on a business, only an individual.

Your heater might be under warranty, but a contractors time is not included. Even though thats extortion!

I should start upping my prices!

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I had an idea to set a site up like that last year, bit I think there are a few about already.

We also had a plumber cut right through our irrigation to install a drain. The hose just stopped against the concrete he laid, then he put the paving back over it!!

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or you can just mention them 100's of time on a webpage that is google ranked and get them to the top for when their name is searched


like Powerchip and performanceforums (although if you're at work don't google powerchip)

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Niko see if they are on hipages.com.au you can leave a review there I believe.  Also you can do a Google review too and each time anyone googles them, it will come up!

Not there but I have found another review site I will probably post up on.   Thanks A.

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As far as I'm told, the company the contractor works for does not have to pay or repair any damage to property. It is the responsibility of the tradie.

Saying that, if I was the business owner, I'd just get it sorted and pay for it, then deduct a certain amount from the contractors invoice.

I'd be flaming them if they have a page somewhere. You can't be done for defamation on a business, only an individual.

Your heater might be under warranty, but a contractors time is not included. Even though thats extortion!

I should start upping my prices!


The arrangement the purchaser has is with the company that supplied the goods. Wether they used an in-house installer, contractor or Ronald McDonald, the agreement or contract of sale/purchase is between them and exclusive of the installer. The company in question is liable to make good. 

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or you can just mention them 100's of time on a webpage that is google ranked and get them to the top for when their name is searched

like Powerchip and performanceforums (although if you're at work don't google powerchip)

Russ.... How could I resist but to google them. 'Powerchip are C....s' . Pretty clear, really.

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The arrangement the purchaser has is with the company that supplied the goods. Wether they used an in-house installer, contractor or Ronald McDonald, the agreement or contract of sale/purchase is between them and exclusive of the installer. The company in question is liable to make good.

Cheers for that mate. I thought it was just the product, not the installation that was the business' responsibility.

As a contractor, try saying that to the business owner without losing your contract!

If I make the mistake, I would expect to rectify the problem

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I hate to say it if there are tradies here, but it's usually sparky's and plumbers that are the worst culprits that never clean up after themselves.

They just leave there crap around for others to pick up that I've seen.


I'd have to agree with that.  I think they must teach them at trade school how to leave a mess.  Cable ties and wire strippings everywhere.  The automation guys are pretty bad.  They just drill holes in places on machines without asking first.


Having said that, I've worked in the metal trades for 30+ years, I've seen some of our type of tradespeople (fitters, toolmakers, welders, etc.) that are just absolute pigs and don't give a stuff about their employer's tools and machines, or the client's job for that matter. 

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And lets not even talk about how they drive in their twin cab utes etc on the freeways. :angry:


They must have special exemptions for road rules.... :wacko:


Haha, having said that I am trying to talk my 13 year old Grand son into becoming a tradie. :o

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I keep the recycle bin next the mail box.  The silly buggers never take the hint though.


As do I. Whenever I catch the buggers in the act I take great pleasure in putting it straight in the recycling bin



Bloody junk mail and the idiots that deliver it... It all goes straight in our recycling anyway. But when they can't get it all in the just shove it in as much as it'll go and throw the rest on the front lawn..... Seriously.


I have a "no junk mail" sign on my letter box. Works pretty well but not 100% effective. 



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