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I am trying to sell some left over new bits from my departed E320 on ebay and am sick of continually getting low balls offers and requests for freight prices and then nothing.......

I should not be surprised too much though......

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What's up with the 912 engine ?

 Sorry Chris, I hadnt seen your post

Not sure mate, though all cylinders WAY down on compression isn't a good sign! Most are at 40% compression, though one is at 95% which they think could be a holed piston


can alway lend a hand if I can get some free time


Thanks mate, I appreciate it, but its all sorted for the end of the year

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As some of you know, my wife passed away recently after a relatively short battle with cancer (3 months ago already - wow! :().  Well I'm still waiting for her employer (South Australian Government) to settle her final payments.  How long does it take to sort this stuff out for crying out loud?  About 7 weeks ago they contacted me and said I have to complete some paperwork.  Fair call.  But then I had to ring someone else to organise to get the forms sent to me.  Didn't understand why the girl I spoke to either couldn't send them out herself, or couldn't speak to the person who could send them out, but hey, we're talking government departments here.  Anyway, after about 2 weeks I received said forms and had to get a JP to witness my signature, which I did the next day. OK, I'm used to doing this stuff by now.  Sent them off that day by registered mail - 20th of July.  Not heard anything back other than my registered mail docket coming back in the mail to say it had been collected on the 22nd.  4 weeks ago I rang and spoke to the dude who sent the paperwork to me.  He said it should be completed within the week.  Nothing.  Spoke to him again last Tuesday.  Same response - should be completed within the week.  How long does it take to pay out someones entitlements???  Plus, they also owe her last 2 weeks pay.  Grrr!  I don't need this crapola.  

I'm going to see my local state MP tomorrow and get him to follow it up.


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My condolences and sympathy to you Stew on your great loss, can only imagine what you are going through. The extra that you are being put through is just appalling!

Good luck to you.

Thanks Amanda, feeling slightly better tonight......

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ANF - Get well soon and all the best to your wife too.  Speedy recovery.

StewF - my condolences for your loss to, and man... that is just total BS. You shouldn't be put through that at all. Hope they sort it ASAP.


My condolences and sympathy to you Stew on your great loss, can only imagine what you are going through. The extra that you are being put through is just appalling!

Good luck to you.

Thanks Amanda, feeling slightly better tonight......

Thank you both, and everyone else who has offered condolences over the past weeks.

ANF, it can be very overwhelming when your wife is unwell to that extent and you can't be there to comfort her.  I hope she (and the rest of your family) does well post surgery. 

My wife was hospitalised on 4 occasions following her diagnosis in November 2013.  Each time she was in hospital for over a week.  The second time, when she had 3/4 of her bowel, plus an assortment of "other bits" removed, and really needed me there, I was as crook as a dog for a couple of days, so they wouldn't let me near her for fear of infection. 

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I had yesterday off, and I was all geared up to go see my local MP about Mrs Stew F's pay issue when I got a phone call from my bank.  It seems someone is trying to pay money into an old account number, and with my account name.  When I asked who it was it turns out it was her employer.  That wasn't even the account details I put on the paperwork.  It wasn't even the nominated bank FFS.  Don't these people read the paperwork that they ask you to complete and send in?   Apparently they tried to deposit this money on 3 occasions.  You would've thought after the first attempt they would have rang me to check the bank details,  So I rang the bloke I've been dealing with and asked if they've been having any problems paying the money into the account.  He said, wait for it, "No, I don't think it's been finalised.  It hasn't come back from the accounts section yet".  Anyway, after a couple more calls I eventually got on to someone who had it sorted within a few minutes.  I didn't even have to wait on the phone.  She rang me back 1/2 hour later to confirm all sorted. Yes, somewhere in among all the boffins and numbnuts, is someone who actually knows how to do their job properly.  So all sorted now. 

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Le Sigh.. iPhones battery decided to try and escape the case today, lucky I caught it in time before it went up in flames. Out of warranty but will see what apple say about it as it has only ever been charged by an apple charger and batteries shouldn't do that. 


Update : Apple for the win. Phone originally purchased Sep 2013 , replaced Feb 14 and replaced again today for free as Genius Tech was happy that it happened through no fault of mine. (Phone was pristine thanks to an Otterbox Case) .. So happy days. 

Edited by reax
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 Kids 1st birthday parties are testing at the best of times but a mates wife has booked on for 11/10 i.e. the same day as Bathurst...WTF!!!

I maintain most locally born drivers of Camrys grew up in the back seat of a Volvo :huh:

I have a theory - to be good at something you have to have an interest in it, be that sport, art or in this case cars and driving.

If you buy a Camry it tells the world that you have absolutely no interest in cars or driving, ergo you are not a going to be a good driver and should be given a wide birth. 

Fangio wannabe P-platers and tradies should also be given a wide birth.  

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Apropos the Fangio quote , for those that haven't seen this one re Stirling Moss -

"On 21 March 2000, he was knighted by Prince Charles, standing in for the Queen, who was on an official visit to Australia. As Moss drove his Mercedes away from Buckingham Palace after the ceremony, he was stopped by a palace guard who joked: "Who do you think you are? Stirling Moss?" Moss smiled and replied "Sir Stirling Moss, actually"

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