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Rare Carrera GT spotted in Armadale Victoria


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Left hand drive would be my guess ...........but in saying that I know it is not an issue with old American muscle to be left hand drive and driven on club rego ........^_^


I am going to the Gosford museum tomorrow shall get some images on the one they have on display ....

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Ok so just got back from the Gosford Museum an as promised some images of the Carrera Gt ..I will start a thread up tonight and post all the images ,,please excuse my poor photographic skill ,,,,I have and old i phone and no idea ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:P









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Why can't they be made legal to drive in aus on regular plates? 

When the GT was first released, here in oz left-hand drive wasn't legal I think. Laws since then hav changed as we know... So maybe it could be driven on the road now....

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When the GT was first released, here in oz left-hand drive wasn't legal I think. Laws since then hav changed as we know... So maybe it could be driven on the road now....

I see. Would be a waste to not be able to drive one of these here simply because it was left hand drive....

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When the GT was first released, here in oz left-hand drive wasn't legal I think. Laws since then hav changed as we know... So maybe it could be driven on the road now....

Has to be 25 years old to be driven LHD, the rules haven't changed on this in the last 12ish years since the Carrera GT release. 

I see. Would be a waste to not be able to drive one of these here simply because it was left hand drive....

A LHD drive has to be 25 years old to be driven on the road (at least in Vic). Each state is different but I don't believe any less stringent. 

Spotted this beauty in what I think is a car storage service along with some other nice cars like a 997 GT3. Only took pics of the GT however because of the reflection from the glass window.


Is this the corner of Orong and High in the old car dealership (think it was Opel and before that Honda)?

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The place in Armadale is just around the corner from my daughters place.  I saw it a few weeks when I was on the number 6 tram going down High street to visit her and I too noticed the GT from my vantage point in the tram.  Was planning on walking there this week to have look inside.  I thought it was a dealer as it never appears to be open so the storage facility suggestion seems the go.  Will still go there though just to have a look through the window.  There seems be some nice machinery in there from my quick observation from the tram

Ok this is what the place is....


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I don't know but the place is called Carcierge (a play on the word concierge) is probably not a dealer but a storage facility judging from the business name.

Yup, I thought it was the place. They take care of your servicing, rego, insurance, maintenance, etc, etc for the well healed and less enthusiastic that don't have the time to do so themselves. I think they plan on getting in to vehicle sales also as a JV with another party. Talking to friend of the owner, they seem to be doing quite well...

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Sounds like something I would like to do.  I have a friend who has a storage facility but he does not go to the same lengths as this company.  My friend stores cars and also has a roller system so as all cars are run a few klms on the rollers each week or so and then you get a report on line saying why there are a few extra few klms on the clock.

Cars are stored in a warehouse facility and are individually covered too.  All a great service if you are overseas (or otherwise disposed) for a period of time.

I think there is a growing market for this form of service but somewhere in between Carcierge and my friends facility.  Maybe something I will look into when I retire from my 9-5 job next year.

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  Wonder if that's what the new place here in Adelaide is doing.  Storage facility. Richmonds I think it's called. Plenty of high end cars in there anyway, including  Ferrari Daytona, new GT3RS and a few other nice 911's, Lambo Huracan etc

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