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I'm a dick. I've lost my keys


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I often misplace my keys in clothing such as jean pockets and jacket pockets etc I put them in there forget about them  when I take my clothing off ,,,I tear my hair out trying to remember were the Fark I had them last ...........sounds stupid but I have done it many times and the wife always gives me crap when I do it :D It is a brain Fart or something like that :P:P

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My lost keys are usually found sitting on a convenient flat surface nearby a door or gate or in the garage.  I've a bad habit of placing them down when juggling bags, boxes etc.   They usually reappear in a day or two from a stupidly obvious place.  GLWSearch. 

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How easy is it to get a new set for an old p-car?? Where?

ideas please - trying to get to a wedding this weekend

I have used and recommend these guys: http://keys4classics.com/

However you need to know your 4 digit key code - its probably noted on your Drivers Manual in biro somewhere - OR a good close up photo of an existing key.

This weekend  might be a bit soon though!

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I have used and recommend these guys: http://keys4classics.com/

However you need to know your 4 digit key code - its probably noted on your Drivers Manual in biro somewhere - OR a good close up photo of an existing key.

This weekend  might be a bit soon though!

Pete - the only sensible reply and yet bloody useless. Magnus not that efficient with paperwork and I had not thought to photograph my keys...

so basically I'm screwed

I dont think you'll get them that quick. call up the dealership and tell them you need a new set of keys. IICR you should be able to give them the vin ect and they can get the right key cut. 


I recon the dealer is probably dead by now..

Have you asked the young fellow ..... might have been a cool thing he found on the floor and taken to his room .....

my four year old told me tonight I should learn to look after my things...

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I'm scratching my balls as I type one handed....

A. Stop posting and keep looking 

B. You can rekey all the locks and you can DIY this if you are inclined. Though you will need to open the car first.

C. Call a good auto locksmith have them crack open the car pull all the barrels and have new ones fitted. 

D. drive the silver car and write to ole Magnus and ask him to send the spare key 


Ps - mods shouldn't this be in the NEWS section?

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Ps - mods shouldn't this be in the NEWS section?

Breaking news...within weeks of being transported to the colonies, notorious SoCal OTLW, Black Fart has been locked up in an inner city dungeon with little chance of an early release.  The sentencing judge was heard to chastise an accomplice for his lax attitude to secure custodianship and thrown away the keys.  An appeal has been lodged. 

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Pete - the only sensible reply and yet bloody useless. Magnus not that efficient with paperwork and I had not thought to photograph my keys...

so basically I'm screwed

1. A heads up for everyone to photograph their keys now , as Keys4Classics offer a superb service for a fair fee should the worst happen.

2. Can a dick be screwed? Technically no. Philosophically , yes. At the end of the day , if  you can't find them you're fuched ...

Does the stacker have a spare set of keys , or is it iris recognition stuff?

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