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GST on imported goods under $1k


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Looks like the govt has got it's way with slugging online imports under $1k with GST 

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-19/online-shoppers-stung-by-gst-from-2018-tampon-tax-stays/8632268?smid=Page: ABC News-Facebook_Organic&WT.tsrc=Facebook_Organic&sf90026123=1

So you will now pay more for imports and in some cases pay tax in the selling country and this country. No details on how they plan to charge the GST on private goods....... :Evil:


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Looks like the govt has got it's way with slugging online imports under $1k with GST 

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-19/online-shoppers-stung-by-gst-from-2018-tampon-tax-stays/8632268?smid=Page: ABC News-Facebook_Organic&WT.tsrc=Facebook_Organic&sf90026123=1

So you will now pay more for imports and in some cases pay tax in the selling country and this country. No details on how they plan to charge the GST on private goods....... :Evil:


Im curious how theyll enforce this with small time sellers on Ebay/Amazon etc.

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I am not particularly phased by, and I do wonder if the admin costs of collecting this will greatly impact net revenue to the ATO... seems kind of counter productive when there are much bigger tax affairs that need to be addressed.

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Im curious how theyll enforce this with small time sellers on Ebay/Amazon etc.

I can't see how they can? It has to be charged at the point of entry to this country.

I am not particularly phased by, and I do wonder if the admin costs of collecting this will greatly impact net revenue to the ATO... seems kind of counter productive when there are much bigger tax affairs that need to be addressed.

Agree, I think the costs of implementing will mostly outweigh any revenue gain.

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I am not particularly phased by, and I do wonder if the admin costs of collecting this will greatly impact net revenue to the ATO... seems kind of counter productive when there are much bigger tax affairs that need to be addressed.

Exactly, they can't get multi national companies who are earning many many millions of dollars in Australia to pay tax on those earnings but they are happy to chase $20-30 off the everyday punter who buys some bits and pieces overseas which would most likely cost more to enforce than that... and let's not even start on internal transfer pricing.

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Nope, I cant see any easy way of doing it either. I dont know if Ebay has a Country Exporting Profile built into its cost calculator?

Making ebay/ et al tax collectors for Australia??! What if you buy direct from the supplier/ manufacturer .... minefiled! Whoever thought this up is a fool!

It can only really be charged by customs, slowing the whole process down, needing more staff and no doubt more infrastructure.... but hey the tax payer will just pick up the bill.

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Im curious how theyll enforce this with small time sellers on Ebay/Amazon etc.

eBay and Amazon have been emailing their customers already, warning them of the tax.  Not sure yet how it will apply for one-on-one eBay sales, but gst doesn't apply to used goods traded between non-registered entities (between people).  eBay will add it to their seller fees if you're selling.

Amazon and others will just add it on at point of sale and write out monthly cheques to the ato.

not sure how they will go with smaller online shops like Pelican.  I don't think there will be a lot of enforcement at customs - just too much stuff coming in to bother.  Bringing stuff back on your person - easy, bought it at swap meet.

On this one while I deplore all things tax it is actually unfair to Australian online sellers that international sellers get a 10% price advantage straight up.  Think about people like autohaus who do ship parts but have to add 10% - bit unfair for them.

If I were treasurer I would have changed the gst on online good in oz...but then I'd also fire entire departments in Canberra and bulldoze the bulldongs and turn them into burnout pads and racetracks, so maybe not the best person to ask.

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Interesting that it is imported goods and what the distinction is there. Buying from ebay.co.uk may incur the tax but buying from ebay.com.au may not.

It's another poorly constructed policy that's full of holes. At least old mate Hardley Normal will be happy.

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Exactly, they can't get multi national companies who are earning many many millions of dollars in Australia to pay tax on those earnings but they are happy to chase $20-30 off the everyday punter who buys some bits and pieces overseas which would most likely cost more to enforce than that... and let's not even start on internal transfer pricing.

The internal transfer pricing matter will be a hard one to crack, but the unregulated interest rates on company to company loans/finance should be much more straightforward. 

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This issue has been around for ages, it has only really come to a head with digital services (movie downloads, advertising etc) being worth zquillions with no tax being collected. People like Apple, Facebook etc are racking in some big dollars, the previous law only made GST payable on over $1000 purchases which pretty well lets the tech companies off scott free. This law had to come in to try and re-coup all the lost funds from Aussie service providers (video hire, TV advertising, print media) so that the general public don't have to flip the bill. It obviously hurts us a little for the bits and pieces we buy over the net but the grander picture is all positive .

Overseas companies must collect and pay the relevant taxes to the country they are selling in, it is international law. Don't collect the taxes and hand them over and you will be hunted down.

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Note that the Gov has putt off implementation of collecting this tax for another year. 

The Gov is obviously very scared of a voter backlash & they cant predict who will be affected and how pissed off they might be. In the normal election cycle they would be able to ride it out BUT there are so many new disgruntled people (Housing / Superannuation Etc) they are obviously as nervous as hell.

If a lot of people are affected Labor could drop it like a hot potato too.

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Interesting that it is imported goods and what the distinction is there. Buying from ebay.co.uk may incur the tax but buying from ebay.com.au may not.

It's another poorly constructed policy that's full of holes. At least old mate Hardley Normal will be happy.

Pretty much.  F Gerry Harvey.  I'm never shopping there again.

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Pretty much.  F Gerry Harvey.  I'm never shopping there again.

Gerry Harvey is only interested in looking after Gerry Harvey. His shear buying power and bulk freight discounts should more cover the frieght cost of importing personally. Heshould be the last person to complain. Small business without his advantages may have a case but when the cost of collection exceeds the revenue you have a government jobs program. The question needs to be asked as to how are the overseas companies able to offer products at way better prices and still make a profit (even with similar labour cost).

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..but then I'd also fire entire departments in Canberra and bulldoze the bulldongs and turn them into burnout pads and racetracks, so maybe not the best person to ask.

This. Buildings full of hot air and nonsense. I know, because my life is wasting away working with them.

But this idea is political, not well concieved policy.

Plus, its only projected to bring in $300 million. That's such a pissy amount. I hope this becomes an election issue.

Gerry Harvey is a self serving Hypocrite. Harvey lobbies the government for years on GST and then when opposing interests do the same he comments: ""The unfortunate thing is that [politicians are] susceptible to this kind of activity, which doesn't say a lot for their mental capacity."

How about a nation-wide boycott of Harvey Norman...

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When my family first migrated to this fine country back in the late 80s. My parents ordered a desk from Hardly Normal and it took three months to arrive! That is not the best bit - it arrived the wrong colour! We got our deposit back and decided to go somewhere else. 

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I still don't understand why overseas companies would bother collecting GST for the Australian Government...

it's complicated but does happen.  Basically there are ways of making life difficult because tax departments are chummy with each other.  Ultimately the big cos don't care because it is paid directly by the consumer, and their sales systems already support location based tax systems because of al the state and city tax differences in the USA.  Australia is just another zip code to them.

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eBay and Amazon have been emailing their customers already, warning them of the tax.  Not sure yet how it will apply for one-on-one eBay sales, but gst doesn't apply to used goods traded between non-registered entities (between people).  eBay will add it to their seller fees if you're selling.

Does this mean that individuals can claim a tax refund for any gst incurred trading used goods?

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Nobody can claim a gst input unless you're registwred for gst.  The fact that eBay will be charging gst on sellers fees will only be relevant if you're a registered business using eBay.  In that case it would be a regular business expense like a phone or pencils.

individuals get to pay tax and be happy about how well he government spends the money.  I once read about a feral camel culling program from about 5 years back.  $20 million spent on the program.  0 camels shot.  By the time all the reports and investigations were complete and tenders investigated there was no budget left to pay people to go out and shoot the bloody things.

health and welfare spending increased 12% in the last year. 12%! On average each Australian family received nearly $20k in health and welfare benefits last year.  And those are just the direct payments.  

So pay up your gst peoples and don't       forget your politicians are hard at work imagining lots of new ways to squeeze you for more. The free shit army is headed towards the voting booth and you're stuffed.

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Gerry Harvey is only interested in looking after Gerry Harvey. His shear buying power and bulk freight discounts should more cover the frieght cost of importing personally. Heshould be the last person to complain. Small business without his advantages may have a case but when the cost of collection exceeds the revenue you have a government jobs program. The question needs to be asked as to how are the overseas companies able to offer products at way better prices and still make a profit (even with similar labour cost).

I've got some experience in retail.  It's depressing how often the AU wholesale price is greater than the overseas retail + postage.  The importer obviously has to pay duties / taxes / customs / freight / warehousing / staff / absorb currency fluctuations / make a profit etc. but it makes me wonder what sort of deals they're getting from their suppliers and what their margins are.  Gerry is pretending he's the little guy, but 10% won't make any difference.  


Retail will be vastly different in 5-10 years and any business who doesn't adapt will be left behind.

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