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Porsche tribe gesture

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Hi all,

I grew up with a dad that was mad for Renault cars.  Don't ask me why.  My father was strange.  Nonetheless I do remember clearly as a kid the fact that every time he drove past another Renault driver they would quietly wave at one another.  Seemed like a cool thing to me at the time, given there weren't too many Renaults on the road. 

I've been driving Porsche cars for close to 10 years now.  Thought that maybe this wave protocol might also transfer to the Porsche tribe.  Without fail I wave at every Porsche driver I drive past, whether they be in a rear engined, mid engined, transaxle or SUV Porsche.  In all that time I've had 2 people wave back. 

Sounds pathetic but I'd love a secret signal for Porsche drivers to acknowledge one another. 

Any one got any ideas?  

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Dave , the topic has been discussed here before from time to time. Generally speaking , modern Porsche drivers will ignore you . Same situation goes for other brands, including Land Rovers.

Good luck getting any response from a KN driver! They are mostly on the phone or shouting at rugrats or watching the 3 storey motorhome wiggling behind..

Classic Renault drivers will wave. Quite madly in fact , but a wave's a wave.

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Funny you mention Highwau patrol. We hired a new 4S for a week from the Porsche museum in stuttgart. Got pulled over by the highway patrol and was initially worried.  Turned out he was a Porsche tragic and wanted to have a look at the interior and hear the new turbo charged engine. Big relief!!!

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I get waves and give the wave to the Porsche sports car owners eg 911 ,,Boxster and Cayman ,,,there is also a local fellow with Beetle we always wave  ........never bother with the SUV ,s ,,the soccer mums seem to be oblivious to every thing but them selves and or want to race every on to the playing field or shops .........:P

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I've found there's a good level reciprocal respect amongst owners. Although agree with what has already been said - I don't bother waving at Cayennes or Macans. And I've given up acknowledging 991 guys as most of them don't seem to recognise an old 911 as being in there 'sphere' (sorry if that sounds like a generalisation - just the experience I've had to date).

I think the camaraderie that exists is one of the great things about Porsche ownership. I remember when i was in my early 20's and driving my old red Targa, I ended up having a bit of a street race with an older lady in a Boxster. When we finally got to the lights she gave me a smile and a wink and was off. That memory stuck with me.

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I wave to every Porsche sports car I see...and usually get a wave back. Also get the thumbs up from import cars every now and then.

Even when I'm buzzing around on my scooter I'll give Porsches a thumbs up...though that usually results in confused looks :D

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I've found there's a good level reciprocal respect amongst owners. Although agree with what has already been said - I don't bother waving at Cayennes or Macans. And I've given up acknowledging 991 guys as most of them don't seem to recognise an old 911 as being in there 'sphere' (sorry if that sounds like a generalisation - just the experience I've had to date).

I think the camaraderie that exists is one of the great things about Porsche ownership. I remember when i was in my early 20's and driving my old red Targa, I ended up having a bit of a street race with an older lady in a Boxster. When we finally got to the lights she gave me a smile and a wink and was off. That memory stuck with me.

@BAFE has some work to do to.  He'll be waving like a madman to try and break the 991 stereotype. 

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I grew up with Dads Short wheelsbase wheelbase 1963 Landrover, complete with holder 163, then 186, then 202 motor (grunt!).

Every landy you passed would do the 2 fingered V on top of the wheel, yeah the nice one, not the up yours.

They probably only did the V so you could still have 2 hands on the wheel while tackling the steering shimmy.

I don't know if they still do this today.

If I end up joining the P family, you'll get at least one a wave, nod or something from a white 718 vert.

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You need to drive around my side of town Pokiou. I'll wave at all P cars, even water-cooled! ;)

Been hit and miss getting waves back. When I had the Kombi, that was another story... Got waves from all and sundry!


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My other ride is a commemorative VW and I always get a wave or greeting gesture from other VW air cool. Now having the time of my life driving a 981 have had only one slight bit of recognition from  a red 987 when sitting at the lights. Will continue to wave at all other Porsche cars let's see if the trend grows . Although i will have to maybe cut back on the grin that i have when driving the 981,as it may be putting the other Porsche car owners off.?

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I run the quick double flash of the headlights.  Limit it to the 2 door variety. 

Generally gets a wave or a flash back. 

Was at the shops yesterday in the RS and a guy pulls up in a 05 997 S.  Nice wheels, growly exhaust, GT3 body kit.  Nice rig.  

He comes over, we shake and introduce ourselves, talk shit about Porsche for 5 minutes and then head off. 

Common interests make for easy conversation.  

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I run the quick double flash of the headlights.  Limit it to the 2 door variety. 

Generally gets a wave or a flash back. 

Was at the shops yesterday in the RS and a guy pulls up in a 05 997 S.  Nice wheels, growly exhaust, GT3 body kit.  Nice rig.  

He comes over, we shake and introduce ourselves, talk shit about Porsche for 5 minutes and then head off. 

Common interests make for easy conversation.  

Hey Skids, A quick flash of lights would automatically have me wave back and also have me slowing down as I look for the speed trap over the next 5 kms!

I'm a all fingers up off the top of the wheel waver to all 2 door p cars and it's a bit hit and miss across the lines. I remember coming across the 901 guys on a back road once heading the other way and only scored a couple of waves out of the 15-20 cars which we were a little saddened by (and I'd even slowed down after the first few) or maybe they don't like gt3's ?

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Case in point; I saw a lovely white 911 SC convertible pull out in front of me on Kelletts Road yesterday. Pulled alongside him. Had his teenage son (I assume it was his son) in the passenger seat. Windows down, smiles and nods of appreciation. He tucks in behind me and we raced off down Stud Road in tandem for a few k's before going our separate ways with a wave and a toot.

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