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stay safe, I imagine like most things it will be confined to a small area.  Nonetheless tensions are high so I'd be keeping a low profile.

My plane has been delAyed again, who knows what is going on.  

Crew shortage.

first crew: sign on, then find a defect. By the time the fault is fixed the crew do not have the duty to do the flight.

reserve crew: already used or none available due to an earlier breakdown

call in crew from a day off: no one wants to come in but more likely very expensive call out fees.

first crew:  now on their compulsory rest period


Edited by OZ930
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Well about to take off 8 hours after scheduled departure.  Check in staff told me it was an engineering issue.  I asked them where they found a spare plane and she mumbled something about Sydney.  I trust the spanner twirlers checked the head studs and chain tensioned and signed off on the ims bearing.

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Have been flying Virgin out of Canberra a lot lately.   I don't think a single flight has left on time.  Even on CAVOK mornings...

Then on Wednesday evening, they boarded us in Sydney, and announced before we'd even all finished getting on, that there was a 45 min delay to taxi due to congestion, and that we'd have to sit there, engines off, waiting. It was clear they knew this when we were boarding.  WHY DID THEY BOARD US???   Then they proceeded to blast us all with extra hot, dry air-conditioning to make sure we all got sick...haha..


Crew shortage.

first crew: sign on, then find a defect. By the time the fault is fixed the crew do not have the duty to do the flight.

reserve crew: already used or none available due to an earlier breakdown

call in crew from a day off: no one wants to come in but more likely very expensive call out fees.

first crew:  now on their compulsory rest period


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Pokemon Go!? 

Dopey f...ers wandering all over the paths and cycle tracks with their heads up their arse playing this stupid game.  I'm trying to avoid crashing into them but I know it's just a matter of time before one gets a bike implant. 

With a bit of luck they'll be facing away from you and your bike won't drop to the ground as it will be neatly parked in the rack.

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Have been flying Virgin out of Canberra a lot lately.   I don't think a single flight has left on time.  Even on CAVOK mornings...

Then on Wednesday evening, they boarded us in Sydney, and announced before we'd even all finished getting on, that there was a 45 min delay to taxi due to congestion, and that we'd have to sit there, engines off, waiting. It was clear they knew this when we were boarding.  WHY DID THEY BOARD US???   Then they proceeded to blast us all with extra hot, dry air-conditioning to make sure we all got sick...haha..



CAVOK on the departure end is not a problem, but the arrival end is where the delay is.  Could be weather causing traffic congestion, due to greater separation requirements, for the arrival.  Last week Sydney was down to one runway due to strong winds which delayed arrivals and departures.

Pilots don't like delays either.  Stuffs their whole day, especially when they have multiple flights and aircraft swaps (which causes further delays all day).

Why they boarded?  I can only guess that they were not aware of the length of delay until after boarding had started or they wanted to relieve the congestion in the terminal.

As for the heat…complain.  They can adjust it.

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I agree and understand everything you said. I was just venting :P 

Now for another vent. This f$_-##_ king forum software. Why does it cache every quote I've ever made? (On mobile). I have to delete huge chunks of redundant text I didn't actually quote (sorry Stu!) And I still can't delete all the quotes...

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I fully agree......it's a PITA!

I agree and understand everything you said. I was just venting :P 

Now for another vent. This f$_-##_ king forum software. Why does it cache every quote I've ever made? (On mobile). I have to delete huge chunks of redundant text I didn't actually quote (sorry Stu!) And I still can't delete all the quotes...

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I agree and understand everything you said. I was just venting :P 

Now for another vent. This f$_-##_ king forum software. Why does it cache every quote I've ever made? (On mobile). I have to delete huge chunks of redundant text I didn't actually quote (sorry Stu!) And I still can't delete all the quotes...

Yeah it's giving me the shit's as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  I just can't get a break! 

'Apparently' I have a fine that was issued 3 months ago for going against a red turn right light, so now its quadrupled in price, or they take my license on Tuesday! First I knew about any bloody fine!!!! I give up

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  I just can't get a break! 

'Apparently' I have a fine that was issued 3 months ago for going against a red turn right light, so now its quadrupled in price, or they take my license on Tuesday! First I knew about any bloody fine!!!! I give up

Write a nice letter explaining your situation.  If you did run the red then fess up, ask for leniency on the late payment citing ignorance of the offence.  Perhaps you'll get lucky and they'll give you a break.  If anything it might buy you time to pay the fine.

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  Have sent a nice email explaining I hadn't received notification of the offence, and wish to pay it upon photographic evidence.  Do the crime, pay the fine, I have no qualms about that at all, yet I'm 98% sure I hadn't received anything in the mail

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  Have sent a nice email explaining I hadn't received notification of the offence, and wish to pay it upon photographic evidence.  Do the crime, pay the fine, I have no qualms about that at all, yet I'm 98% sure I hadn't received anything in the mail

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Towed SWLTDF race car up to Winton on Friday. Mine not running so just her car this weekend. Prepped it ready for the FOS event. She was racing in 2 classes for the weekend. Sat morn qual in the MGs/Invited class and she went ok. Group S qual and she beat her PB by .5 sec so looking good. Race 1 MGs/Invited on lap 1 dropped oil pressure and developed a BIG rattle. Bugger. End of racing. Load it up along with all the stuff you take and tow it home.  And to top it off she drove up in the 911 having a lovely time.

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  I feel your pain mate

  I had my Superbike engine rebuilt in time to run it in, and head to the next meeting. Threw the thing into a borrowed ute after work, and drove to Winton from Adelaide on my own Thursday night, and arrived knackered and slept in the car. Second practise session, I threw it down the road at turn one with a stuck throttle at max rpm in 5th in the pouring rain, and as I tumbled for what seemed an eternity, the bike did too, cartwheeling itself into destruction. It clipped my helmet as it landed and trapped my head underneath as it revved its head off on its side, and that was that.  I've never wanted to stab anyone with a sharp implement until the marshall came up as I'm laying in a puddle and say ' Dude, that was awesome!' 

 Or the time I saved for months, paid to have the bike transported to Queensland Raceway, flights and accommodation. The bike had a new frame and engine, so I had to run it in gently, only for it to implode on the 2nd lap. Game over, shoot me now! Racing sucks when you can't afford it

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